Friday, March 14, 2025

Consider re-introducing subsidies on fuel, Government told


The Civil Society Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance has called on government to consider reintroducing subsidies on fuel in order to avert the possible increase in fuel prices.

Matthew Mhuru, the CSO-SUN Country Coordinator says this is because any further increase in fuel prices will have a negative impact on the cost of living especially for low income earners.

He said the impact of the Russia – Ukraine war might result in the cost of fuel being beyond the reach of most Zambians hence the need to bring back the subsidies.

And Energy Expert Boniface Zulu has said that the decision by the new dawn government to only import finished petroleum products through the TAZAMA pipeline will not be sustainable in the long run because of the anticipated high demand of the commodity.

Recently government through energy minister peter Kapala disclosed its resolve to import only finished petroleum products through TAZAMA pipeline and that Indeni Refinery in Ndola on the Copperbelt will no longer refine crude petroleum products.

Commenting on this development, Mr Zulu is suggesting that going forward, the Angola-Zambia pipeline must be worked on to ensure sustained availability of the commodity.

Further, Mr Zulu says it is anticipated that the price of crude oil will remain high above 100 dollars per barrel beyond March 2022 hence the need for government to implement a long lasting plan on energy


  1. Get an electric car and you NEVER worry about fuel subsidies. And a solar system for your home and you can even forget about Zesco units – with the added benefit of having no more loadshedding ever again!

  2. There’s a price stabilization fund at ERB which isn’t being used because of the current policy. The problem is that the current government wants to look like it comprises very clever individuals yet most of them don’t even deserve to be in those offices. They just want to undo everything that those before them did. It’s not too late to admit failure

  3. @Deja Vu , what have they signed with IMF if Stubeko is still begging. With the current copper prices the world is laughing at us for being beggers. HH sold the mines for a song and later borrowed from mining companies to fund his campaign for 20 years. The mining companies now want their money and he is failing to tax them.

  4. I met this youth two years ago selling small bundles of wood off cuts. These are used for starting charcoal fires. Last Saturday I went to the market and saw him again. Only this time he wasn’t selling the stuff. He was standing behind a counter in a well stoked grocery shop. I asked if he was now employed but to my delightful surprise he told me this was his shop. Meanwhile the majority of the youths are waiting FOR BALLY TO FIX IT FOR THEM. As #2 has said….. it’s each man for himself… find alternatives.

  5. First completely get rid of the PF linked corrupt middle men and OMC’s.
    After cleaning up the fuel sector, then the UPND government can consider subsidizing fuel.
    Even developed countries like the UK, Canada, Germany etc subsidize fuel to manage the cost of living.
    So IMF wont totally reject such actions by the government under the current world circumstances.


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