Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Raphael Nakacinda released on Bail, urges UPND to get used to truth


The Zambia Police Service has formally charged and arrested PF Member of the Central Committee Raphael Nakacinda for the offenses of Proposing violence and Defamation of the President.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said that this is in relation to the utterances he made during his campaign trail in Chilenje’s Mapoloto area between 6th to 12th January, 2022.

Mr. Hamoonga said that in the message of the alleged offenses contained in the recording which went viral on various social media, Mr. Nakacinda stated that President Hakainde Hichilema and his foreign friends are planning to evict residents of Mapoloto to build a shopping mall.

Mr. Hamoonga said that in the same recording the accused is alleged to have used vulgar language against the President and that s Mr. Nakacinda has since been released on police bond and will appear in court soon.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nakacinda has said that the UPND should just get used to the truth because he will not stop talking.

Speaking after his release and spending the night in detention before he was charged and arrested on alleged defamation of the President and proposing violence during one of his campaign trail in Kabwata, Mr Nakacinda said that has also donated a book to President Hakainde Hichilema titled ‘insoselo namapinda’, which has a collection of bemba proverbs and idioms.

“This book Nindoneta kuli ba President. I will deliver it tomorrow or Monday so that he learns how the Bemba language is spoken,” Hon Nakacinda said.

Mr Nakacinda said Government’s defence towards issues raised should not be harassing citizens, adding that the defence the UPND Government should put up is to lower prices of commodities such a fuel and that President Hichilema’s defence lies in ensuring that the fertiliser scandals are investigated and those involved are brought to book and free education is fulfilled,” he said.

Mr Nakacinda also said that the UPND will not win the Kabwata seat even if they were to change their candidate from a Zimbabwean to a Tanzanian, because the people of Kabwata are speaking for the Zambian people in protest of the increase in fuel, increase in mealie meal prices and many other atrocities the UPND has committed in five months.


  1. While I don’t support Nakachinda’s antics, I feel that the police are falling into his trap. That’s what he wants… attract attention. Prison doesn’t scare certain type of people. To them is just like taking a stroll along Cairo Road. As for threatening violence, I think the police should also pick up the Upnd youth chairman because violence is violence regardless of the source.

    • This Nakachinda chap has been way ward for a very long time, very loose canon. Its just that MMD had no capacity to tame him , These are nonenties who want attention. Unfortunately PF is buried for life. Let him deal with the Police and the courts. Luckily there is nothing wrong the Police are doing, when the Police suspect an offence, they just charge and take to court, and the courts will decide, nothing sinister here

  2. We all saw the utterly disgusting unpalatable insults in vidoes targeting the opposition the PF caders were posting during the run up to elections……..

    That is what these PF politicians will be doing if left unchecked ………

    Zambia will become a country of dirty insults ……….

  3. We need to remove ‘insult’ and ‘defamation’ from our laws. It is adequate to use fighting words or hate speech as a basis for prosecution after that. Also, those insinuating that Zambians must not use one language’s idioms to address those of another I say, suck it up; we must not translate the phrase; we must seek to understand the interpretation. This is why some texts lose meaning when translated – worse if these texts are parables, idioms, or sayings.

  4. Police Kajoba, Ray Haamonga and all of you overzealous ones TEKENI AMATAKO PANSHI.

    Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi!
    Ati iyo watuka Police. Mmmmmmh tebange ili? Ifye kumwesu tensele.
    “Imiti ikula empanga” ati awe, wanjita Mukula tree wantuka. Mmmmmh!
    “Imiti ipalamene taibula …”
    “Cimbwi afwile, …”
    “Supu yachipuba, …”
    “Uwakanwa, ….”
    Unless the instructor of the charge is bemba, this is going nowhere.
    This is tribal arrest in and around itself. Mupele “Icibemba nensoselo shaciko”

  5. Police Kajoba, Ray Haamonga and all of you overzealous ones TEK.ENI A.MAT.AKO PANSHI.

    Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi!
    Ati iyo watuka Police. Mmmmmmh tebange ili? Ifwe kumwesu tensele.
    “Imiti ikula empanga” ati awe, wanjita Mukula tree wantuka. Mmmmmh!
    “Imiti ipalamene taibula …”
    “Cimbwi afwile, …”
    “Supu yachipuba, …”
    “Uwakanwa, ….”
    Unless the instructor of the charge is bemba, this is going nowhere.
    This is tri.bal arrest in and around itself. Mupele “Icibemba nensoselo shaciko”

  6. Police Kajoba, Ray Haamonga and all of you overzealous ones TEK.ENI A.MAT.AKO PAN.SHI.

    Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi!
    Ati iyo watuka Police. Mmmmmmh tebange ili? Ifwe kumwesu tensele.
    “Imiti ikula empanga” ati awe, wanjita Mukula tree wantuka. Mmmmmh!
    “Imiti ipalamene taibula …”
    “Cimbwi afwile, …”
    “Supu yac hi.puba, …”
    “Uwakanwa, ….”
    Unless the instructor of the charge is bemba, this is going nowhere.
    This is arrest in and around itself. Mupele “Icibemba nensoselo shaciko”

  7. Bwafya uyu umulumendo! What has this got to do with UPND? Face us Zambians, apparently who include partisans and non-partisans like me.

