Wednesday, February 26, 2025

PF accuse UPND members of getting foreign funding to mobilise for removal of President Lungu’s Immunity


A clique of individuals within the UPND, in wanting to take advantage of the so-called fight against corruption have clinched a deal with some imperialist organizations and also some funding from the UK meant to push an agenda of removing the immunity of former president Edgar Changwa Lungu, opposition Patriotic Front (PF) has charged.

PF Member of the Central Committee in charge of Information and Publicity Hon Raphael Nakacinda alleged that there are “surrogate labour movement leaders” that have been paid colossal sums of money to propose, without any valid reason to have the immunity of the former president lifted.

Hon Nakacinda said the said people have been fishing everywhere and they are taking advantage of President Hakainde Hichilema’s ignorance by presenting to him things that are actually normal in the operation of government.

He said this when he addressed the media in Lusaka today.

“The recent laughable proposal that has been presented to him is that they took a document which was basically him signing to authorize Ministry of Finance at the time to proceed with taking to Parliament a supplementary budget request which was scrutinized by the then Budget Committee and eventually approved by Parliament,” he said.

“But they are giving President Hakainde Hichilema half information and they agitate him so that he can then give authority or permission for them to run with this so called propaganda whilst the target is the millions of pounds that have been ring-fenced to sponsor the so-called fight against corruption.”

Hon Nakacinda further alleged that the underlining agenda of “that so-called fight against corruption” is that that money will also come to be used to push the agenda of gays and lesbianism.

The MCC challenged the Head of State to prove to the citizens he is not a puppet of the West.

“The judiciary is being reconfigured, set in a manner that individuals will start going to court to start challenging the current Law whether it’s consistent with conventions or indeed what they are calling human rights,” he said.

“First of all, Zambia is a sovereign state and we are to govern ourselves and apply the law as prescribed by ourselves the people of Zambia. This business of having foreign elements to dictate to us on how we should govern ourselves and how we should apply our own laws should come to an end. Mr Hakainde Hichilema, he needs at least for the first time to prove to the Zambian people that he is not a puppet of the West.”


  1. Although Zambians forget easily, it’s difficult to quickly forget how ECL and the PF behaved when in power. There’s a catalogue of questionable decisions that the PF collectively made. Even Mama Inonge had difficulties to defend the US$1.M per wheelbarrow scandal. Edgar was incorrigible, no one could advise him especially after steins of jemasoni. Mr Kasaka ka ndalama. Surely can a sane person attribute the call for lifting of his immunity to some foreign entities? I think Nakachinda has lost it, he’s not in his mind. Edgar closed all doors to those that weren’t shouting ECL2021. He even forced an embarrassing ConCourt eligibility judgement. Sometimes it’s better to be quiet otherwise you’ll annoy a lot of people

    • There is a provision for removal of Presidential immunity in our constitution, and it was put there for a purpose. If need be let us use it ,regardless of where the funds for the exercise will come from, if there are some foreign entities willing to fund the activity, the way they support us with funding for covid,19 ,malnutrition, agriculture even better, so this should not come as a shock, it is perfectly normal to receive assistance for any constitutional development matters which may include removal of immunity

  2. I hope the stripping of Lungu’s immunity will expedite job creation, lower commodity prices, end Zesco outages and appreciate the Kwacha. Please hurry with it.

  3. He knows alot about receiving foreign funding I mean who in the right minds would fund such a campaign what do they get in return!!

  4. Now I am getting annoyed, surely, all the blatant abuse of authority by the PF and the former President’s lax attitude towards corruption (perhaps even aiding it) and his statement that they can steal but not so much, do we need foreigners to intervene?
    The wide voting margin should equally speak volumes about what Zambians want(ed). There were no ‘white imperialists’ voting then.
    Also, our investigate organs should be aware Lungu has a mansion in Eswatini, given as a ‘gift’ by a company that was awarded tenders by the RDA, an office under state house.

  5. Who , and why would anyone need or want to fund a movement to remove lungus immunity ?????

    If these are the opposition UPND are going to face for the next 10 years, expect UPND to rule for atleat 20 years………

  6. Well, we know Nakachinda well enough, politically. He messed up MMD and now he is at it again with PF. The man speaks of and about anything just to sound relevant, who really would take him seriously?

  7. Please don’t slow down Mr. Nakacinda.

    Nobody is checking the excesses of the current administration like you are.

  8. Story izibika. It is also tribally fueled but they won’t manage. Let them bring it on! The upnd are under 5s who cannot manage us. I would tell them to be prepared for the consequences at the next polls because they have nothing to show the people. Mention 0ne thing upnd have achieved since they took over. How much is the dollar if I may ask

    • I remember this full using the same language before elections, mentioning things like they wont manage, they are under 5 until he got the shock of his life and surely he is in shock and grieving and lamenting continuously. The chap does not know or pretending not to know that the dollar moved from K23 to K17, pretending not to know that there is sanity in bus stops and markets, that professionalism has been restored at ZNBC and Zambia Police, that the opposition can now assemble without hindrance, and that there is proper regional balancing in Presidential appointments, and that Zambia will never buy a vehicle called a fire tender at 0ne million dollars ever again

  9. Raphael Nakachinda is right. But for you Kaizar Zulu, when do you stop preaching tribalism because I’m in between. HH is being advised by tribalists and we now all know that. I would wish he can start thinking on his own. We are all Zambians for Christ sake. Where are the professors that were propounding Pythagoras theorems from foreign countries?

