Monday, March 31, 2025

World Bank commends Government for steps in economic recovery


The World Bank has commended President Hakainde Hichilema for the ambitious steps he has taken to recover the economy.

World Bank Executive Director, Eva Valle-Maestro said the ambitious program the President has undertaken, such as restoring the rule of law and fighting corruption should be commended.

Ms Valle-Maestro noted that for this reason, the World Bank will stand ready and ensure that Zambia is supported financially.

ZANIS reports that the Ms Valle-Maestro said this when Executive Directors from the World Bank meet President Hakainde Hichilema at State House in Lusaka today.

She said the team have come to hear and learn from President Hichilema on what plans he has for Zambia and how the World Bank can help.

And President Hakainde Hichilema said the World Bank have come at a critical time when the country needs them due to some challenges faced.

The Head of State said government will ensure that all the projects are completed and that quality work is not compromised.

He said with the coming of the World Bank government also wants to ensure that it lowers the cost of living for its people which has been a challenge for a long time.

Mr Hichilema however, stated that people should stop looking at the IMF and World Bank as enemies but as partners.


  1. Under the UPND government Zambia exists again. Under the corrupt thieving incompetent PF government of Edgar China Lungu no World Bank official EVER visited the country! Now all we need is ECL going to JAIL! Hey stup!d KZ, maybe you can carry his bag since you’re going the same way?

  2. Whilst this is highly commendable, the upnd team need to do more in other areas. For example you cannot have someone like kasanda at the helm of information. Get rid of her! My uncle sacrificed alot for the upnd and even lent his own only car for campaigns. It has now been many months and he has still not been given a position in government. He risked his life for this party and yet you give sensitive roles to incompetent people like kasanda. If my uncle goes to his grave a sad man, it will bring bad omen. I am not wishing anyone negative spirits but we need to acknowledge the people that helped you win elections in very challenging situations.

  3. Very timely WB commendation as we pay tribute to Zambia’s fallen economic guru Rupiah Banda and shortly after kicking out economic saboteurs PF thugs.

  4. Wow………

    Look at the trol above pretending to be TO…….

    He must be a very small man to want to impersonate other men………

  5. Give figures and the fiscal outlook then the commitments over the $155 this 2022 and $139 in 2021 We expect more from world bank financing institutions like IBRD and IDA because the. Budgetary support is huge so the interest should be in the outlook fiscal and that on the budget balance the support how much The outlook is not so good and assuring

  6. When you start getting recommendations from IMF and world bank as a developing country, just know that you are on the wrong track.
    There’s nothing in it for your people, but benefits will acrue to foreign multinational companies.

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