Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Only cabinet can decide whether to return late President Frederick Chiluba’s Assets to his family


Justice Minister, Malambo Haimbe has said that only the cabinet can decide whether or not the assets of former President Frederick Chiluba can be given back to his family because the matter was already by the courts.

Mr Haimbe said whether or not the government should consider the plea made by the Chiluba family to have the forfeited assets given back is a decision that should be made by the full cabinet.

Mr. Haimbe was responding to increased calls for the government to consider the plea from Dr. Chiluba’s family to have his assets given back to them.

He however said, Zambians should respect the decision of the court regarding the forfeiting of assets for the former President to the government.

Mr. Haimbe said in an interview that the court made its decision in line with the provisions of the law and that should be respected.
That not withstanding, he said, “Giving back the assets to the family of late President Chiluba is a decision that should be made by the high office but in my view, the law should be respected because this is the matter that has been before the courts.”

And Mr. Haimbe defended the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on concerns from the public that they delayed concluding the case that started in 2002.

He said it is normal for cases that are before the courts of law to take a long time to be concluded, therefore people should be patient if they see justice prevail.

“There is an adage that justice rushed is justice destroyed so people should be patient, cases take long and should not be rushed,” Mr. Haimbe said.

Dr. Chiluba’s children Darlington and Kaindu who are part of the administrators of the estate have said the move by the state was unfair and underhand because their father claimed the property while the state appealed to grab his property after he died.

They revealed that the ACC waited until Dr. Chiluba died before commencing legal proceedings on account that he had not claimed the property in good time, therefore, creating an impression that the property was acquired through proceeds of crime, when this was not the case.


  1. What happens to brilliant lawyers when they join politics kanshi?
    Makebi Zulu, Edgar Lungu never held office. He never served as President in his first term.
    Mulambo Haimbe: Cabinet can offset decisions made by the court (in other words, courts judgement are subject to approval by cabinet).
    Kwaliba? Anyways, 2 years, grudge ichili pali 2 years, tuleya tulekula ka.

  2. Please do not tolerate this decussion one bit…you might as well say good bye to your fight against corruption.

  3. What a twist…..so cabinet can hand back the property to the family of FTJ? Then cabinet can also overturn the Mining in Lower Zambezi verdict. Now I have lost any confidence left in Zambian politics.

  4. Those making the most noise about this are funny enough former PF highreachy……..

    What president are they trying to set ????

  5. A lot of hard work and money was used to recover these stolen assets. Now you want to return them? Are you serious? I think you need to consult the 2.8 if at all they want that. The answer will be an emphatic NO!


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