Friday, March 28, 2025

Minister of Youths and Sports Orders the Beneficiaries of Empowerment funds to start paying back


Youth, Sports, and Arts Minister Elvis Nkandu have directed that artistes that benefited from the Youth Empowerment Loans to start paying back with immediate effect.

Mr. Nkandu says failure to pay back as agreed will result in the government taking measures to recover the money that was loaned to the artistes.

Speaking during a press briefing at his office in Lusaka today, Mr. Nkandu said investigations by the Drug Enforcement Commission -DEC- and his Ministry have shown that some beneficiaries were faking receipts so that they could collect cash instead of equipent which was supposed to be given to them.

He said the decision to direct the immediate repayment is NOT targeting at artistes that had political affiliation but is necessary as the grace period has elapsed.

And Mr. Nkandu has also clarified that the disbursement of fuel tankers will be done on merit and Cooperatives will be scrutinized.

He said Cooperatives should have membership of not less than 30, with members aged between 18 and 35. Mr. Nkandu has also disclosed that application forms will be given at his office and Provincial administration offices across the country.

He said his Ministry will also advertise in all media spaces tomorrow for oil marketing companies that wish to be incorporated in the disbursement of the fuel tankers.

Mr. Nkandu also disclosed that his Ministry has so far recovered over 2 million Kwacha from beneficiaries under the youth empowerment program.


  1. The only musician in Zambia that had sold records and shows was Paul Ngozi. Ngozi used to undertake Zambian tours in the late seventies. His earnings for the tours were published in the papers. In 1978, he made not less than K50,000.00 for each show on the tour.

    These current musicians with no original music, always coping Americans cannot sale their music and now it has come to light that they depended on borrowed public funds. I always wondered how they could monetise this fake music .

  2. So, politics aside: what were the terms of these loans? Fraud aside: how long are these installments and when do they actually begin? How many of those fraudulent contractions are before law enforcement? Nifunsa cabe because these salient points are nowhere to be seen in reports.

  3. Warned Zambians elsewhere, this is how every upright government functions. Recover, collect and earn revenue to enable it provide social services to its citizens. The UPND government is symptomatic of any future Zambian government. Those who fail to log to this novelty will fall off (die)

  4. You are wasting your time chasing after these funds as these people some being PF officals girlfriends dont even have a a matress to sleep on to their name. PF regime was very reckless this is money they should have been investing schools for our young ones.

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