Friday, October 18, 2024

Gender Based Violence cases reduce in the last quarter of 2021-Zambia Police


The Zambia Police Service says it has recorded a reduction in Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases in the last quarter of 2021.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said during the Fourth Quarter of 2021 a 7.4 % reduction was recorded in reported GBV cases compared to the same period in 2020.

Mr. Hamoonga disclosed that a total of 7,920 cases of GBV were reported countrywide during the Fourth Quarter of 2021 compared to 8,557 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases recorded in the Fourth Quarter of 2020 showing a reduction of 637 cases translating to 7.4 %.

He said police data indicates that 1,814 child victims were abused countrywide representing 22.9% of all the victims of Gender Based Violence.

“A total of 7,920 cases of Gender Based Violence were reported Countrywide during the Fourth Quarter of 2021 compared to 8,557 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases recorded in the Fourth Quarter of 2020 showing a reduction of 637 cases translating to 7.4% reduction. Out of 7,920 reports, 4,948 were criminal cases while 2,972 were non-criminal reports translating to 62.5% and 37.5% respectively. The 2021 Fourth Quarter Gender Based Violence Disaggregated Data indicates that 1,814 child victims were abused countrywide representing 22.9% of all the victims of Gender Based Violence. Out of the 1,814 children, 1,342 were girls representing 74% while 472 were boys representing 26%of all abused child victims respectively,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

“4,790 women and 1,316 men were abused countrywide representing 60.5% and 16.6% respectively. In terms of gender vulnerability, a total of 6,132 women and girls representing 77.4% while 1, 788 men and boys representing 22.6% were abused during the period under review countrywide. Under forms of violence in the criminal data category, the highest reports filed were under Physical Violence with 3,055 Physical abuse cases translating to 61.7%, 881 Sexual Offences translating to 17.8%, 728 Economic Violence translating to 14.7% and 272 emotional abuse translating to 5.5%,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

He said Lusaka Province recorded the highest GBV reports totaling to 1,004 followed by Copperbelt with 928 GBV reports.

“Lusaka Province recorded the highest GBV reports totaling to 1,004 translating to 20.3%, followed by Copper belt with 928 GBV reports translating to 18.8%, Airport Division recorded the lowest number of GBV reports with 15cases translating to 0.3%. Others are Central Province recorded 684 reports translating to 13.8%, Eastern Province 563 reports translating to 11.3% Western Province 543 cases translating to 10.9%, Mchinga Province 380 cases translating to 7.7%, North-Western Province 318 cases translating to 6.4%, Southern Province with 203 cases translating to 4.1%, Northern Province 190 cases translating to 3.8%, Luapula Province 78 cases translating to 1.5% and Tazara Division with 42 cases translating to 0.8%,” Mr. Hamoonga said.

“The 2021 Fourth Quarter Crime Statistical Report indicates that 6,840 victims and offenders were counseled in police Stations countrywide. Out of which 4,787 were criminal cases comprising 3,090 victims and 1,697 offenders while 2,053 were non- criminal reports. Out of the 4,787 counseled in the criminal case category, 2,007 were female victims, 602 girl victims, and 331 victims were men while 150 victims were boys. Out of the 1, 697 offenders, 1,108 were females, 303 girls, and 181 men while 105 were boys,” he said.

Mr. Hamoonga added:”Under Physical Abuse, during the period under review, the country recorded 3,055 cases translating to 62% of all the criminal reports made. Out of these, 2,228 were women translating to73%, 540 were men translating to 18%,152 were boys translating to 5%, while 135 were girls translating to 4% of all the criminal reports made compared to 2,369 cases in 2020 showing an increase of 686 cases translating to 28.9% increase.”

“Out of 3,055 Physical Abuse cases, 2,691 Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (O.AB.H) cases were recorded country wide representing 88%. Out of the 2,691 Assault OABH cases, 2,179 were females translating to 81%, while 512 were men translating to 19 %.”

“During the period under review, the country recorded 2,691 Assault OABH cases compared to the Fourth quarter of 2020 in which 2,049 cases of Assault OABH were recorded showing an increase of 642 translating to 31% increase,” he concluded.


  1. “…..Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said during the Fourth Quarter of 2021 a 7.4 % reduction was recorded in reported GBV cases compared to the same period in 2020….”

    Yes , the culprits knew the their acts of free violence was ending with the ending rule of lungu who pardoned and entertained wife beaters and rapists and had a violent thug as political advisor………..

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