Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Allegations of torture will quickly put an ugly stain on the new government’s human rights record


The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) is concerned that the allegations of torture of former President Edgar Lungu`s barber Shabby Chilekwa by state agents will quickly put an ugly stain on the new government’s human rights record.

CiSCA Chairperson Judith Mulenga is of the view that this government is bound to be viewed in the same negative light as the PF government in terms of respecting and protecting human rights, both at national and international levels.

Ms. Mulenga further noted that despite article 15 of the bill of rights protecting every person from being subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment, or punishment, it is apparent that the provision has not been enough to protect persons.

Ms. Mulenga said that Zambia acceded to the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment on 7th October 1998, and through that accession, Zambia has an obligation to put in place various legislative, administrative, judicial, and other measures to not only criminalize acts of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment but to also prevent such occurrences.

Ms. Mulenga is therefore suggesting that Zambia quickly ratify the optional protocol to the convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment for the primary purpose of preventing torture among other measures.


  1. Ba HH was very flowery in his maiden speech after elections but instead of fixing the economy, he is fixing people

  2. Not until these allegations carry any proof: so far we have only heard baseless accusations. Typical corrupt thieving PF people’s work.

  3. Let torture continue because that’s our culture. If don’t want to be tortured, stay clear of active politics. A new government will continue with this culture.

  4. I don’t like torture but don’t completely condemn it. We have very hard and core criminals that can today wipe out your entire family while you are working at your nice office. They have also the ability to hire very powerful lawyers. Torture becomes the easiest way to get the truth from such criminals. Loose your kids and you will understand

  5. It’s by blood that the UPND wrestled power from the PF. They’re equally guilty of most of the crimes that the PF stands accused. Unfortunately the UPND will undergo the same predicament when they leave office just like the PF. You can’t expect a political Party that inculcated so much hatred in its general membership to the extent of celebrating Sata’s sickness and death to uphold human rights.

  6. Is it not the culture of all Africans to torture those who are subject them? Name one African country where the government does not torture it’s citizens. Your current President would like to stop it, but it is you guys DNA. Sad but true.

  7. Don’t say ‘ Will ‘ but has put in a bad Mark.
    Very soon opposition politicians will be refugees , running away from this government.
    That guy if he had a chance he would have gone some where to hide.

  8. Ba CiSCA can you also seek justice for the Honeybee “genocide victims”. Pharmacist Jerome Kanyika should not pursue the drugs scandal alone, it affects all of us. Already Chishimba Kambwili has been warning him to stay away from any matter to do with Honeybee, threatening that if he dos not, he will be burnt. And Kanyika says every time he discusses Honeybee in the media, Kambwili calls to threaten him. In a statement, Sunday, Kanyika said he wasn’t sure how the former minister was connected to Honeybee. He said Kambwili called to warn him last week when he conducted a live broadcast to discuss Honeybee matters with the public, and even followed him……

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