Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bowman Lusambo confers with UK and Russian envoys to Zambia


Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo has met British High Commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley and his Russian counterpart Azim Yarakhmedov separately in Lusaka.

The purpose of the interactions with the Diplomats was to share understanding on some key issues affecting Zambia and the globe.

The closed door meeting with Mr. Woolley centred on Zambia’s democracy, the rule of law and the fight against corruption.

Mr. Lusambo informed Mr. Woolley that the UPND government’s fight against corruption is not genuine as it is aimed at silencing President Hichilema’s perceived political opponents.

He accused Mr. Hichilema of targeting to silence by using the fight against corruption as a weapon.

Mr. Lusambo also stated that the UPND government is determined to undermine democracy by not respecting the principle of separation of power.

“What we have now is that the Executive wants to control the other arms of government. The Executive is making moves to control the Legislature and the Judiciary,” Mr. Lusambo said.

He added,” for now, the only messiah we have is the Judiciary, this is the inky institution remaining institution has not been infiltrated.”

Kabushi MP Bowman Lusambo poses a photo with UK High Commissioner NIcholas Woolley at the British High Commission
Kabushi MP Bowman Lusambo poses a photo with UK High Commissioner NIcholas Woolley at the British High Commission

And when meeting Mr. Azim Yarakhmedov, the Russian Ambassador, Mr. Lusambo discussed matters of mutual interest.

Mr. Lusambo thanked Russia for its strong support towards Zambia’s skills development programme by offering hundreds of scholarships to Zambian students.

He said Russia has proven over the years that it is an all weather friend to Zambia.

“We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

Mr. Lusambo said his interactions with the Ambassadors has been cordial and insightful.

“Zambia is not an island so we will continue interacting with Ambassadors accredited to Zambia to exchange views on key affairs. We will go and meet the US Embassy officials soon and other Ambassadors,” he said.

Kabushi MP Bowman Lusambo poses a photo with Russian Ambassador to Zambia Azim Yarakhmedov at the Russian Embassy.
Kabushi MP Bowman Lusambo poses a photo with Russian Ambassador to Zambia Azim Yarakhmedov at the Russian Embassy.


  1. This boy is such a dumbass he even has no respect for his party secretariat to make such visits…anyway when you vote for fooooools this is what happens!!

  2. “We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

    My understanding is that the government voted against the war not Russia. If you don’t know the difference then you are gullible.

  3. Those ambassadors are lucky we have a democratic GRZ now in zambia,………

    Otherwise lungu would have expelled them for meeting the opposition…………


  5. That is my brother. Tarino you call him names yet you went all the way to uk as a slave but have never even met a single leader there because you are considered a smelly kneegar

  6. Why on earth would the Russians interested in sharing any common ground with this thick illiterate G00n I’d.10t B0wm4n???
    I thought this Bowb0w imprgnat0r in chief of Mercy is the leader of N.A.T.0, the reason Russia invaded Ukraine?

  7. Anyone still remembers the arr0gance of these Piyefu I’d!0ts just 8 months ago, when they would brutalise opposition members & the opposition would threaten to report Piyefu atrocities to the international community? It was Go0nz like Bowman, Davies Mwila & the real Kaizer, (not that L.T Troll Parasite), that would arr0gantly state, “Zambia is a sovereign state” & even use disparaging racist undertones against European people. Lelo this Go0n B0wman knows his dirty days as a free man are numbered & who does he go screaming to like a little girl? The same European folk he so despised in the past when his Drunken Chakolwa leader was bleeding Zambia with impunity, whilst B0wman led “N.A.T.0”.

  8. “We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

    AND the OUTCOME is that RUSSIA is NOT hurt by Zambia`s decision to VOTE for the resolution, and has NO impact at all on our relationship. BUT it was the right decision by ZAMBIA, Russia is the aggressor. And this war was NOT necessary. Russia is killing innocent people, just because someone wants to be a czar. LUSAMBO, as a looser, was hoping to come out of that meeting with bombastic news, but alas, aloba ilya uma.

