Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government describes the process of recruitment of health workers as overwhelming


The Ministry of Health in Muchinga province has described the ongoing recruitment process of health workers as overwhelming.

Speaking on behalf of the Provincial Health Officer, Clinical Health Care Specialist, Charles Chungu says the provincial and district offices are receiving overwhelming responses since the process started on Monday 28th March, 2022.

Dr Chungu has told the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in an interview in Chinsali that the successful recruitment of health personnel will be a plus to enhancing health service delivery.

He said the recruitment of new health workers will also beef up the staffing levels at health facilities and cushion the staff deficit at most facilities.

Dr Chungu added that decentralization of the recruitment process will give an advantage to a lot of local people.

‘‘ We have two categories of applications, the intern junior doctors and pharmaceutical are applying through the provincial office and copying the Permanent Secretary while for the other positions, applicants are applying through the district office and copying the District Commissioner ’’

He said the process is running smoothly with no incidents so far.

Janet Phiri, one of the applicants, has thanked government for decentralising the recruitment process and has described the process as fair and corruption free.

Ms Phiri has further praised and appreciated government for fulfilling their promises of employing more health workers.

‘‘Iam hoping that this time I will be picked, especially that the recruitment process is happening right here in Chinsali,’’ Ms Phiri said.

Government through the Ministry of Health across the country is currently conducting a recruitment process of 11,200 health workers.


  1. You want to recruit 11,200 health workers, and then you are surprised about the response? What did you expect, to get just TEN letters? Bunch of absolute amateurs

  2. Its gratifying that the applicants are appreciating the recruitment unlike in the past when it was preserve of those close to power. Now cha open for all applicants. The New Dawn Kafulumendi is working.Where is that man with his Binocolus?

  3. Liar reporters. Look at your headline and your content. The response has been overwhelming not the process.
    “the process of recruitment of health workers as overwhelming”???? Ati boza

  4. #3  Mtola Nkhani 
    March 31, 2022 At 5:26 pm

    “Liar reporters. Look at your headline and your content. The response has been overwhelming not the process.
    “the process of recruitment of health workers as overwhelming”???? Ati boza..”

    Headings meant to give the PF caders erections………….

  5. Ndelolesha fye waiting to hear what PF cadres will say next. Wait bamambala , HH the way i know him hasnt even delivered an inch of his promises, he is a man who takes the whole 6months just planning & strategizing and, boy,the day that his plans start materialises,oh man, its never rains but it pours. And i can bet with anyone in the world that its about to start pouring in Zambia accept not this year tho, come Jan 2023 it will pour for the rest of his presidency good news will be every day. He was planning and i can assure that he is starting to implement from June this year. All these happenings now are just a kadyonko. Wait for real implementation from June onwards,you guys are going to shine bright- just wait, i know the man inside out – he never settles for mediority therefore if he…

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