Monday, March 31, 2025

Zambia remains indebted for the European Union, President Hakainde


President Hakainde Hichilema has said that Zambia remains indebted for the European Union (EU)’s support towards the economy and governance issues which benefit the general citizenry.

Speaking when the EU delegation called on him at State House on Thursday morning, where he stressed his commitment to recover assets lost due to corruption, the president said that his ambition is to improve the economy through the private investment that will spur growth in the long term.

And EU has hailed strides made by Zambia, to reclaim its position as a beacon of democracy in Africa, after peacefully holding the August General Election, in which the UPND Alliance emerged victorious.

The EU said that it is such hope that it intends to strengthen its relationship with Zambia, in areas of democracy, human rights, and economic stability.

EU Ambassador, Jacek Jankowski, said that the EU has been inspired by Zambia’s President, Hakainde Hichilema, to uphold the rule of law, which he says is a pillar of peace, trade, and investment.

Some Ambassadors that comprised the EU delegation, were HE. Francois Goldblatt, France, HE. Antonino Magiore, Italy, HE. Emmanuel Lundin, Political Offficer, Sweden, HE. Pirjo Suomela, Finland and HE. Dr. Anne Wagner-Mitchelle, Germany.


  1. Here we go again….why is this man always praising bazungu…kissing their assss all the time….these bazungu have very bad intentions for all African countries….look at how France is doing to the West African countries and HH thinks they’re good people…..Zambia please next time vote wisely don’t use your emotions to vote like you did August 12th

    • Saulosi ukamba vanzelu maningi. Imwe ba ntamba lukuta ati: President Hakainde Hichilema has said that Zambia remains indebted for the European Union (EU)’s support towards the economy and governance issues which benefit the general citizenry.? Its supposed to be the other way round. Europe took our resources without paying tax for them for 400 years.. Europe enslaved Africans in America and never paid them for 300 years and you want to start grovelling before them. The leadership we have in Africa really needs education!

  2. Keep on pressure on the clique of thieves. The International community now see us as normal and their equals. They wondered why and how a respected people like Zambians voted for a thief and such a misfit as President.

  3. HH MUZUNGU ANIKONDE. One would have thought having studied at UNZA in the 80s and done a masters in the UK, HH would have been wiser about how you relate with westerners. But it looks like he the guy is still NAIVE TO THE CORE. He worships and respects Westerners. He has more regard for them than his own people and fellow African leaders. No little wonder Mnangagwa’s spokesperson calls him A SELLOUT.

  4. #1  Saulosi 
    November 25, 2021 At 2:29 pm

    “Here we go again….why is this man always praising bazungu…kissing their assss all the time….these bazungu have very bad intentions for all African countries….look at how France is doing to the West African countries and HH thinks they’re good people….”

    What are you doing yourself sucking up and working for bazungus where you are ??

    If they are so bad , go back to zambia……?

  5. When does the president work? Can’t some of these tasks be done by his subordinates? This is just meet and greet coffe and cake eating. The country is in need of effective hard work

  6. We Zambians cant do anything for our selves We need the west till we get out of the PF caused debt
    Then we will start living within our means

  7. @Spaka
    Yes definitely I’m going back to Zambia am just here to collect what was stolen and am investing back home……just like many other African diasporans….we all going back home

  8. @Kaizar, today HH worked, he didn’t TRAVEL. He should be working, not going around to fcking Congo!
    The only difference with now is during PF, all those Ambassadors were told to go to State House with $10,000 in CASH, and dropped at “Special Assistant to President, Politics- Kaizar Zulu”. Under HH no one is paying Anthony Bwalya.

  9. @Spaka
    And you should celebrate if this topic gets more than 10 comments….People don’t want to hear about HH anymore….no electricity in Lusaka for the past 9 hours and heavy industrial area in Lusaka west Mungwi road no electricity for 2 days straight

  10. Here goes the UK based troll whose master was always campaigning disguised as “2day working visit” and yet the country regressed bigtime.

  11. Saulosi there’s far more Chinese/Indians in Zambia enslaving your folks yet you only pick on Basungu while slaving in their country? I SAY WELCOME TO THE EU delegation and than you HH for trying to repair the economy.

