Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lusaka Lawyer, Martha Mushipe sues State for alleged false imprisonment in 2016


Lusaka Lawyer, Martha Mushipe, has sued the state claiming compensation of K 1.5 million for pain and suffering caused by alleged false imprisonment that occurred six years ago.

Ms. Mushipe is also demanding compensation for loss of business in the sum of K3.6 Million, for loss of money, goods and files vandalized.

In a statement of claim filed before the Lusaka High Court, Ms. Mushipe says on September 20, 2016, she was arrested in Lusaka by the Zambia Police and was subsequently charged with the offence of seditious practices.

She states that she was falsely imprisoned on the 20th September for a duration of eight and half hours from 09:00 hours on the said date.

Ms. Mushipe has submitted that towards her detention and subsequent arrest, her law firm Mushipe & Associates at Millennium Village in Lusaka,was disgracefully surrendered and taken possession of by police for eight consecutive days and searched in the presence and with support of political cadres from then ruling PF.

The plaintiff says during the said search, the defendant’s agents and political cadres stole goods and money and they vandalized files and other properties belonging to the law firm.

She has also told the court that she went through a lengthy and undesirable trial and to that effect incurred a lot of expenses, legal and other related costs throughout her four years trial and later acquitted on August 31, 2020 by Lusaka Magistrate, Felix Kaoma, on a no case to answer stage.

In 2016, Ms. Mushipe was arrested by the police over an offence of seditious practices.


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