Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Did HH’s Corruption, or the Arrest of KBN Chanda Open Sishuwa’s Eyes? Is Joe Biden and the American Embassy Next?


By Kapya Kaoma

Dr.Sishuwa Sishuwa’s eureka moment about President HH’s poor governance is laughable except for the role he played in creating the monster Hichilema has become. Upon being sworn in, HH pledged to promote democracy, human rights, erase cadres from Zambian politics and fight corruption. HH smiled when US President Joe Biden insulted Zambia to the world. But when HH became authoritarian, autocratic, a god of lies and a leader of a terrorist network of UPND thugs, blind loyalty made it impossible for Sishuwa to speak truth to power! In his post-Lungu Presidency writings, Sishuwa was mute to Hichilema’s nepotism, and cronyism. As Ballyterrorists attacked innocent citizens and beat civil servants, like the President, he remained mute! Is it Ms. Chanda’s leaked audio about HH’s corruption or her arrest, which has made Sishuwa see the light?

We shouldn’t mix these two issues–the arrest of the journalist, and the contents of the audio. As embarrassing, insulting and inhumane Ms.Chanda’s arrest is, and even if charges are dropped due to growing pressure, the President’s alleged role in the conspiracy to undermine democracy is at the heart of Zambia’s future. Sean Tembo and Civil Society leaders who think an apology from HH will resolve this saga are misled. HH is corrupting democracy. In fact, his behavior is akin to Putin and Trump–the goal is to murder the very system that brought him into power.

Each time we speak about Ms.Chanda, it is a good day for HH. It distracts the attention from HH’s corruption to the journalist, the case over which the President has total control. Should Ms.Chanda be sentenced to prison, HH would pardon her. On the other hand, HH can easily ask his AG to have her charges dropped as soon as today. Either way, HH gains the political capital of protecting Press freedom. So the longer the case goes on the better–it kills the contents of the audio in the memory of Zambians.

The President knows Ms. Chanda committed no crime. After all, she is not the first journalist to publish a leaked audio in Zambia or even under the HH Presidency. Neither is she under Mr. Kajoba’s tenure as Inspector General of Police. In September 2021, a sensitive leaked audio surfaced of the phone discussion between Mr. Kambwili and then Bank of Zambia Governor Mvunga concerning the $30 million Bond. Again, in October 2021, another highly sensitive leaked audio from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) surfaced. This time, it was about then Acting Director General Rosemary Khuzwayo pushing her investigators to arrest Dr. Chitalu Chilufya on the alleged corruption crimes.

Why didn’t the Inspector General of Police employ the Cyber Act in both cases if he believes it is a crime? Mr. Kajoba is only protecting his Capos from global embarrassment–the Corruption fighter is the real Capos of Zambia’s corruption. Across the globe, authentication is not done by arresting the journalist, but by following the evidence contained in the audio. In addition to voice recognition software, the Police should be interviewing the Registrar of Societies, Mr. Nshindano, Mr. Ngoma and Akafumba, as well as checking their phone records including the existence of the said letter. These facts would authenticate the validity of the audio and its content. It is on the President and his co-conspirators to disapprove the audio’s contents by allowing a transparent investigation. This won’t happen–for HH knows that Ms.Chanda’s audio is the truth! But he is upset that she allowed the world to hear it.

The President thought his honeymoon with the independent media was everlasting. So as cases of HH’s corruption continue to surface, attacks on the media will increase. It is not by coincidence that on January 17, 2022, HH claimed that “the clique [of thieves] is using the media to divert the attention from the recovery of what they stole from the Zambian people.” Are some of his endless and senseless foreign trips meant to bury the evidence knowing too well that Journalists will soon open the cans of worms?

Ms. Chanda’s arrest is one attempt to deflect serious national discourse on President Hichilema’s corruption of apolitical public officials. How do we trust the Police, the Courts, the ECZ, the ACC, ZRA and government institutions under the New Dark Regime ? Trust in civic officials cannot be repaired by an apology–something that may vindicate Nakacinda’s claims about the ConCourt Judges being bribed by the President. In short, rather than focusing on a professional journalist, the audio has more value to the future of the HH Presidency. HH knows it, hence the attempts to distract us with the arrest. As for his attack dogs, they want the source of audio for retribution, which is an act of abuse of power. President HH can only inhumanely dismiss this scandal as “hearsay,” if the suffering of Ms. Chanda brings him joy. Yet she did a great job of alerting the nation to the President’s corruption behind closed doors. This is what great investigative journalists do across the globe.

