Monday, March 10, 2025

Bus Fares go up by over 30% in some parts of Zambia


The Road Transport and Safety Agency has approved the request by bus operators to increase bus fares.

The approval which is pursuant to Section 108 (11) of the Road Traffic Act number 11 of 2002 follows the consultative meeting with bus operators held on Saturday 18th December 2021.

With this approval, intercity fares have been increased by 55 Kwacha 87 Ngwee, Inter-Mine routes on the Copperbelt by 6 Kwacha 9 Ngwee and local routes on the Copperbelt have gone up by 2 Kwacha 56 Ngwee.

In Lusaka, local routes fares have been increased by 2 Kwacha 56 Ngwee and peri-urban routes by 6 Kwacha 9 Ngwee.

Confirming the development, RTSA Head of Public Relations Fredrick Mubanga said the new fares are effective today.

Below is the full statement


  1. But a bus is not synonymous to Fuel!!

    Commuters don’t jump on fuel. They jump onto buses!

    Fuel is just a component of running a bus, So, any increase in fares shouldn’t exceed 5%, The fuel price has only gone up by 20%!

  2. @1 Desire
    Have you ever heard of cult followers…gullible followers …’re one of them…if HH tells you to drink kerosene and set yourself on fire…am sure you will do it with no hesitation….have you heard of the Uganda doomsday cult headed by Kibwetere and Sister Credonia Mwerinde…

  3. Increase on fuel, is an increase on goods and services
    Any transporter of goods, will have to factor in the cost of fuel in the transportation of goods in Zambia, that is just the way it works
    Meaning ubunga, sugar bread all our daily needs that rely on transport will go up as well

  4. ITS a tribal mindset to to not increase the Lusaka Livingstone route. Why should only the Northern and Eastern corridors bear the brunt of fuel increase belt tightening. Goods and services and cost of living on these corridors will increase while the Southern and western corridors will remain insulated from increased costs. Let’s think one Zambia one Nation in our government thinking and decisions.

  5. please over all the mass positive change that has happen you want to focus one this one . lets not play politics all the time . this fuel increment was meant to happen UPND or PF.


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