  10. De ja vu its the stealing by Lungu and his cronies that has landed us in loss of jobs and current mess we are in. The depletion of resources including eating of our forex reserve is what he’s being held accountable for so that we can recover some of the stolen resources and future presidents may be deterred from stealing in the future. To parliament; Lift his immunity quickly.

  11. Raphael you are a twit. Is this all you can come up with? No wonder the country collapsed under PF with leadership like you. Your accusations are baseless, childish and dumb. How would anyone fund such an effort? Who and how does one benefit from such a campaign? It’s us ordinary Zambians that want Lungu’s immunity to be stripped and we are getting impatient. We want to know who and how much he and you his cronies ate from ‘mwibala’ when you treated zambia like your personal property, your cash cow.

  12. Even if you paid HH to block the removal of lungus immunity, ………

    You would be waisting your money…….

    Removal of lungus immunity is now an unstopable natural process, as sure as the sun raises everyday……..

  13. thieves and beneficiaries of corruption are afraid of removing immunity for their master. AS FOR NAKACHINDA, A BLACK MWANKOLE CANT EVEN REMEMBERWHERE HE FOM, IMI===

  14. But who is stopping upnd from going to parliament and asking for approval to remove ECL’s immunity?
    Just get on with it, twatendwa with the endless yapping!

  15. Where is the evidence, mr Nakachinda? This is just gossip. And stup!d KZ, it took the most incompetent president the country has ever had – yes I mean Edgar China Lungu – ten years to bankrupt the country and only have a massive debt to show for the nothing he achieved, and now you expect UPND to fix it in two months? You really are much dumber than I already thought!

  16. Insults as usual. There surely must be a upnd school of insults. Chishala kateka is very correct. How is it that someone cannot engage in any discushion or debate without insulting? Amazing.

  17. Insults as usual. There surely must be a upnd school of insults. Chishala kateka is very correct. How is it that someone cannot engage in any discussion or debate without insulting? Amazing.

  18. Ignore this opportunist who caused a lot of destabilization and harm to the MMD, the good news is that Zambia is moving forward and will never ever again see a shelter and a booth called a toll gate costing 4.3 million dollars each(Four point three million US dollars), that will never happen again, since we are back to democracy and thanks to UPND, let us allow this PF cadre to lament as much as he can, they are still in mourning after all

  19. We zambians want economy improved, prices of commodities go down, loadshedding out, jobs are created not this unnecessary lifting of immunity. Zambians are waiting for upnd promises. It is getting out of hand. Wake up upnd . Work to develop zambia as above not witch hunting. Move out of the slumber.Revenge will make upnd fail this country. This is a sovereign country we dont need imperialists to control this country. Let us unite this country as the western country are there to milk your minerals and will continue to be beggers. Shame

  20. All we can do is to thank the foreign nations who are trying to help us with this constitutional provision of removal of immunity, the foreign nationals help Zambia in so many ways with balance of payment support and others and removal of immunity should not be strange, in any case they are not saying he is guilty, they are just providing funding, when they support in agriculture, health, education and others it is okay, but it should not be okay on removal of immunity, how

  21. The change that will remain once these foreign entities fund the removal of immunity, we can use it on some former MMD chaps, especially those that were clinging to party vehicles and also getting funding from PF to destabilize the MMD, Everybody must come clean

  22. Whether it will be local or foreign resources to be used, immunity will be lifted, The source of the funding matters less, it is the constitutional exercise we are looking at, don’t destract our attention to that which we have focused on

  23. Nakachinda must just shut up because its a foregone conclusion his thieving messiah’s immunity shall be stripped! Unomwaha munyelile masholi tuni.

  24. Lungu’s immunity must be removed quickly, he has to account to his deeds. We need to set Precedence this time around.

  25. Nkoyani uko na imwe. In any case past practice has taught us that nothing much happens in any case. Ni kuvezana cabe nsoni in the eyes of the public. Most of our previously accused Presidents have had no cases brought to them. If there are things to investigate and they require lifting of immunity, let’s go ahead and do so. Uyu kachinda ango ticita zungo cabe…

  26. This man claims he is offering checks and balances. If these are the checks and balances,

    1. Then I now understand why PF was booted out of power
    2. Then we have no opposition so far in the next 5 years
    3. Then PF is soon to go into oblivion.
    4. Then ECL surrounded himself with dunderheads.


  27. Who says UK is going to fund the removal of Edgar C Lungu’s immunity? Our corprating partners are only helping us in the fight againist corruption, not to Edgar Lungu. This is without precedence. We’ve been helped b4. The fight against corruption is not cheap, especially given the fiscal position we’ve found ourselves in after 10 years of looting by a criminal orgnisation in the name of apolitical party called Power Failure (PF). How can a toll gate cost $4.3 million?, a basic fire truck costing $1 million? It’s not rocket science. That’s looting!! Our cooperating partners helped us build big facilities like New Soweto Market and Nakadoli Market among others. Compared to a toll gate, New Soweto Market cost $9 million!
    Stop joking

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