Friday, March 28, 2025

Government is set to deploy 28 Chinese medical experts in selected public health facilities


The Government is set to deploy 28 Chinese medical experts in selected public health facilities in the country.

The 28, who includes surgeons and anesthetists, have already been inducted and will be licensed by the Health Professional Council of Zambia (HPCZ).

They are expected to be sent to health facilities in Livingstone, Ndola, Kitwe and Lusaka as soon as they conclude the formalities.

HPCZ inducted 28 Chinese medical members on various regulatory requirements as outlined in the Health Professional Act No 24 of 2009 this week.

Making a presentation at Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital in Lusaka to the Chinese medical team, HPCZ Senior Public Relations Officer Terry Musonda told the experts to be ethical and professional.

Mr. Musonda urged the professionals to prioritise patient care and skills transfer.

The Senior Public Relations Officer pointed out that the practicing with a valid license from HPCZ in Zambia had no substitute.

He further urged the medical team to uphold ethics which were universally accepted in the medical field.

“All practitioners are required to renew their practicing certificates annually. It is the duty of all health practitioners to ensure that their annual practicing certificates for the following year are renewed before 31st December of the current year. Treat every patient politely and respect patients. Give patients information in a way they can understand,” Mr. Musonda emphasised.

“Respect the right of patients to be fully involved in decisions about their care; Commits an offence under any other law. Entering into a sexual or indecent relationship with a patient; forgery, theft, assault or battery. Displaying indecent or violent behavior. Importing, distributing, dispensing or prescribing medicines that are not registered,” he stated.

“If found guilty, the Disciplinary committee can impose the following: Cancellation of Practicing Certificate. Censure the practitioner. Caution and postpone any further action against the practitioner. Impose a fine not exceeding 300,000 penalty units. Order a practitioner to pay the amount of loss caused by the negligence. An appeal against the decision of the committee can be made to the High Court within 30 days of the date on which the notice was given,” Mr. Musonda added.


  1. Why 30 Chinese Experts? Who are they,dont but dont worry i answer: This is one of the Loan agreements Lungu entered with the Chinese upon the building of these major hospitals. I ve always China will never give you free things, “I give u,I build, I control for 100yrs”. So its starting to be payback time now for all the projects PF borrowed money for-Its not double or Tripple or quadruple pay back. This is part of a requirement for China to come back to the negotiating table. Next is Zesco, Tollgate collections(for building Bridges), MFEZs, KK airport and New Conference center. If PF was still in power-imagine what deal he had agreed with China? By now, there wud have been a chinese news caster or channel on ZNBC(im not joking-it was going to happen).If there was a Chinese Police…

  2. After shunning the east, here is upnd receiving help from them. Chipante pante govt. You thought muzungu likes you. If they did why haven’t they sent you American medical docs. F00Iish

  3. After shunning the east, here is upnd receiving help from them. Chlpante pante govt. You thought muzungu likes you. If they did why haven’t they sent you Amerlcan medlcal d0cs.

  4. We have very good doctors who have left the country due to poor conditions of service. But we choose to employ foreigners who may not even be as good as our exiled experts. Anyway those in government know better than we people on the street.

  5. 28 Chinese doctors? While we have HUNDREDS of unemployed Zambian doctors? Fully certified and roaring to go? Which must be a LOT cheaper than Chinese doctors?

  6. Any help from anyplace is appreciated…………..

    But let’s face it……….

    It is the work ethic of the Chinese that makes them fit in anywhere , especially Africa……….

    A lot of this work ethic is to do with the primary education and indoctrination of hard work, morality and ethics they go through as children……..

    It’s time for zambia to change the education system.,………

  7. Wrong and careless move..You will see another wave of covid coming…they will wipe you off the face of the planet..we Africans never learn or studied the origins of AIDS or other diseases.

  8. Getting other people to do your dirty work isn’t a solution but a problem. invest in training your own personnel is a much better strategy.

  9. The chinese technological advancement has beaten that of the US in the last decade by far…now is the time to make closer ties with them..the western ship is sinking and its now resorting to intimidation and bullying kikiki..

  10. Chinese-made medical equipment without English language manuals and calibrations is looking for a market. Presence of Chinese doctors ensures that becomes no problem. I hope these are specialists and not GPs of whom we now hv lots.

  11. Zambians will take an interest in ensuring that all trained health workers are absorbed before consideration is taken for non-Zambians can be deployed in our public health sector. I believe UPND cadres will be as enthusiastic over this move by government, as they have been on Black Mountain, DPP and other vices hindering our progress in national development.

  12. Why is that the Government is set to deploy 28 Chinese medical experts in selected public health facilities in the country?. This is interesting. Perhaps when such as article is written, could the readers be provided with a reason as to why the government is taking such a step? Its vital that we understand the reasoning behind taking such steps? Please inform and educate some of us.

  13. Next, we will hear that they’re in the Police Force, and in the Military. This is extremely troubling. Are there no native Zambians qualified enough to take up these positions? What the heck is wrong with us, Africans? This is unacceptable. UPND is now morphing into PF. PF had one solution to everything: The Chinese ! We voted them out because of this same practice. When are we going to stand on our own two feet? Obviously there are Zambians outside the country that can take up these positions. If you call them and promise to pay them well, they would show up to do a professional job. But no. You would rather have the Chinese do everything for you. Shame, shame. shame!

  14. Help comes with conditions so when China comes to our Aid they
    Also have their conditions and one
    Of them is to take their people.

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