Friday, June 28, 2024

School feeding programme to reduce absenteeism


National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) and the Zambia National Education Coalition (ZANEC) say the school feeding programme will reduce the absenteeism rate and dropouts in schools.

ZANEC Executive Director George Habasunga said the school feeding programme will complement the free education programme to encourage more pupils to attend classes.

Mr Habasunga said studies show that the leading burrier for many children to access education is lack of finances, poverty and hunger.

He said many children, despite the government providing free education, do not go to school because they are hungry.

In an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Habasunga added that due to missing school, they tend to lag behind in their academics then end up dropping out of school.

“The coming of the schools feeding programme, a lot of children will benefit from the free education because they will be going to school,” he added.

Meanwhile, NAQEZ Executive Director Aaron Chansa noted that schools that carry out the school feeding programme have continued to record good academic performances.

Mr Chansa cited that the Botswana government spends a significant fund to feed learners in all schools and has contributed to the country’s good academic performance.

He called on the government to walk the talk in ensuring that the school feeding programme is rolled out in all public schools country wide.

Yesterday during the Africa Day of School Feeding celebrations, Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary, Noriana Muneku said government wants the school feeding programme to be implemented in all learning institutions in the country, after recognizing that the school meals programme is critical in addressing nutritional and educational needs of pupils, especially in rural areas.

Ms Muneku disclosed that the Ministry is currently implementing the feeding programme in 70 districts, reaching about 1.9 million learners.


  1. Lets fight and look for money to fund such programmes. It should be a normal thing to have a kitchen in every school.

  2. Food For School. I only hope this will be sustainable. UNZA and CBU tried it to their students in the form of meals which evolved to meal allowance until it got scrapped after politics creped in. Please give them food as they are learners too.
    Let’s up the game
    Besides employees eat from work, why can’t learners, especially rural ones, eat from school as well?

  3. That is should be a basic human need fulfilment and therefore goes well with the free education.
    Government should find money for this. if not in this year budget, make it a must in NEXT year budget.

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