Sunday, March 23, 2025

Penal code Proposed Amendments is a contradiction to Zambia’s Christian nation status-CCZ


The Council Churches of Zambia (CCZ) has joined in called opposed to the changes to the Penal Code saying the proposal by the Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) to repeal section 166 of the penal code that prohibits bigamy and regulates access to abortion for pregnant women is a contradiction to Zambia’s Christian nation status.

CCZ general secretary father Emmanuel Chikoya said that CCZ does not support the proposal by the ZLDC. Fr. Chikoya said that it is unfortunate that the Zambia law development commission came up with such proposals without a thorough consultation with other relevant stakeholders.

The Zambia law development commission has proposed to repeal current laws that prohibit bigamy and regulate access to abortion for pregnant women.

Yesterday other churches rejected a recommendation by Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) to amend the bigamy law so that it no longer criminalises a married person’s decision to have more than one spouse.

The Christian fraternity feels decriminalizing the bigamy law is retrogressive and will destroy many families in the country.

Following the proposed amendment, the Council of Bishops of Pentecostal Assemblies of God, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and Bishops Council of Zambia have urged Members of Parliament to reject the proposal to repeal the bigamy law.

Pentecostal Assemblies of God presiding bishop Joshua Banda said in a statement yesterday that the proposal is a danger to the well-being of young people in the country.

Bishop Banda, who is also president of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Africa-Southern Africa Region, said the quality of relationships in marriages has fallen.

The clergy said marriages are already threatened by infidelity due to unfaithfulness


  1. We have allowed two parallel laws to run in Zambia.
    Customary Law and Statutory Law sometimes collide into a flash point.
    It is legal to practice polygamy in customary law, but illegal to condone bigamy in statutes.
    Also, it has always been illegal to willfully terminate a pregnancy, but selective abortion is legally allowed.
    What is wrong in “allowing” bigamy and abortion when they are already “allowed”?
    These laws are done by the people for the people. Repealing these same laws when they become archaic is inevitable.

  2. Unhindered access to abortion is nonsense. We know it is killing unborn babies. Zambians, we must not look away, we must take responsibility to protect life. As for Polygamy, women will decisively bring it to an end.

  3. “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. ” Desmond Tutu

  4. It’s even stupid to have bigamy laws in a country that traditionally practices polygamy.

    Btw, Zambia is not a practicing “ Christian” nation. That proclamation was done by one individual president yrs ago when he woke up in the morning ( his government was one of the most corrupt in the World too)

  5. In my opinion i think it would be alright to allow polygamy but lets not condone taking away life…there is enough resources in this world to build schools and foster homes to look after these b@stards…

  6. We warned you that you were voting in satanists. You didn’t listen. When he held national prayers the upnd shunned them. Today they don’t even hold any prayers. Your children will be gay. You dwanzy f00Is

  7. The results of getting and eating dollars belonging to gay rights organizations…Let me warn white pigs from the west to respect themselves..We are aware of your sata.nic agenda.

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