Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dolika Banda is new ZCCM-IH Board Chair


The Industrial Development Corporation has announced the appointment of Dolika Banda as Chairperson of the ZCCM-IH Board.

Ms. Banda is also a Non Executive Director at the CDC Group plc, a development finance institution owned by the UK government.

She is also an independent Non-executive Director at Harith Infrastructure Investment and a Global Ambassador for The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment.

She is the former CEO of African Risk Capacity Insurance Ltd and has held Non-Executive Director positions at Ecobank Transnational and the UK Department for International Development’s Financial Sector Deepening Africa programme.

Daughter to former President Rupiah Banda, Dolika has many years experience in international finance and banking and has worked across the world in Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and the US.

A former Director at the IFC, and a former Regional Director for Africa at CDC Group, Ms. Banda’s involvement in development finance followed a successful career in banking in which she held senior positions at Barclays Bank Zambia in corporate and merchant banking and at Citibank Zambia in financial control, credit, treasury and international relationships.

She holds a Master’s in International Business from Schiller University.

She is the first female Board Chairperson to head ZCCM-IH.

Commenting on her appointment, Ms. Banda says she is honoured to be awarded an opportunity to serve the country through this position saying she does not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead.

ZCCM-IH now has a fully constituted eight-member Board including Directors representing NAPSA, the minority shareholders and the IDC.

Others appointed to the Board are Gregory Kabwe, currently serving as Director – Investment and Debt Management under the Ministry of Finance and National Planning; Moses Nyirenda, the Director Human Resource and Administration at the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development; and Bishop John Mambo who has served in various capacities in the private and public sectors


  1. Dorica Banda is new to mining and doesn’t even live in Zambia, does she? We hv many retired mining executives with expert knowledge of the industry whom the government can easily call on to represent its interests in this vital industry. The board chair should hv gone to someone like that while Dorica would hv been just one of the board members. Anyway, the government knows more than I do and hv their own goals which I’m not privy to.

  2. #1 I beg to have another view. I doubt it is more about knowing how to dig and process copper at that level. It is about making business decisions from expert (technocrat) advice. It all depends on management books we have read. To me she is qualified for the job. And congratulations amai Dolika.

  3. I hv not said she shouldn’t be on the board. I hv questioned her chairing of it whn she’s so new to the industry. Anyway, it’s not critical as the board will no doubt hv technically qualified people to back it up. Besides that, the law doesn’t really distinguish btwn individual board members because these bodies function as a collective.

  4. Well, i like the appointment fir so many reasons. First and foremost, we are giving opportunities to women to lead. secondly she has massive business experience to help revive the company. Thirdly she has enough local and international connections.

  5. More questionable appointments. She is not experienced in that sector and will lead to problems. Also concerning is how she is unmarried at that age. Shows she is not settled or stable

  6. Stop demeaning women based on their marital status unless u apply the same standard to men. Anyway, since shen has sense ever come out of u?

  7. It is interesting to observe that when an Easterner or Northerner is appointed, KZ and his ilk are quiet. The moment another person from the other parts of Zambia associateed with UPND is appointed, regardless of experience and qualification, they are to quick to start the ‘tribal’ howling like dogs during a full-moon night!

  8. The negativists are busy looking for loopholes to disqualify the lady. What has this got to do with the fact that “Rupiah Banda invited HH “or that she daughter of former president or that she unmarried?
    This indicates that our PF colleagues, are off for “NAYs” regardless of what the UPND does. Come on, check the CV, this lady is qualified for this job. But because, most people don’t read, they will just look at the name and jump to commenting.

  9. Dolika is equal to the task. Has the qualifications needed to do the job. A sober and serious character. Love the gender too. Give women a chance!

  10. Best choice. Has nothing to do with the fact that she’s the former President’s daughter. She has all the qualifications needed.To think that a single person doesn’t deserve this job is simply being naive or jelous!

  11. I agree that this is wrong choice. Appointment of people without the necesssary was expertise will lead to the case of Ndola Lime; a monopoly which failed to tick because the Board was signing for projects they have complete no technical understanding.

  12. Pleased to see a woman at the helm of things, but disappointed about her privileged connections. Some people have everything going for them, whilst others have to put up with bare minimums; where is the fairness!?

    #plant a tree now please!

  13. I remember Dolika on znbc programme sponsored by indozambia bank in the early nineties. She came across as intelligent and articulate. I wish her success in these difficult parastatals politico-corporate world. Who are the other board members? How many have a mineral exploration or mining or processing background. Zccm ih has really lost direction.

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