Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Finance Minister Dissolves ZRA and National Roads Funds Boards


The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) Boards have been dissolved.

Finance and National Planning Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane has announced the dissolution of the Boards in a statement issued today.

Dr. Musokotwane said the dissolution of the ZRA Board is in accordance with the ZRA Act Chapter 321 of the laws of Zambia, while the NRFA Board is in accordance with the National Road Fund Agency Act number 13 of 2002.

The Minister has further terminated the appointment of the Government appointed Directors on the Development Bank of Zambia -DBZ- Board.

This is in accordance with the Development Bank of Zambia Act, Chapter 363 of the Laws of Zambia.

Dr. Musokotwane has thanked the persons on the listed Boards for their services and wished them well in future.

He said the new boards will be appointed once consultations are concluded.


  1. Are you saying The Zambia Revenue Authority ceases to legally exist?

    What department does the Zambia Revenue Authority fall under?

    I can’t imagine one senator dissolving the Department of treasury.

    IMF did you know this is going to happen?

    You didn’t even bring the issue pansaka . Who does that?

  2. I almost forgot about the hundreds, if not thousands, of MMD campaign bicycles that were found at his farm after RB lost power until I saw a picture of this from the archives. Now I understand his comments about the PF that they shared road construction projects like they were sharing bottles of castle or mosi.

  3. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid. Wow! How Anthony Bwalya came from the backdoor, overlapped and knockout SLUGGISH and SLEEPY established media CRONIES of UPND to become HH’s Right Hand Man & Press Aid.

    Tarino Orange @ 00

    Any chance that your uncle has now landed a job. Even being appointed at the Board of Directors

  4. @ Daniel Chisebwe. You do not understand the difference between Governing boards and Management ? What type of work are you doing in the diaspora – hearding monkeys ? This is normal and these Boards have a life span. And an ***** is already calling the move tribal as if the board members are already announced – who is the new Commissioner General at Z R A ? . A clique of thieves are so scared of vengeance due to their past misdeeds.

  5. The NRF was used by well connected shady contractors and politicians to milk Zambians taxpayers .Kickbacks were the normal thing to do there.

  6. HH was involved in a presidential motorcade on his way home from statehouse 3 days ago– Why are you not printing the story HH was involved in a presidential motorcade on his way home from statehouse 3 days ago– Why are you not printing the story

    HH is putting himself in danger. How long would take renovate Nkwazi House at State House !

  7. You are lost now .This is not the united states of America.The laws and constitutions differ. If the appointment of the boards falls under the Minister, what is wrong with that if the constitution says so?

  8. @#9. I know it’s not the United States that’s why the United States will never borrow from Zambia.

    How many countries send the children to be educated in the United States? That should tell you something.

  9. I took note of the president inaugural speech and his sentiments that we should record in our diaries from day one that he is going to appoint people not based on tribe but based on number one must be a Zambian citizen and must be competent.i must state these firings most people appointed are those aligned to UPND so that’s not what he preached about uniting the country

  10. Now the minister of finance has announced the price increases on fuel and electricity in Zambia , those are , the in reverse popular promises Zambians were promised and the change people wanted, this means more evil things are coming already people tightening their belts, what a liar government we now have Zambia.
    PF was in power and really made Zambians to be subsided but now chipante pante has come everything is falling apart the suffering of Zambians is insured, going back lining up for coupons because people will not have enough to eat as they will have no capacity to buy food.
    Well done new dawn government.

  11. These are the people PF are boasting of still having control of GRZ operations………..

    All those boards of directors that are being dismantled were conduits for PF corruption………..

    Nothing more , put in place to rubberstamp PF corruption even when their bodies were lose making while earning hudge allowances

  12. OK. Now that people can work online look for your best brains in the diaspora. Wenangu can even visit your Board Meetings at their own cost. That is how we are invested in the success of our country. Nizanu izo.

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