Sunday, March 9, 2025

Women livelihood programme launched in Mufumbwe wards


Government in Mufumbwe district has successfully launched the Supporting Women’s Livelihoods – (SWL) programme to be implemented in 12 selected wards out of the 15 eligible wards.

Chizela, Kikonge, Miluji, Kashima East, Kashima West, Matushi, Kalambu, Kamabuta, Lalafuta, Kalengwa, Munyambala and Kaminzekenzeke are the 12 wards selected using lottery method which resulted into Kabipupu, Shukwe and Mushima wards being left out of the programme.

Speaking during the launch, Girls Education, Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods (GEWEL) Project Officer, Grace Mwila announced to stakeholders that Mufumbwe has 369 beneficiaries under the SWL programme.

Ms Mwila said the beneficiaries will be selected from the social cash transfer data base in the selected community welfare assistant committees.

“Only households receiving the social cash transfer are eligible. But unlike the social cash transfer, the list of beneficiaries will be validated through a self-registration process, meaning, beneficiaries will be expected to come in person to give their details,” she explained.

A planner for the department of education in Mufumbwe, Nathan Muleta expressed gratitude to government for introducing the women empowerment programme in Mufumbwe, saying the project will help settle the continued appeals women support.

“I have been playing a critical role in the Keeping Girls in School programme and I tell you a lot of women in these communities have kept asking us when the SWL would be introduced in Mufumbwe. This is good, we now have something to say to them. I only hope most of those who really kept requesting for these programmes will not be left out,” Mr Muleta said.

And Mufumbwe District Council Chairperson, Lemmy Masiye has implored the officers at the community development office to ensure that there is prudent use of resources as they seek to serve the public through implementation of the SWL project.

“As stakehoilders, we shall ensure that we monitor how these funds will be utilized. We don’t want to hear cases of our officers misappropriating funds meant for this work, it will be unfortunate,” Mr Masiye said.

He further urged the department of Community Development to ensure that only deserving people are allowed to benefit from the programme.

“I have a lot of complaints from our people concerning the list of beneficiaries under social cash transfer, I hope it won’t be the same with SWL because we cannot continue having underserved people continue benefiting from government programmes,” Mr Masiye said.

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