  9. “We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

    AND the OUTCOME is that RUS.SIA is NOT h.u.rt by Zambia`s decision to VOTE for the resolution, and has NO impact at all on our relationship. BUT it was the right deci.sion by ZAMBIA, Rus;sia is the agg.res.sor. And this wa.r was NOT necessary. Russia is killling innocent people, just because someone wants to be a c,zar. LUSAMBO, as a looser, was hoping to come out of that meeting with bom.bastic news, but alas, aloba ilya uma.

  10. “We came here to interact with the Russians to get a better understanding of the Ukraine conflict. Our government voted to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly but we wanted to hear the source of the conflict.”

    AND the OUTCOME is that RUSSIA is NOT hurt by Zambia`s decision to VOTE for the resolution, and has NO impact at all on our relationship. BUT it was the right decision by ZAMBIA, Russia is the aggressor. And this war was NOT necessary. Russia is killing innocent people, just because someone wants to be a czar. LUSAMBO, as a looser, was hoping to come out of that meeting with bombastic news, but alas, aloba ilya uma.

    smelly kneegar THATS YOU TO A TEE

  12. But also these people from Kabushi, how do you even give this dunderhead even 10 votes. This one should have been competing with Sean Tembo for the biggest zero

  13. Just personal matter NOT representing government.. Looking at the photos, they don’t add value.. the people he met were reluctant to take pictures while standing beside him. FISHY

  14. Lusambo’s PF used to expel ambassadors for associating with the opposition. Kupusa bati. You were mocking KK’s children for being poor despite their father being President for 27 years. There are a lot of former PF govt officials that are not being pursued. If you innocent no need to worry. The truth will come out.

  15. Zambian govt voted against Russia’s action we may not agree with the stance our govt took but a lowly MP going to Russian Embassy is nonsensical and an embarrassment especially for PF President.

  16. There is nothing wrong for the opposition leader from the strongest party to call upon an ambassador, but that needs to come from the Party President and in this case Lubinda. ALAS! It’s SLEEPY LUBINDA, he doesn’t know who is doing what in his own Party. He must be embarrassed with this Lusambo action to say the least. The point is that there is NOTHING that Lusambo has achieved, besides taking PHOTOs with BAZUNGU !!! The same thing that PF blasts HH to be doing. So who thinks PF is better than UPND?
    There is no leadership in PF, and PF can only survive if they get rid of Nakachinda, Lusambo, Lubinda, CK, Mwamba & Mundubile. They can MCCs, but let the leadership go to new faces.

  17. Ala twasebana, Abena Kadansa are now Kadansaring with ambassadors purporting to represent Zambians. It’s like then Foreign Affairs minister Chimbwili Kashimba farting loudly before the Queen at the Commonwealth Summit in Australia, it sent the poor old girl into a seizure!

  18. Biden already congratulated the Zambian Youth for voting en mass to remove the PF from power. So when Lusambo goes to see the Us Ambassador to Zambia, what is he going there to achieve.

  19. Edgar Lungu and the PF expelled the Cuban envoy for attending opposition leader Fred Mmembe’s launch of the Socialist Party.
    The UPND should take the same approach and expel the Russian envoy who has been associating with opposition members Fred Mmembe and Lusambo

  20. Lusambo is the new minister of foreign affairs? But he hasn’t got the guts to visit the US ambassador……

  21. I can understand villagers in Eastern Province voting for the boy Munir Zulu but people of Kabushi have had 5 years with this dumbo Bowman…anyway Concourt will deal with him he won’t visit such places as an MP.

  22. Why can’t we debate. Without turning to insults
    Nice one That’s how it should be
    However with the mentality of some on here its not possible
    All suddenly profess to be financial experts on here All profess have full knowledge of world events
    Now tell me how can anyone debate with such !!

  23. Meeting the ambassadors in which capacity this kind of importance or Bu VIP is off the record. Am sure that is the reason news was created by himself, no statements from the ambassadors themselves

  24. Can you imagine a UPND MP visiting US embassy during Lazy Lungu regime he would have sent the Ambassador home..that’s how intoxicated he was with power.

  25. He just went to instigate the Russian ambassador against HH for zambia voting against Russia at the UN. The visit to British high commissioner was just a smoke screen so that Russian diplomat is not summoned for meeting opposition like the way PF did to Cuban ambassador when he met Fred Mmembe.

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