Thursday, March 20, 2025

Zesco United Get New Team Bus


A high powered delegation on Tuesday witnessed the unveiling of the new 65-seater Zesco United FC team bus at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola.

Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo led the delegation that included Provincial Permanent Secretary Augustine Kasongo, Ndola Mayor Jones Kalyati, Ndola District Commissioner Joseph Phiri, FAZ vice President Justin Mumba, Zesco Limited Board Chairman Vickson Nc’ube and Zesco Managing Director Victor Mapani.

In his remarks, Nc’ube challenged Zesco United to win the CAF Champions League and qualify for the FIFA Club World Cup.

Nc’ube said qualifying for the FIFA World Cup will enable Zesco to make money and become self-sustainable.

“Guys the ball is in your court, you can enrich yourself by not just conquering Zambia but conquering the whole Africa. Then you go on to conquer the whole World,” Nc’ube said.

“FIFA club championship, when you beat the whole of Africa and you go to that tournament the participating fee at one time, it could be more than $10,000,000 just for stepping there. If Africa is represented by Zesco, we are aware that there is money that will head our way and all these dreams of sponsoring these will become a thing of the past,” he said.

In the keynote speech, Matambo urged the business community to emulate Zesco Limited, by supporting sport.

Zesco United vice Captain Winston Kalengo hailed Zesco Limited for supporting his team for over 50 years.


  1. This is unbelievable the whole crew including the minister leaving his office just to go and see the bus it means he has no work to do

  2. Ba lipota nabo When did buying a bus become news? Tell us when they buy soccer balls, and boots and vests as well.

  3. So shameful,How can the whole team of so called leaders abandon their duties of economic value to just go and witness a simple bus which can even be bought by anybody who desires to do so? Let’s be serious with real issues at life please and stop jocking with people’s lives.

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