Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND’s Free Education policy is a scandal and total disaster-Nakacinda


Patriotic Front Member of the Central Committee in charge of information and publicity Raphael Nakacinda has said that the UPND’S free education policy is a scandal and total disaster.

Addressing journalists in Lusaka today, Mr. Nakachinda said President Hichilema and his team should be ashamed to say they are implementing a free education policy.

Mr. Nakacinda said teachers and school administrators have stressed because of the hot potato was thrown on their laps in the name of free education.

“Their lies have been exposed. Most parents diverted the money meant for school fees to other needy areas, especially with the disastrous agriculture season that has been mismanaged by the UPND in terms of FISP and other requirements,” Mr. Nakacinda said.

“Most parents are shocked that they are going to schools and finding that they need to pay a number of fees including the mandatory buying of uniforms from the respective schools because schools now have to find avenues of raising funds for operations. The government has not released enough funds and are now directing parents and teachers to the CDF as a mean through which to implement the free education policy.

And Mr. Nakacinda said instead of traveling to South Africa to launch a book written by his friend, President Hichilema should have stayed in the country to ensure that the free education policy is implemented successfully.

“The UPND’S free education policy is a disaster and a scandal. President Hichilema and all those responsible should be ashamed to say they are implementing the free education policy,” Mr. Nakacinda said.


  1. Basically speaking education has always been free. Money paid are for PTA functions. Teachers are paid by Government, text books are provided by Government. Private school teachers are paid from contributions by parents or guardians of students. The PTA fees go to extras like buying fuel for school buses, buying sports kit etc for the school. I hope uniforms will also be banned because some parents can’t afford these especially shoes.

  2. A number of pronouncements made before research and planning – cipante pante.
    Free education always sounds good but the implementation thereof. With free education, demand for school increases and this demand puts pressure on limited infrastructure. At an average desk, if in the past it used to accommodate 2 to 3, you now have 4 to five pupils. Meaning you cannot increase the space of a classroom but the number of desks which again can’t fit in a limited class room. With Zambia’s surging population, more classes needed to be built at a school again with limited school space. Is baal fixing it or is he being fixed?
    Talk ooh talk, isn’t it better to be stressfree by going to launch a pal’s book than fix the…

  3. Cumbu munshyololya baal, must be told that you can’t offer quality education in an overcrowded classroom. This dimension puts enormous stress on a teacher and in this advent of Covid-19, the practice of overcrowding pupils puts them in arms length. No one Zambian will tell this administration that free education is bad but we needed to build capacity. Capacity in terms of expanding resources; infrastructure -classes and schools, and human resource.
    That right there is a spoiler politics always plays similar to FTJ’s job creation policy in parastatals that ended up over-employing even when it was apparent that those firms would not accommodate the surge, in the end, poor performance. Politicians have narrow perspectives. Baal’s policy is…

  4. We are being ruled by liars who are now behaving like Nwau dancers because of so many lies they have told. No coordination and no retherm. Then the under five thought he will continue lying to Zambians when he travelled to SA. HH should know that SA democracy is more transparent than that of Zambia. SA did not want to have anything to do with HH’s lies. SABC is not like ZNBC whose news goes to State House first before being presented.

  5. This nakachinda ***** doesn’t have simple brains to comprehend anything basic… no wonder the Zambian people voted out his party of thieves

  6. #2  This Thorn in the Flesh 
    January 28, 2022 At 8:06 am

    “……..At an average desk, if in the past it used to accommodate 2 to 3, you now have 4 to five pupils. Meaning you cannot increase the space of a classroom but the number of desks which again……..”

    That’s like the white boers complaining that they had jobs guaranteed before black majority rule………….

    Atleast no child has an excuse to not go to school………..

    Things will equalise soon………….

  7. Benson go and sit your tiny balls down. You think with your tribe you maggot. Next time you visit zambia I will baptise you with slaps


  9. UPND is on course, very different from PF which cheated us with more money in our pockets, alas there was nothing for ten years

  10. Talk ooh talk, isn’t it better to be stressfree by going to launch a pal’s book than fix the mess of free education baal? Tulipano.

  11. Kwena chi mayo nachwechi, chipuba. Kabili tachasambilila. Lungu alefibikafye kwati fimabwe. Nafyo ati twalikwato bongo kanshi mensifye mumitwe. Awe kwena.

  12. Same as marrying without a house and job or business. Build capacity first is the most brilliant take home. Thorn, you remind me of the chiluba era with the employment policy in parastatals. It was cr@zy.
    But we wish the mole in state house good luck nevertheless.

  13. PF, please get people like the Kan’gombes, young vibrant chaps, these Nakachindas brought MMD down, don’t expect good fortunes from them. Learn quickly

  14. The biggest disaster was PF. Please focus on PF and speak for PF only. All other Zambians will speak in 2026 August election. Useless chap has nothing to do. I suggest you get a real job – even at Znbc since you like talk a lot.

  15. Checks and Balances means you offer constructive criticism, not criticizing everything your friends are doing when you failed to do it while in government.

  16. Doesn’t most Zambians fell embarrassed when this guy speaks. As a black man I do. He comes across as a total *****. The whole world has access to this, what do you think they think of Africans and Zambians?

  17. Most of us in PF don’t want Nakachinda and Bowman, these MMD guys made us loose elections. Our leaders should hear from us the grass roots, if this does not change going forward we will have no choice but to join the 2.8 million. this plea from most parts of Zambia seems to be falling on the same deaf ears we had in PF before August 12. Zambians don’t take these people serious, Appears there are no lessons learnt

  18. Free education was tried from 1964 to 1991.It came to an end in 1991 because it delivered poor quality of education.The problem was funding.The government could not adequately fund the schools normally.Those who aspire and ascend to power as usual won’t care what they offer to the poor masses at the end,as long as they can convince the electorate to vote for them at any cost.They themselves know very well that when they are voted into position of power they wouldn’t send their children to government schools, but to send their children to pursue education abroad.They have the means at their disposal.They would afford to pay the high cost of educating their children abroad. As usual because of the thirst to get rich by the few,privatisation of companies in Zambia in the 1990s witnessed the…

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