Friday, March 21, 2025

UPND MP says Justice was denied After Constitution Courts Upholds the Election of PF MP


United Party for National Development (UPND) losing candidate in the Chimwemwe Parliamentary election Bornwell Matanda has lamented the Constitutional Court’s decision to uphold the election of Patriotic Front (PF)’s Allen Banda as Member of Parliament.

The Constitutional Court this week dismissed the Ndola High Court ruling made on 22nd November, 2021, that the election of Mr. Banda was null and void due to what it termed as non compliance to the provision of the Electoral Process Act.

The Ndola High Court’s ruling to nullify Mr. Banda’s election came as a result of the Electoral Commissioner of Zambia (ECZ) failure to have sufficient Gen-20 forms to distribute to all polling agents.

But the Constitutional Court dismissed the High Court judgment and declared Mr. Banda as the duly elected Chimwemwe Member of Parliament.

In an interview, Mr. Matanda said he was disappointed with the Constitutional Court’s verdict and repeated that he had been robbed of victory.

Mr. Matanda said the Chimwemwe Parliamentary election results were manipulated and were not a true reflection of the people’s will.

He charged that Mr. Banda should not even celebrate the court victory because the election in Chimwemwe Constituency was a sham.

“I am disappointed with the judgment. I am disappointed with the judgment because numbers do not lie. Numbers don’t lie. I was cheated and I won the case at High Court because of numbers, the figures. My figures were manipulated. That election was stolen from me so somebody should not celebrate. In fact they should feel ashamed. ECZ (Electoral Commission of Zambia) did not do their job. ECZ disadvantaged me. It is like you are playing soccer then the referee joins the other team – helping them to score. That is what happened in Chimwemwe Constituency,” Mr. Matanda said.

He said the people of Chimwemwe Constituency were denied a chance to choose a candidate of their choice.

“So I am a very sad person. Justice was denied. The people of Chimwemwe were robbed of their free will to choose a candidate of their choice. There was a lot of manipulation and violence during elections but I didn’t even use those flaws to petition the election, I used numbers, the figures. Even now those numbers have not been changed. So I am not happy with the outcome of the Constitutional Court,” Mr. Matanda said.

Mr. Matanda added that he still loves the people of Chimwemwe Constituency despite losing the election in court.

“The election has been stolen but what I can say to the people of Chimwemwe Constituency is that they are still in my heart. I love the people of Chimwemwe and I am sure at the right time I am going to interact with them. I can just wish them well and tell them to make sure that they hold the current MP accountable so that they realise what they have been looking for all the time. But this is not how an election should be conducted. We should not allow things like that all the time. It was a shame,” Mr. Matanda said.

Mr. Banda polled 17,688 votes against his closest rival Mr. Matanda who got 15,650 votes.


  1. This is exactly what i reffered to yesterday and got canned kikiki
    useless utterances by Upnd members who think they above the law
    Do us a favour and go into obscurity as we dont need this cry baby stuff

  2. I agree with Deja Vu. Looking at the reasons the ConCourt gave for reversing the PF Mp’s nullification of his seat, I think it was completely unnecessary for Mr Matandda to have petitioned in the first place. Just accept the defeat comrade.

  3. Fuseke you chi sore loser! Go and cry to your hh. You fail to accept defeat you upnd dogs. Even that f00I hh never recognised any previous presidnet when he was in opposition so he should expect similar treatment. That is why the army don’t have loyalty to him.

  4. My worry is that the UPND wants to pretend as if they’re innocent and genuinely aggrieved yet they’re the worst culprits when it comes to electoral malpractices. When they said they’ll protect their vote we didn’t realize that what they meant was that they’ll takeover polling stations and all processes. They must be ashamed that they didn’t win a genuine election. Instead of showing remorse for their misdeeds they decided to petitions all seats won by the PF! We have a Party of savages in government.

  5. One time I asked hardcore UPND fanatic why they were petitioning so many seats won by the PF. His answer: “We want to establish a de facto one party state so that PF is buried for good.”
    These are the characters we are dealing with.

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