Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Energy Regulation Board (ERB) increase Fuel Price from midnight tonight, Petrol now costs 21.96 per litre


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has increased the fuel pump prices effective from midnight tonight.

Energy Regulations Board chairperson Reynolds Bowa said that the pump prices of petroleum products have been increased from K19.84 per litre to K21.96 for petrol and from K18.93 to K21.54 per litre for diesel, while the price of kerosene has remained unchanged.

Mr. Bowa said that the upward adjustment in prices is inevitable to ensure the sustained supply of fuel to the Zambian market in the short to medium term.

Mr. Bowa has attributed the increase to a steady rise in international prices of petrol and diesel recorded throughout the month of January into February 2022.

Mr. Bow said that this has had a major impact on local fuel prices with the price of both imported products rising above the 100 united states dollars barrel mark.

Mr. Bowa said that the supply disruptions being experienced on account of the ongoing geopolitical tension between Russia and Ukraine have had an immediate adverse impact on oil prices.

The energy regulations board chairperson said that the fuel price reviews will continue to be conducted on a monthly basis and this is to ensure that local fuel prices are reflective of what is prevailing on the international oil markets while taking into account the kwacha-dollar exchange rate.


  1. Very swift? Please stop this nonsense of reducing the pump price whenever there’s a by-election. Leave the price where you have pegged it. Ba Anthony Bwalya ati the price might go up when it has already gone up.

  2. Hahaha can all those who voted these failures come here and line up for some dirty slaps. We warned you. I told you that if you are a poor lazy f00I, a change of govt won’t make you rich. You need to change your attitude to life

  3. If this government continues with fuel hikes
    Then Zambians will kick them out in 2026
    Let them fix fuel prices for at least six months or one year because every
    Thing is dependant on it.Bally is doing opposite of what he promised.

  4. Ati ba PF baliba bad. Bally is not honest l remember him standing at one service station complaining about fuel prices. Can these increases compared to mighty PF. Mukose ba tu point eight. Mwatubikilamo nafweba sha mu voteleko

  5. New dark government will cease any opportunity associated with fuel and oil erratic supply to increase fuel prices.

    Using Russia-Ukraine war is absolutely ridiculous. That war has nothing to do with pump prices. Can you stop cheap lies please.

  6. Number 8 Henry you are very clueless Russia is the 3 biggest producer of fuel and now sanctions are imposed against russia so supply and demand kicks in, the price of fuel has gone up worldwide and Zambia imports at world price. last year world price $20-$40 barrel this year $105 and rising.
    you cant expect the govt to subsidize the price. start driving electric cars.

  7. It’s unfortunate that we have thieves like Kaiza Zulu who think that we changed because we wanted to become rich.
    It’s not all about being rich iwee chimbwii
    We were just tired of *****s like you who think that everything is about power and money. Price increases are a fact of life…and we will get used to it. Get it.

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