Thursday, March 20, 2025

Mongu Central MP donates blankets after being touched by the way Patients were made to sleep


Mongu Central Law-maker Oliver Amutike has donated Two Hundred (200) blankets to Lewanika General Hospital worth 100,000 Thousand Kwacha.

Mr. Amutike said he was touched by the manner in which patients were sleeping when he passed through the hospital in January this year, hence making the donation of blankets to improve the situation at the biggest hospital.

The Law-maker said this when he handed over the blankets to the hospital management in Mongu yesterday.

And receiving the donation on behalf of the institution, Hospital Superintendent Samutumwa Njekwa hailed the Mongu Central MP for honouring the promise of assisting the institution with blankets.

Dr. Njekwa said Government alone cannot manage to offer holistic support to health institutions , adding that there was a need for stakeholders to join hands with government in the provision of quality health care to the citizens.

“The grants which we get as a hospital are not enough to enable us provide all the services to our patients. Donations like this will go a long way in enhancing health care delivery “said Dr. Njekwa.

Dr. Njekwa said the donation by Mr Amutike was a first of its kind in the 7 years he has been operating at the hospital and urged the MP to continue rendering support to the health facility.

“I have never seen this kind of donation in the last 7 years I have been at this hospital”, Dr. Njekwa stated.

And speaking at the same occasion, Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Chairman for Mongu Central Mupo Sikuniso urged the hospital management to take advantage of the CDF to solicit funds to deal with minor projects.

“We are very excited with the donation of the blankets at this institution. I urge you to also take advantage of CDF to attend to minor projects such as repairing leaking roofs, that is why the funds are there”. Mr. Sikuniso told management.

Lewanika General Hospital is one of the oldest health institutions in Zambia named after a Lozi King, Lewanika.

The hospital has been facing numerous challenges ranging from dilapidated state of infrastructure to lack of adequate hospital linen.


  1. “…….The hospital has been facing numerous challenges ranging from dilapidated state of infrastructure to lack of adequate hospital linen….”

    Hospital Superintendent Samutumwa Njekwa has been there 7 years…….

    What has he done….?


  2. Noble act. But if there is no money -generally, in the Country, how is the MP able to splash with such generosity?

    #plant a tree please.

  3. Where is the CDF you were voted into National Assembly to bring frontline services to the people. Why is Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Chairman for Mongu Central Mupo Sikuniso urging the hospital management to take advantage of the CDF to solicit funds to deal with minor projects…he should have done this before they visited. I would like to see the conditions of service for these CDF Chairmen and cars they drive.

  4. It’s interesting to learn the different response and attitude of electorates exhibited in recent bye elections that took place in Mongu and the Kabwata constituency ,Lusaka. It’s strange how electorates behave in these places.Why did kabwata electorates behave the way they did ?The results in Kabwata seem to speak differently from the Mongu one.Are electorates speaking strange………

  5. @ 6 TIKKI
    Please let’s be civil don’t call a fellow human being trash….

    Am planting a lot of trees on my property in Livingstone

  6. @11 – Excellent job! Trees help to mitigate climate change. They contribute a lot to our ecosystems by remaining alive – standing in the ground, than felled to make furniture and other worthless trinkets.

    Thank you.

  7. This is exactly how we are not supposed to live. Setting up institutions that wait for charity or those selling political points to help. Why do we pay tax?

  8. Your sabotage will not work. That hospital was under PF govt for past 7 yrs. Where did funding go? Us new dawn zambians are prepared to work with govt to build this nation. Mwanyala, you thought you would continue to plunder. We are still coming fir you, that stolen wealth will surely be returned to the Treasury.

  9. It’s interesting to learn the different response and attitude of electorates exhibited in recent bye elections that took place in Mongu and the Kabwata constituency,Lusaka. It’s strange how electorates behave in these places.Why did Kabwata electorates behave the way they did? The results in Kabwata seem to speak differently from the Mongu one.Are electorates speaking strange………….,…….

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