Sunday, March 16, 2025

Charles Kakoma resigns from PF


Patriotic Front Member of the Central Committee Charles Kakoma has resigned from the former ruling party, barely a year after leaving the UPND where he was party spokesperson.

“After due reflection and consultations with my family and friends, I have today decided to resign from the Patriotic Front (PF). As a consequence of this decision to resign from the Party, I have also relinquished my position as a Member of the Central Committee (MCC) of the Patriotic Front. I wish to thank the Patriotic Front in general and the out-going President of the Party, His Excellence Edgar Chagwa Lungu for the trust and confidence shown in me by giving me an opportunity to serve in the Central Committee,” Mr Kakoma has stated.

He stated that his decision to resign from the Patriotic Front was purely personal as he intended to pursue other endeavours in life.

Mr Kakoma stated that he would, however, continue to provide political, social and economic counsel to fellow citizens and stakeholders.


  1. Yaah, its not attractive any more.
    And just the idea of being in the opposition when you thought you were joining the rulling party is eating you up.

  2. Time wasters. These are the people who have stagnated the country. They only want good things at all costs. Western countries respect the opposition very much.

  3. No shame at all…he has come back to UPND after the gravy train stopped abruptly, we can not develop with such people notice how quiet GBM has become!!


    Its really laughable reading at the comments of this same story about this man resigning this time last year on LT.

  5. He failed to see the wind of change while in
    Zambia.Even people in diaspora could see
    The wind of change.He left UPND towards
    The end together with Mr Kambwili and Mr
    Mwamba.Anyway try 2026.

  6. One of the worst decisions to leave UPND by some who was destined to be at the in the command room with HH…………

    The only consulation and respect I have for Kakoma is he refused to rubbish HH on the famous PF podium where every one in PF was attacking HH on air …………

  7. Good for you, you realize late , you calculated years you were in opposition UPND for 23 years, you came to join PF late when it was going in opposition. You would have stayed another 23 years in opposition. 23+23 =46 years. Ask GBM he doesn’t want to be in opposition for 23 years. He is hibernating somewhere. Good luck if you have land . You are not entitled to CDF funds you are over 35 years already. Good luck again in oblivion. Thanks

  8. He jumped from a sailing ship into a sinking boat last year…. I guess the stealing of the defeated PF started looking lucrative for him…????

  9. Knowing agony and getting the heat from friends blasting you for miscalculation and to try saving face you claim to have consulted with them to reach the decision of “resigning” from PF! Six months is up since the “New Dawn” took the reins of government and reality is sinking in. The usual behavior of many leaving the opposition for the ruling party is now in motion and its in earnest the beginning of PF limbs amputation!

  10. We are waiting for Lungwangwa to come back home. Lungwangwa has been also quiet for some time. Is he also reflecting on his untimely decision of leaving the mighty UPND??????????????

  11. Kakoma was a journalist so he should buy the Times of Zambia and run it profitably since it has announced its obituary. The opposition can use a newspaper with a big brand and not tied to government

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