Monday, March 24, 2025

Mining in the Lower Zambezi National Park goes to the Constitutional Court


An Environmentalist Robert Chimambo has asked the Constitutional Court to order that Mining in the Lower Zambezi National Park is a violation of the Constitution.

Mr. Chimambo has also asked the court to command the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) to withdraw the approval of the Environmental Impact Statement dated May 7, 2021 for being in breach of the Constitution.

The petitioner also wants the Constitutional Court to order that freedom of Environmental Information is a Constitutional right in Zambia.

This is according to a petition filed in the Constitutional Court.

In this matter, Mr. Chimambo has sued the Attorney General as the first respondent and ZEMA as the second respondent.

In his petition, he has argued that it is his constitutional duty as a citizen to protect the Environment and urged the court to speed up the process of hearing his case.



  2. Every Tom, dick and Harry is rushing to
    Concourt.Let them put extra judges so that
    Judgment can be passed in days then waiting for months.As we still await the outcome of MPs case.

  3. If only HH did not tell so many lies just to get into office.

    Even Forest 27 is still standing.

    His fight against corruption is just window dressing.

    What a missed opportunity by Zambia.

    When is 2026?

  4. Mining in Lower Zambezi has to go on.

    UPND administration It’s time to show leadership and give your generation and coming generation something to celebrate about. Technology is there for us to use, and coexist with nature.

    The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

    Then we might say through President HH leadership, the legislature swiftly approved $??? million or Billion to support Lower Zambezi Mining.

  5. UPND administration It’s time to show leadership and give your generation and coming generation something to celebrate about. Technology is there for us to use, and coexist with nature.

    The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

    Then we might say through President HH leadership, the legislature swiftly approved $??? million or Billion to support Lower Zambezi Mining.

  6. UPND administration give your generation and coming generation something to celebrate about. Technology is there for us to use, and coexist with nature.

    The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

    Then we might say through President HH leadership, the legislature swiftly approved $??? million or Billion to support Lower Zambezi Mining.

  7. The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

    Then we might say through President HH leadership, the legislature swiftly approved $??? million or Billion to support Lower Zambezi Mining.

  8. Mining in Lower Zambezi has to go on.

    UPND administration It’s time to show leadership and give your generation and coming generation something to celebrate about. Technology is there for us to use, and coexist with nature.

    The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

  9. The Entity that’s going to develop Lower Zambezi they just need to show the pocketbook, from that we can tell if it’s going to work or not. Just show us the money or line of credit and who’s backing them.

  10. This is the way to go not some so called environmentalist who show there angers on newspapers. It is a matter of expediency, shall we continue to borrow while we have natural resources or can we use what we have in a prudent manner to uplifting our nation, which one is more rewarding? I think we have begged enough, times are changing, we’ll soon not benefit from these resources, oil is slowly phased out. Let us think wise.

  11. I know understand why you are “egghead”! We just discovered an alot of gold in mwinilunga, what has changed if I may ask? The are already mining it but not even the currency has improved meaning even if we mined the lower Zambezi we shall still go to IMF. I will only support the mining of the lower Zambezi if the Government said it will immediately cut off Borrowing from anyone including IMF

  12. Mr. President you have very much disappointed the Zambian Youth and people !!! What made you change your mind ?? to conclude such a bad decision.
    Withdraw that Mining Permit immediatly and stop the corruption rot !!
    The world is watching what the NEW President of Zambia has promised , but
    it is already a false decision you are showing. You lost the TRUST of the people of Zambia . You dont care about them !!!!
    The power of the Zambian people is far stronger than the people in power !!!!!!

  13. There a risk both in capital being invested and reputation for the Investors and Investments being made there When Investing and when investors are willing to buy on and invest in these resources ESGs are considered essentially important and therefore for this Investments to succeed and become a longlasting minning operations it must meet the ESGs because it. Will eventually prove difficult to raise capital and sell it’s commodities in global markets because buyers and capital firms will require meeting ESGs That is why it’s futile to ignore those ESGs because it’s a costly business excirse in minning value chains global

  14. There’s no need to go to court on this matter, it’s a waste of time. As long as the mining company has a valid mining license this case won’t get anywhere. It’s Government that must be petitioned to revoke the license and that will close the matter. However, Chief Mpuka is on record as having called for the speedy settlement of these matters so that mining can commence because it’ll benefit his chiefdom. This is the reason why a public hearing must be called to address concerns of all stakeholders

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