Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sinkamba calls on ZNS to suspend plans of setting up cannabis cultivation plantations


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has called on the Zambia National Service to suspend plans of setting up cannabis cultivation plantations this year until thorough consultations are done.

Mr. Sinkamba said that failure by ZNS to engage various stakeholders may result in the project not yielding desired results, adding that there is a need for ZNS to explain how they settled on three Districts to establish farms to the exclusion of others.

Earlier this week, the Zambia National Service (ZNS) will this year set up three Cannabis plantations which will create over three thousand jobs for young people.

ZNS has so far acquired 60 hectares of land in Kabompo District of North Western Province to set up a Cannabis plantation for medicinal purposes.

ZNS Commandant Maliti Solochi said that the service plans on setting up plantations in Mwense District of Luapula Province and Namwala District in Southern Province.

Lieutenant General Solochi said that each plantation is expected to create one thousand jobs for locals in each of the three districts.

He says ZNS will also be undertaking aquaculture projects alongside the Cannabis plantations in all three units.
Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Kabompo Member of Parliament Ambros Lufuma in Kabompo, General Solochi revealed that works on the Kabompo Cannabis plantation are expected to start in the next three weeks.

Mr. Lufuma, who is also Defence Minister, said young people in the district are ready to start working in the Cannabis plantation.

He said the district is ready to provide ZNS with the required human resource.

Mr. Lufuma has however called on ZNS to ensure security around the Cannabis plantation is heightened to avoid people stealing from the plantation.


  1. They should stop until they consult you? Who are you really? Live the government to handle this at the moment until they privatize it or do PPP with the business community.

  2. Sinkamba got 0.0000001% of the votes during last year’s election and ZERO seats in parliament, so why should we listen to this nincompoop?

  3. ZNS is a quasi government institution apart from being a defense force, they are immune what Peter Sinkamba has demanded. Since cannabis cultivation is a business, Peter must engage the line Ministry to push for his permit. Having said that, I think ZNS needs to be more transparent and inform the nation on how they intend to dispose the product. To whom are they going to sell and at which price? As a Defense Force they might not engage in international trade, so are they going to use ZAFFICO? We deserve to know

  4. Sorry Peter,……….

    You backed the wrong team……….

    Just demand back the money you paid for PF ministers……….

    Alot of people lost loads of money by backing PF, especially indians , Chinese and Lebanese………….

    Billions have been lost expecting deals with PF……….

  5. There are people who talked about this cannabis issue before Sinkamba hijacked the idea, so the project can not be stopped by him. This is a national project and somebody should wisely tell Sinkamba that this project did not start with him

  6. This is the brain child of Hon. Sinkamba. Ba UPND swallow your pride please and hear to what he must say. It is him who started the cannabis argument and I think its good that they consult him on how it can work. What is wrong in consulting him ba UPND?

  7. Immanent with GRZ of suffocating Innovation, Where do all these arise from wanting to control Innovation and everything else?.

    The reason we have collectively armed forces is to defend the way of life. They can contract someone to grow cannabis for them, not them growing it. It defeats the principle of GRZ. ZNS Where do they get funding from? taxpayer, contradiction right there.

    Armed forces, is a heavily armed, highly organized force primarily intended for warfare. It is typically authorized and maintained by a sovereign state, with its members identifiable by their distinct military uniform.

  8. @7 Darius – Please follow the parliamentary debate on Cannabis and acquaint yourself with how far the ACT is regarding this issue. Under
    what law is ZNS going to trade in cannabis?

  9. Lol, he already registered 9 companies, Lusaka Cannabis Growers Association , Eastern Cannabis growers Association, Copperbelt Cannabis Growers Association and so on.
    He wanted monopoly for growing and now is scared of losing it due to ZNS taking this step.
    He wanted that monopoly so bad, pushed for legalization of marijuana, paid for Kampyongo’s court fees during the infamous minister pay back and now the PF has lost.

  10. #9  Hachaama 
    February 18, 2022 At 10:04 am

    “@7 Darius – Please follow the parliamentary debate on Cannabis and acquaint yourself with how far the ACT is regarding this issue. Under
    what law is ZNS going to trade in cannabis?”

    Under what law does ZNS run and trade their farm produce ???

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