  12. kikiki, some people, ati I am here to get back what the Bazungus stole and I will go back home….You’re grafting Mudula. Working 9-5 is not taking back what they stole! And I guess the supervisor at work is a muzungu lol

  13. As a sovereign nation, we should only be indebted to our own principles and not those of any other nation. We’ve had too much interference and intrusion in as a people in the past to keep allowing more influence. The EU is never concerned about what Zambians think when they run their affairs, so why must we be concerned about them when we run our affairs?
    When will Africans finally realise that NOT EVERYTHING that White people or Europeans want from us is in our best interest.

  14. “5  Saulosi
     November 25, 2021 At 4:07 pm

    Yes definitely I’m going back to Zambia am just here to collect what was stolen and am investing back home……just like many other African diasporans….we all going back home ”

    Yes Saulosi, go back………..

    bally will look after you………..

    You will find things in order………….

    God bless Zambia and the new GRZ…….



  15. #10 the observer
    November 25, 2021 At 5:00 pm

    “@The Engineer
    Is it HH who produces electricity? Fact is, it is all happening under the watch of Chimbwi No Plan…”

    But just 4 months ago , after spending billions , lungu stood on a podium and said load shedding is over …..??

    And a main thym of the PF archimments is having ended load shedding ?????

    What is going on ? We’re we duped out of billions ?????

  16. The Intelligent and True Leader with a Vision. Some Bloggers make me wonder how Stu.p.i.d and dull they are. YOU bitter PF cadres on this forum will never believe you are out of your Drunken Party. The skies are free LEAVE ZAMBIA and go where ever you will find better Life. What the president is doing, is PLAY SMART TO GET THE DEBT YOUR FO.OLISH LUNG LEFT. HH is doing all this to help Zambians. Unlike Clueless visionless LUNGU who was just doing it to let his crooks steal from ZAMBIAN.

    Well Done Mr. President. Let the Haters die from BP.

  17. People who voted for the kid do not want to admit when their little god faks up. We are not indebted to anyone. The west is indebted to us for our Slave labor, minerals and all other natural resources they have been stealing from us. If you have a president who sinks so low not ashamed of it you need to look yourself in the mirror ask yourself if you are normal.

  18. Musician PK Chishala in his song “Na Musonda” laments about marrying from the village for a town dweller when he says “No kupila kumushi” The case of HH’s MUZUNGU ANIKONDE SYNDROME is that of ” no kukulila ku mushi”. For a man who only came to town because of UNZA, he thinks every white man or woman is to be smiled at. Even when a white man or woman says to him, “you a such a nice man” he would be smiling when they would mean the opposite of what they are saying to him. That is, that “you are either naive or something else”.

  19. #22  kci 
    November 26, 2021 At 7:44 am

    “People who voted for the kid do not want to admit when their little god faks up. We are not indebted to anyone. The west is indebted to us for our Slave labor, minerals and all other natural resources they have been stealing from us. If you have a president who sinks so low not ashamed of it you need to look yourself in the mirror ask yourself if you are normal.”

    Without western aid zambia would collapse in 6 months ……starting with the health system which is 60% donner funded……..

    And for how long are you going to cry about slavery ??? …….

    The Chinese and indians were also enslaved to some level yet you don’t see them crying like you ………

    Grow some balls and take responsibility

  20. Imwe ba ntamba lukuta ati: President Hakainde Hichilema has said that Zambia remains indebted for the European Union (EU)’s support towards the economy and governance issues which benefit the general citizenry.? Its supposed to be the other way round. Europe took our resources without paying tax for them for 400 years.. Europe enslaved Africans in America and never paid them for 300 years and you want to start grovelling before them. The leadership we have in Africa really needs education!

  21. In the nearest future, all these guys with negative views about the ‘New Dawn’ GRZ will be the most loudest singing praises to HH. The country (Zambia) will again soon be amongst the best countries in Africa to visit, invest and live.

    Just watch the space.

    ** A note for Bally and GRZ – cage all those thieving Burs*ds. They don’t respect the presidency and the law, so please don’t allow them to live above the law. You cannot offer amnesty to thieve.

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