Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Maamba Collieries ready to increase power generation capacity by 100%


Maamba Collieries Limited has said that it is determined to increase power generation at its thermal power plant from the current 300 megawatts to 600 megawatts provided there is support from stakeholders including the government.

The Mining firm’s operations officer David Kumar has said that the necessary infrastructure is ready to undertake this huge expansion programme in power generation.

Mr. Kumar is however happy with the commitment shown by the government to clear the outstanding 400 million dollars owed by ZESCO for electricity supplied.

And Government assured Maamba Collieries that it will continue to foster a conducive environment that will support the mine’s ambitious expansion agenda.

Southern Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa, who was represented by Sinazongwe District Commissioner NCHIMUNYA SIAKOLE, said the Government appreciates the mine’s determination to increase power generation capacity as electricity is critical in supporting economic development.

Meanwhile, to mark its 50th Anniversary, Maamba collieries has spent over 90 million dollars in various projects ranging from the construction of two dams, sinking of 5 boreholes, and provision of computers and textbooks to 10 schools in Maamba.

And company Senior Human Resources Manager BWALI NDAU disclosed that the company has also created over 1500 direct jobs to local people.


  1. Yes, you are now eyeing the removal of subsides………….

    However everyone else is moving away from coal powered electricity generation………

    Too much pollution………

    You should be looking to invest in renuable energy………

  2. Powercuts have increased since the new dark government stole elections through violence and tribal politics. Non of their promises have materialised. Actually the opposite is happening, fuel prices have gone up, cost of living is up and the kwacha is depreciating. Upnd is a party full of faeces

  3. All Investors ready to reap as electricity tarriffs will go up as subsidies going.More
    Investors will come as aresult of true reflective tarriffs without subsidy.But will
    Zambians mange?load shedding will also go.

  4. Who does Zesco pay ..$400 m owed to this company. We need a Public inquiry into the management of Zesco in the last 10 years

  5. These indians should be made to reinvest in sustainable clean energy………

    Instead they want to sell that dirty coal powered energy , for how long ???

    This contract needs looking at………

    GRZ should make it clear that coal powered electricity will be bought from them with a commitment to reinvest in clean renewable energy

    After they have recouped their money spent , let them start re investing in clean sustainable renewable energy, other wise it is Zambians to suffer the effects of pollution

  6. Let me ask. How do subsidies affect an investor? If an item real price is K20.00, the consumer pays K15.00 and GRZ pays the remainder K5.00 hasn’t the investor been paid his full dues? We are aware that price control affects business. Not subsidies….

  7. We rushed to sign climate agreements at the COP26 summit without taking into account the fact that we don’t have capacity to generate clean energy yet.
    Most of our people rely on charcoal and wood and we are nowhere near ready to part with coal.
    The Americans and the Chinese did not sign any agreement because they still rely on coal.

  8. Government should of course pay the outstanding bill – leftover from the horrible thieving Edgar China Lungu government – and then cancel the Maamba contract, because the price is way too high. Plus we need to move to renewable energy.

  9. For maamba colliers to come on board the electricity tariffs will need to be increased. The reason zesco ended up with a $400 million bill is that they used to get electricity at high price from there and sell at a loss to the public just so that they could have votes. Now it’s not sustainable. If zesco had not done that there would not have been any outstanding bill from these pipo.


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