  8. A Bemba elder has advised that idioms containing insults were not used anyhow in the bemba kingdom, so Zambians should not allow a wayward character like Nakachinda to exhibit his usual negative character in society even in the MMD before he was kicked out to be insulting others disguised as idioms, I hope the courts lock the fellow up and transport the key to his cell to the indian ocean for good

  9. Cant the elders where Nakachinda comes from, sit him down and help him. We cant expect PF to counsel him because PF have a very distinct proven record of lawlessness

  10. Even shocked with Diamond TV who were relating Nakachinda’s insults to Chumbu Mushololwa, but chumbu mushololwa had no anatomy of a person mentioned, and they also misled themselves further by saying the man was only saying an idiom, and who is cheating them that an idiom can never be an insult, a guy decides to insult in satirical manner, then spineless little souls want to launder the insult, no ways, cage the chap

  11. Deluded dupe Raphael Nakacinda thinks he’s making an impact politically. He’s being driven by the money he made during the PF campaign for the 12 August 2021 elections. For the lucky few it was raining in money itself, wasn’t it?

  12. Has any one ever heard Nakachinda saying when PF comes to power this is how we will sort out the unemployment problem in the country. This guy cannot come up with any constructive rebranding strategy of PF, and he is the head of their information department, why not just make him head of insults and vulgarities in the PF

  13. The police are also caught within the fracas to look irrelevant, you can’t arrest someone on simple reasons which is not going anywhere. What nakachinda said is not an insult at all.

  14. I think the courts will most likely cage Nakachinda because I remember such cases is what Kabusha used to call umulandu uwatambalala wino wino sana. Insults guised as idioms

  15. Zambia is a Christian nation, there should be no room for insults disguised as bemba idioms. There is no single verse in the bible encouraging idioms

  16. The name says it all, HAmoonga. We know he has tribal loyalty to that useless under 5 who thinks he is better than the entire country. He refuses to live at state House all because of pride. As the saying goes, f00Is with pride die.

  17. Citizens, prepare charges and record incidences of abuse of office now for Kajoba, Ray and ACC’s Queen for the future. Some of these guys need to rot in jail. Those positions are extremely important not to be in the hands of incompetents.
    Even a blind guy can tell that this is Abuse of Office.
    These investigators need investigation too some day like Pharaoh’s Braggadocio observes in one of the columns on this platform.
    Important observation.

  18. What’s wrong with our law enforcers??? You cannot be charging in, to arrest people every time they utter stupid stuff! People utter lots of rubbish about their leaders; it comes with the job. What you shouldn’t do, is arrest them! Pursuing every little issue with citizens, is a waste of money, & futile in the end!

    #plant a tree please!

  19. Can an idiom be an insult or NOT?
    Can Nakachinda or CK tell Chief Chitimukulu in the face, the same idiom that he used against HH, and if Chief Chitimukulu will not be offended…then we can talk. Otherwise, cage that loose canon !!! Period. He is being disrespective.
    And I think he is beyond the control even within PF, Unfortunately, the Mundubilas, and the Given “low life” Lubinda, are NOT able to tame or contain him. Just look at their speeches, they said nothing about the DoP, they only talked about giving their support to Nakacinda, which tells alot. If they were convinced, Nakacinda was INNOCENT in this matter, they would have definitely commented, which was NOT the case. Please check their BODY LANGUAGE when Nakacinda is talking, shows they are NOT confortable with his…

  20. UPND doing good things, those who wasted our time for ten years can’t stomach it and just resorting to insults sugar coated as idioms.

  21. #14  Kaspar 
    January 15, 2022 At 10:47 am

    “Has any one ever heard Nakachinda saying when PF comes to power this is how we will sort out the unemployment problem in the country. This guy cannot come up with any constructive rebranding strategy…..”

    Spot on……….

    In serous countries , such characters are silenced very quickly…………

    He has absolutely nothing to offer Zambians except contraversy

  22. @ 21 above – Making comparison between Mr HH & the Chitimukulu is to confuse yourself! Mr HH is an elected politician, put where he is by the people; who can also remove him if they so wished! He is employed by citizens, & answerable without quibbles. The Chitimukulu’s position is hereditary – and as per our culture, you couldn’t rebuke him either! Doing this, would be sacrilegious. The Chitimukulu draws more deference than a politician. So, I’m afraid the comparison is dead in the water! It’s like comparing Queen Elizabeth of England to the Prime Minister!

    #plant a tree please!

  23. @ Zennia,
    My question was, whether that Idiom used by naKacinda was an insult or not? CK says it’s a Bemba idiom which is NOT an insult.
    Your response somehow proves it’s an insult depending on who you direct it to, just as the queen or Chitimukulu can get offended, it was an insult in itself to the Office Of the President, which deserves the respect. So dont say it was not an insult.
    Once we have accepted that its an insult, the seconday question is then, should Hakacinda be locked up for uttering those words, which should be a separate debate. Its absurd to DENY that, it’s not an insult. Campaign is over, Nakacinda should use Parley, if he need change, and not using streets.


  25. @21 above – Thank you, for the sensible debate! Nevertheles, I strongly believe these sorts of silly utterances, shouldn’t justify arrest. Ignore them and they will die a natural death!

    #plant a tree please.

  26. @21 above – Thank you, for the sensible debate! Nevertheles, I still strongly don’t believe these sorts of silly utterances should justify arrest. Ignore them and they will die a natural death!

    #plant a tree please.

  27. Nakachinda must learn that disturbing a hornets nest is inviting to be stung and while tricksters will egg him on to boldly carry on with his attention gimmicks, the day things turn very sour for him he will look back and find nobody standing ready to back him! The elders use adages to highlight a situation and its weight! @ Jemujo and General Kanene the adages infused with “insulting” words are very rarely used and only so when for mature dignified purposes! For a diverse background population that makes up Zambia one has to be careful in adage usage especially if it is of borrowed nature from across ethnic groupings! Split Raphael’s surname and to some tribes it becomes a full sentence tied especially to egoistic matafe (tough guys)!

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