Thursday, March 20, 2025

Hichilema’s Ministers in a “Mfwiti Mfwiti” Situation?


By Isaac Mwanza

The Minister Kakubo “gift” from some foreign business persons and dignitary must be a lesson to Ministers on how they ought to or ought not to conduct themselves in public because, in all they do, they are representative of the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema who appointed them and task them on what to do.

In no way do I think Minister Kakubo received or didn’t receive cash from foreign nationals. Kakubo, my former school mate, is quite a decent man but public perception is bigger in this country.

The fall of the Patriotic Front (PF) regime was largely due to negative public perception and how the President was said to have done nothing or the opposition linking him to what his lieutenants were doing.

The UPND regime is now tasting its own medicine at an early hour under the N. D. Administration
The last one week, there have been revelations that some named Ministers at Finance and State House, led by the Attorney General’s Office met former Konkola Copper Mines Liquidator Milingo Lungu and negotiated a settlement.

According to information, the KCM Liquidator was to resign as Liquidator in exchange for withdrawal of initial criminal charges so the DPP could bring new lesser charges under, what the civilised world call “plea bargaining”. The actions by the DEC, largely motivated by public pressure against the administration, is what has now caused the row between the DPP and the DEC.

But we now at a point where the State could have gotten a lot of information during negotiations with Mr Milingo and his legal team which they may want to use for prosecuting him. In a civilised world, the defence team would object to such prosecution because it deprives the accused of an opportunity to put up a fair defence since the prosecution have undue advantage. But that is story for another day.

I believe President Hichilema himself would not be so naive to directly get involved in negotiating a deal with Mr. Milingo, unless his handlers did him injustice by putting him to such a risk.

However, the roles played by his Ministers in the Milingo matter have put President Hichilema in a difficult, if not compromised, position in the eyes of the public. The weak defence put up by State House and the silence of both the Ministers and AG has created a strong narrative that the meeting did actually took place. It is believed Government is u-turning on the deal after Mr Milingo discharged his side of the agreement.

Now we have Minister Kakubo meeting and getting gifts from foreign business entities and and Embassy Official, walking away with a bag containing unknown items, which the public believe is some cash bribe while he claims it was a pen and a calendar.

Kakubo’s meeting was photo or video captured and his bag-carrying images are now circulating on social media, in the same fashion a classified letter by the DPP was made to circulate on social media. This must tell all Ministers that their actions are under serious public scrutiny..

There are also serious indications by the EEP leader Chilufya Tayali that the UPND are receiving the same favours from the same foreign-owned business entities who sponsored the PF.

Mr Tayali claims the ACC will not disclose to the public about who the real owners of the 31 so-called confiscated vehicles because it would unmask the identity of the generous foreign business sponsors.

Anyway, we don’t expect President Hichilema to act on these allegations against Ministers: at State House, Finance and now Foriegn Affairs. This is how it was even under the PF.

The former President EC Lungu always demanded for evidence. Am sure President Hichilema is now demanding for the same evidence. Former President ECL called what is happening “mfwiti mfwiti type of doing things.”


  1. Visiting to order cement in a suit
    REALLY ?
    And putting a timeline of sms’s to justify accounts dont match either
    Of course the supplier will oblige with an explantion, the chinese are masters at this.
    Lets wait and see where the pre mix goes
    some will be watching

  2. Kkkkkk! Seizure of the pen and calendar reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime. Kakubo don’t break my ribs

  3. Zambian behavior has nothing to do with party affiliation. It is a national psyche. I keep telling you. You cannot cloak a behavior in party regalia. Most politicians believe the previous ones were clumsier than they are. And so it goes. It is like a kid in a candy store, without the owner or parents looking. All the time.

  4. What kind of private visit is that where all Chinese managers are out to say goodbye to a cement customer? Unless that customer has ordered cement worth $100,000 .
    I see no private visit in that, AIKONA man…. fired!!

  5. Hh himself is a Well known crook who was induced by corrupt westerners during the privatisation of our country. So kakubois just following his leaders footsteps

  6. Iwe Isaac Mwanza!
    The problem with most Zambians is that they have never been to China. There you will realise that unlike Chilanga Cement, Chinese cement is more compact. So compact that you can carry enough to build two mansions in a briefcase. The Paparazzi who take pictures of innocent Zambian ministers should note the weight of the briefcase they are photographing by the slant of shoulder of the minister. Really heavy stuff this premix cement. Premix cement from China is usually sold with a manual. The manual is in Mandarin so to make sure you don’t take it home and mistake it for food the Chinese will arrange you visit them at Sinoma for a free demonstration of pre-mixing.

  7. Oroso you know that the Chinese love authority so if they see a minister approaching Sinoma from afar they will gravitate towards him and gather Chinese calendars that can be quickly converted to AD calendars. These calendars are offered to most Zambian ministers as Chinese know that Africans are bad at timekeeping so they need to be reminded what day it is all the time. Ministers who want to visit Beijing also need to be reminded that the Chinese calendar is different so they should know when to visit Beijing. We hope this clarifies issues affecting our New Dawn cabinet. Thank You

  8. Kikikikikikijukija kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi
    Life under the new yawn.
    ACC will make it a pass.
    True Mwanza this h² is tasting real Zambian politics. The u5 in him is getting real tests left right center.
    Let’s see Zero tolerance on corruption now. No lip service. Anyways, that’s h²’s trademark.

  9. I am disappointed with Mwanza that he can take Chilufya Tayali and Nakachinda ramblisings as gospel truth.I am glad this govt will take Chitimukulu’s advice instead ” do not throw stones at every barking dog, they will distract you”.

  10. Well, even if it was a bribe_what are you PF gonna do about it? Nothing, you will talk and talk until you forget abt but, be assured, nothing will happen to Kakubo, cos the person that employed him is also suffering from the fate of you PF cadres accusing him things-So do you dream in a day that HH will even watch your stupid photos & fire Kakubo? when you also accuse HH of the same? That will not happen in this GRZ. HH treats whaterver is coming from PF cadres as pig faeces…so keep on wasting your time bamambala-you can take as many photos as you wish – The GRZ is UPND and you taking photos are PF, so know that wall that eixists inbetween.

  11. If Kakubo won’t be fired on Monday morning then HH is an idyo…. Sorry Mr. President, you can’t continue with people telling Chinese and Zambians ati “nakucita ububi chikkala”.
    Kakubo has just sneezed at all ministers.

  12. Its difficult to lead this country because of perceptions and politics. The new dawn is fast losing peoples confidence

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