Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government Keen To Boost Trade Between Zambia and Angola-Milupi


The government has reaffirmed its commitment to construct the Kalabo-Sikongo road to boost trade between Zambia and Angola.

Speaking during a stakeholder meeting in Mongu, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Minister Charles Milupi said once the road is done, it will boost the economic and social status of Western Province.

Mr. Milupi lamented that despite Western Province being endowed with abundant natural resources, poverty levels still stands at 82.2 percent.

He said there is need to change the situation through government commitment of formulating policies aimed at reducing poverty among the people of Western Province.

Mr Milupi said while the United Party for National Development (UPND) is working on modalities to address the debt the country accrued in the previous regime, it was imperative for the government to critically analyze the needy areas of development.

Earlier, Western Province Minister Kapelwa Mbangweta challenged the people of Western Province to work with the government for the realization of development in the area.

Mr. Mbangweta said the Provincial Administration is geared to work with everyone including the traditional leadership as they are key in steering development for the country.


  1. He looks to be a minister of infrastructure of western province only.Awe these guys u can’t understand their thinking.Watching

  2. Fifty eight years (58) after independence, and yet the Area is not Linked to a next-door neighbouing country – lop-sided development indeed!!!
    The Link 8, 000 Phases ! & 2 were effected In Northern, Luapula , Muchinga, Eastern , Copperbelt, Central et cetera, when is the Third and last Phase 3 to Cover North-Western, Western , Southern Provinces and all to commence???

  3. Moscow,
    But in the last 20 years all ministers of infrastructure worked like they were Katangese Bembastan ministers of thieving and tribal bigotry. The state of the roads in Western province is shameful, its like that place is not part of Zambia. All the guy is trying to do is correct the imbalance.

  4. Business men as ministers only have one thing in their mind. Maybe we should try giving ministerial powers to chiefs. Lawyers, clergy, doctors, kabovas all failed us.

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