President Hichilema is the most Powerful person in Zambia, but his humanity is becoming smaller and smaller due to his own deception. Crowds of political cadres will always be there as long as you hold the national purse. One day, he will realize that like his once faithful prophet Sishuwa, Zambians have lost confidence in him. I hope it won’t be like watching another Donald Trump ex–except that Joe Biden and the American Embassy may continue to believe what he says, but blind to what he does.

As for me, I am here to watch.


  1. Continue Mudslinging, meanwhile P.F passed away in Kabwata @ 0400am, after a long illness, despite promises of a recovery months ago In Kaumbwa Eastern Province.
    Funeral gathering is at General Banyala’s House & burial arrangements to be announced soon.
    Payipa pano!

  2. Yywwwoooonnnnn……..

    All garbage, rubbish………did not bother reading

    Just saw the name , knew same crap, different day……….

  3. Dr Sishuwa is by far and away the most lucid and eloquent political commentator on Zambian political affairs at work today, at home or abroad. I don’t think he was ever a prophet of HH7, as Mr Kaoma claims. I have followed the Doc from the days of President RB, and have observed that he criticises the bad actions of whoever is in power. He lambasted RB, MCS and EL. This makes some people assume that he, by default, supports the opposition. I don’t think so. If anything, he has been consistent. His analysis of HH’s 100 days in office was critical but very good.

  4. This Kapya guy has so much hatred for HH.PF is gone just accept that.If they used feed you find something else to do than writing nonsense.I guess you are not in Zambia cause us we are enjoying at the moment under one HH our Presiddent.We have peace.
    Where were you when pf were buying fire trucks and ambulances…
    Where were you when people were giving themselves tenders for roads which are now dilapidated…
    Where were you when Kampyongo was busy gasing people mu compound…
    where you when pf used to brutalize people….using the police

    Kapya please sober up we are not fools.I guess this is a story of being educated beyond your intelligence…you start believing in all the nonsense you write..

  5. The lost author, Kapya Kaoma, at it again spewing out bile! Sir, be careful of what you say, how you write about HH. he is no longer an ordinary citizen. He is republican president.
    You can criticize HH, but do it in a manner that does not put you at odds with the law of defamation.

    Did not bother reading the whole article, first paragraph and comments above showed its not worth wasting time on it.

  6. Ooooh, it’s that bitter PF tribalist masquerading as a journalist again?

    Too bad your Party of crooks got whacked again in Kabwata..

  7. Ten years of HH rule of up to 2031 will make Kaoma sick, look at Kabwata, what’s your say. Chill bro, 10 years will be too much for you if you start whining, complaining and offering bitter critisms now. Chill………….. missing freebies from PF???????????, kkkkkkkkkkk.

  8. @Lucy Banda. You are right! Sishuwa is very consistent in his checks and balances. He can be compared to John Sangwa, they speak the truth irrespective of who is in government.
    Kaoma wants some relevance by trying to coerce Sishuwa to respond to him, he will be ignored thankfully.
    He begins the article by mentioning Sishuwa but fails to be consistent with his title and goes on to mention unrelated things.

  9. Polishing turds and shining his nuts in the shade of a mango tree as usual. Utter garbage, rank rubbish, tedious drivel.

    Dr.Sishuwa Sishuwa may play to the gallery at times, but you sir are unfit to lick the bottom of that man’s sandals after he has spent all day walking in Soweto market on rainy day.

  10. “…Dr.Sishuwa Sishuwa’s eureka moment about President HH’s poor governance is laughable except for the role he played in creating the monster Hichilema has become.”
    Except for the role he played in creating the monster HH has become? I know Kaoma will read this comment, since Lsk Times is the only place he is published, no one else takes him seriously.
    Did Sishuwa campaign for HH for him to have played a role? He spoke against the PF, in the same manner that Kaoma did, should we then say Kaoma played a role in HH ‘becoming’ a monster?

  11. @Festus Chin’gulungulu, formerly “KELENI” Whats the phone number for donations? I was going to send through Kaizer Zulu, then i realised him too is un employed. He might chew the little Ngwees meant for the funeral…..lol Basakala nyongo!!!!

  12. Bitterness until when? That Chanda acted unprofessionally that was the issue. Zasila zamahala from PF?Mukali Kulila. Socialist Party is coming UP. Sishuwa is consistent in his cricitism, and he will probably ignore your rantings. If he does respond its to expose your foolish conclusions

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