Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Nakacinda pleads not guilty to the charge of defamation of the President


THE MATTER in which Patriotic Front (PF) party Chairperson for Information and Publicity Hon Raphael Nakacinda has been charged with defamation of the President will proceed in the Subordinate Court.

Hon Nakacinda has pleaded not guilty to the charge of defamation of the President.

Meanwhile, his Lawyer, Francis William Daka of Makebi Zulu and Associates has said considering that the charge raises the question of the constitutionality involving the Head of State who has immunity against litigation, the matter will also proceed in the Constitutional court and that trial has been set for 1st April 2022.

And Hon Nakacinda is gratified to see proposals from stakeholders to have some archaic laws such as the one boardering on defamation of the President amended.

He said this would be important as it will enhance democracy and allow citizens to express themselves freely on what they think is important to the Zambian people.

Meanwhile, Hon Nakacinda has announced that the Patriotic Front will next week address the nation as part of its duty to inform the nation on pertinent issues.

“Now that the Republican President has turned himself into a tourist. Traveling at every opportunity without due consideration to the costs his traveling are occasioning to the taxpayer. So there are a lot of matters we want to address to the Zambian people,” he said.


  1. Taste your own bitter pill. These are the laws we called for their repeal, but you guys didn’t want because they worked to your advantage at the time. Never pass laws that hinder or target other people; you might end up trapping yourself.

  2. Hh promised to do away with defamation law, yet he is happy for it to be used against pf members. False promises,smelly lies like mabisi farts

  3. Don’t change or scrap that law……..

    PF are a bunch of lieing theiving vulgar uncouth animals………….

    We saw videos of their unpalatable insults on SM during the run up to the elections………

  4. Brig gen the article is clearly not talking about theft. You are so tribally and emotionally charged that you cannot reason or respond to topics. You are a f00Iish dog.

  5. Condolences to the f00Iish upnd cadre who tried to bring chibeleshi to me here at chita Lodge. 4 hits to the hit served him right. Don’t ever threaten my family i will kill to protect the ones I love

  6. Those who defame the head of state have a case, the reason its referred to as ‘Defamation Case’.
    Precedence has in Zambia that those who defamed the head of state in the past have been jailed. Simple jail him with his binoculus

  7. Mr Nakachinda worry about your
    Party first.see how your fellow
    Members are fighting each other.worry about selecting your
    New president and other issues.
    Charity begins at home.


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