Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kampyongo and Six other co-accused persons granted a K50 0000 bail each


The Chinsali Magistrate Court in Muchinga Province has granted former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Six other co-accused persons a K50 0000 bail each.

The seven are jointly charged with the offense of endangering the Safety of an Aircraft contrary to the Safety Aviation acts Chapter 445 of the Laws of Zambia.

Mr. Kampyongo, who is also Shiwangàndu member of parliament with 6 other co-accused persons appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate Julius Malata yesterday and immediately applied for bail after taking a plea.

All the accused have denied the charge.

And Magistrate Malata said bail is granted in recognizance of each accused, provided they bring before the Court required documents within 24 hours.

Particulars of the offence are that on the 2nd of January, 2015 Mr Kampyongo jointly and whilst acting together with 6 others, endangered the Safety of an Aircraft in Shiwangàndu district which is contrary to the Safety Aviation act of the laws of Zambia.

The Seven co-accused persons including Mr Kampyongo have been remanded in custody until formalities of bail conditions are met.

And Speaking to ZANIS in an interview after the court hearing, Lusaka-based Lawyer George Chisanga, who is representing the seven accused persons, said Mr Kampyongo is in good spirits together with the 6 others.

Mr. Chisanga said while applying for bail, he has also negotiated with the court to continue a trial on 17 January 2022.

He added that Mafinga Member of Parliament Robert Chabinga has since signed surety for the former Home Affairs minister.


  1. Hehehehehe…………..

    How many time did we tell kapoyongo that as sure as the sun raises , you will be answerable for your brutality…………

    The former PIG has to come clean on who was behind the police savegry to wards opposition or he too will be losing his pension and assets when he is jailed and sued by victims………..

    After kapoyongo , all other investigations are leading to lungu………the godfather of corruption and cader violence

  2. Exactly how Kampyongo treated Kambwili when he was home Affairs Minister, bundling Kambwili in a police van and transpoting him to Luanshya from Lusaka in the most brutal manner, even denying him the chance to go get his medication from his home before starting off

  3. Case closed….now we know the drill….Kampyongo will never see the inside of Jail…..Jail is for poor People not Politicians

  4. Birds of the same feather flock together. Soon these politicians will create prisons furnished to hotel standards for their friends. Our politicians are perfecting the art of deceit and turning the competition to serve Zambia into a winner takes all.

  5. BA LT KWENA IWE MWEE…. What is K50 0000 ?
    You are FULL of CRAP, busy moderating innocent comments, but you cant proof read the garbage you feed us here? Dedicate your resource to proof reading imwe.

  6. Kampyongo used to be calling the shots and now hahahahaha ….he’s on the other end of the justice spectrum.

  7. Politicians don’t take each other to Jail….it’s all theatrical……I can assure you non of these former PF ministers will be convicted….Jail is for petty thieves like Spaka…..

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