Monday, March 10, 2025

Government enters negotiations for Solwezi- Chingola road dual carriage way


Government says it will soon commence negotiations with people living within 50 metres of the Solwezi – Chingola road to pave way for a dual carriage way to be established in the region.

North-western province permanent secretary, Grandson Katambi says the dual carriage way along Chingola road is expected to commence soon as equipment will be mobilised at Mutanda next month.

“The dual carriage way is reality, equipment will start rolling in next month and will be stationed at Mutanda, ” he said in an interview.

He added that government is having resistance from people that are living along the road because most of the villages are within 20 metres and need to be moved.

Col. Katambi said the affected people will be compensated and will be asked to move at least 50 metres away from the road.

Meanwhile, Col. Katambi has called on both the local authority and district administration to channel part of the constituency development fund (CDF) towards the maintaince of feeder roads in the district.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Mushindamo district commissioner, Andrew Kalangwa and council chairperson, Peter Ilunga yesterday, Col. Katambi said there is need to utilise CDF to improve the road network in the district.

And Mr Kalangwa has called for a variation on the Solwezi – Kalindi (Kipushi border) road to accommodate the Shafilundu – Kilumba stretch.

Meanwhile, Mr Ilunga said the council will endeavour to utilise CDF to address challenges being experienced in the district .

He said the road network that needs urgent attention include, Luamfula Mujimazovu and Kalindi roads.


  1. Does this project makes sense. Solwezi – Chingola has been done by PF and it is good.

    Ooh Milupi wants to steal money from a road that has been done.

  2. Henry your incompetent PF stole funds nothing materised it had to take the mines to do that road even that was nt enough given the cargo that road takes .

  3. what is there to negotiate the law is very clear no building within 50m from the highway ….this PS needs to be educated of where CDF is utilised it can not be used to build new roads, feeder rooads need to be properly constructed by RDA first.

  4. Yes, we need a dual carriage from Solwezi to Livingstone. PF were busy wasting money on pointless flyovers in Lusaka and roads in Muchinga and Western Province leading to nowhere.

  5. Tarino, my incompetent PF did extremely well in terms of infrastructure development. I do not need to point out what has been done by PF.

    Your stup1d dark government should focus on roads that have never been repaired. A dual carriage way for what Tarino Sour.

  6. I urge Charles Milupi to begin to declare every month how much each toll plaza makes. The road between Lusaka and Kitwe is so dilapidated that it doesn’t make sense for Government to continue to collect toll fees on such a road. In last 6 months I haven’t heard about how much is being and they plan to utilize it. Mufisa nji amambala?

  7. That’s a waste of money. Solwezi-Chingola is good (thanks to the mines thank you) and not very heavily used. Why don’t you start with Lusaka-Ndola.

  8. Henry – They did extremely well in wasting money even a daft fooooool can be given a credit card with a billion dollar credit limit and be told to buy staff on the go without thought. I have no links to this new govt of HH7 I criticise them when they are wrong …how can you repair a road that was laid by cowboy contractors the AG reports are there for all to see I mean a road that lasts one rainy season …really laughable.

  9. Imwe ba pamafi: which road was ever successfully done pf? If you ask any pf senior cadre now Bowman, Lubinda, E Mwamba etc abt the Lusaka-Ndola dual, they ll all confidently answer you with an affirmative yes that the was done already. They are all right cos I’m their heads yes it was done but not physically.

  10. So even those tuma feeder roads which ka Lungu was commissions every week on ZNBC, wait, are we not jst finnishing the rainy season this monthend? Wait muka mona what ll be left of the wheelbarrow na picky built roads. We see if u ll still talk with your front teeth outside.

  11. #5 I am still waiting for the removal of Toll Gates as promised. Money collected from these gates is financing GRZ payroll instead of repairing the roads that make this money.

  12. Misplaced priority. The province does not need this road. The Current road done by China – Geo is a perfect road excpt the 10km road done by Swift( Swift must pay back the money?. There is no traffic on this road to warrant a dual. And there will never be in the next 10 years. Why waste such money.
    The province need township roads. The Province needs Solwezi- Kipushi. Solwezi- Mwinilunga. NOT DUALLING CHINGOLA SOLWEZI.

  13. @Tarino Orange
    Don’t be cheated. That road was fully funded by NAPSA and not the kachasu stories of mines doing that road. NAPSA was even supposed to fund the Solwezi-Kipushi Road

  14. @Tarino Orange
    Don’t be cheated. That road was fully funded by NAPSA and not the kachasu stories of mines doing that road. NAPSA was even supposed to fund the Solwezi-Kipushi Road and other equally important economic roads in NWP

  15. But why not a rail line plus a good road instead of a dual carriage road?? seeing as northwestern is heavy goods source and exit point. Well, just a thought.

    I rest my case.

  16. Zendola – I stand to be corrected …the mines did chip in at one time but let tell you now that using pension funds on it was not a wise decision given that the road already needs expansion.

  17. @Tarino Orange
    The mines through Kansanshi Mine Roads Dept just did some pothole patching in selected areas until GRZ gave it to NAPSA. NAPSA are the ones who even did the 5kms dual carriageway in Solwezi CBD. Even some roads that the mines are doing in CBD isn’t as a result of CSR but its debt swap with Solwezi Municipal Council. Otherwise, the mines have done nothing on the roads

  18. @Tarino Orange
    NAPSA funded quite a good number of roads in the previous government and even the announced Solwezi Kipushi to bituminous standard by Hon Milupi will be wholly funded by the NAPSA. NAPSA are the ones getting toll gate fees

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