Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Milingo Lungu cut deal with President Hichilema, Court Papers Show


In a sensational turn of events, former Konkola Copper Mines provisional liquidator Milingo Lungu has revealed that he met President Hakainde Hichilema and Vice-President Mutale Nalumango and held negotiations for his exit from the mining giant.

Others who attended the meeting included Minister of Finance Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane and State House Principal Private Secretary Bradford Machila and State House Special Assistant for Legal Affairs, Christopher Mundia.

In subsequent meetings, Attorney General, Mulilo Kabesha, Solicitor General, Marshal Muchende, Director of Public Prosecutions Lillian Fulata Siyuni and Natasha Kalimukwa-Administrator General were present.

The meeting was meant to discuss how Mr Lungu can vacate his office in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecution and the return of his seized assets as they were legitimately earned.

This is according to a petition he has filed before Constitutional Court against the State and the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).

Mr. Milingo has since requested the Lusaka High Court to compel the DEC to uphold the immunity from prosecution granted by the DPP on matters related to his role as Provisional Liquidator of Konkola Copper Mines.

He has also requested the Court to compel the DEC not to further investigate, arrest and prosecute him on matters that form part of the indemnity.

Mr. Milingo has also sworn in the affidavit that he will demonstrate to the Court that the commissions he earned from running Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) which earned $1.2billion during the period, were legitimate and in accordance with the signed Remuneration Agreement.

He said the commissions he earned were for the period between 21st May 2019 and 17th March 2021.

He said following his refusal to vacate office after an announcement about his illegal removal as the court-appointed Provisional Liquidator, State agents approached him to engage in formal negotiations for his smooth exit.

He said a crisis arose at KCM as the newly appointed liquidator had no legal mandate to access bank accounts, assets and operations of KCM.

He revealed that the parties agreed to a forensic audit that would lead to the dropping of the criminal charges against Mr. Milingo and an indemnity or immunity to prosecution.

Milingo also stated that it was unreasonable and an abuse of the criminal process to arbitrary arrest and seize assets on charges that have not been complained against or formed as criminal by KCM.


  1. Now you see? Lillian Siyuni was right. Bally and cohorts can’t be trusted. Milingo shall spill rotten beans. Very shameful and embarrassing. Nipano tuli

  2. Wow this is deep. Anti corruption is very unprofessional. They are messing up everything. The DPP is trying to serve the nation and the president. That is was why she entered null le because of the deal. Mulingo will come out richer in this

  3. These are issues which need to be done in a very mature and professional way otherwise our institutions won’t be trusted any more which is a very bad picture.

  4. That’s why Im advising our Upnd members to be vigilant in whatever their officials are doing. We could end up worse than the PF era. Just seven months they have succeeded to surpass the ten years rot by the PF. You voted for decency, you didn’t vote to support blindly.

  5. By the way, has Kajoba run out of steam? He’s no longer in the news these days. Maybe he’s realized he’s being used.

    Wait and see this is going to continue
    the truth will come out and its not what you think
    there will be no immunity fraud is fraud

  7. Is this strategy in the interest of Zambia? It would be truer to say it is the interest of their businesses.

  8. At how much was Milingo sold the ” immunity from criminal prosecution”? what crminality was he guilty of? and who benefitted from the sale? was it the state?

  9. When i say you voted out a criminal and gave a merciless criminal power. This is what i meant.
    He’s eyes were trained to see personal business opportunities only. Reason he couldn’t advise Chiluba not to go ahead with the sale of assets as they would in future be of significance like they have made him super rich today.
    He’s back to sale everything Zambia might have earned.

  10. That’s how things work in Zambia since independence. Accept that you the voters were lied to yet again. None of the previous leaders or connected people who have stolen from the country will ever go to prison. First HH signed a deal with Edgar Lungu, and then Faith Musonda and then now Milingo Lungu not prosecute them. Who knows who else has been given such a deal?
    Also law enforcement agencies such as DEC, ACC, police and the likes are underfunded, lack training, zero technology and are in fact corrupt as well. No one of the privileged people will ever be convicted and serve prison time. Those who voted for UPND were lied to as usual. Wake up Zambians; time for silence and negotiations is over. No more referring to Zambians as peaceful people. Peace does not cure your hunger, or pay…

  11. Where is spaka aka tarino? You won’t see that f00I anywhere near such articles hahahahaha ha ha hahahahaha

  12. This is the time for Kalaba, Meembe and others to go to grassroots and start a process of evicting this calculator boy from State House! You do not negotiate with criminals. This is the end of Hakainde!!!

  13. You have heard nothing from official statehouse………….

    Nothing sinister here………..

    GRZ can negotiate exit terms for milingo………

    New information can come to light and be investigated and he can be re arrested …….

    Bytheway…….as tarino says….

    Never feed the coon troll seeking attention and relevance…….

  14. DPP must be investigated. You were saying, just like nakachinda, hh sign the paper sheets. Now I understand it was the dpp (to an extent not wrong if procedure was followed, of which clear was not the case)

  15. Kikikikiki kikikikiki kikikikiki just kikikiki…what else can i say hihihihi …ok President HH fighting corruption and cutting deals with the corrupt…slam dunk…now everyone can google the word “DEMAGOGUE”….this is what we have as a President

  16. and You thought HH didnt know that Kakubo was supposed to meet Chinese Minister….now you are dealing with big time crooooks….kikikikikikikiki
    Tarino Orange and Spaka….kikikikikiki

  17. When we say we have a conman amongst us people are still snoring or in an outright stupor. We are are definetely not in auto pilot but we have an active curtail leading this country.

  18. And remember what I said about fake seizer of Lusambo’s property…..smoke screen….Zambians you’re being duped every day….HH is fattening his pockets

  19. 11: Kaizar Zulu; Tarino and his fellow f00ls cannot comment because he doesn’t even what this article is talking about.

    Tarino always runs away from the truth. We told them but they wouldn’t listen. Hakainde cannot be trusted with anything.

  20. @ 21 Henry
    Hakainde Hichilema is fake and a known criminal….,and Zambians we joke too much….HH should be kicked out of office,,,Zambians should start protesting till he leaves office

  21. LT stop this nonsense of publishing stories with no author. You are becoming more uselss by the day thats why your readership is no longer what oit used to be.

  22. It is very surprising how people are failing understand this.milingo was legally and rightfully chosen as the liquidator.The state could not terminate his contract because it would breach of contract and milingo will get a lot of many remember chirwa. Not only that none can have access to the bank accounts of KCM apart from the liquidator..The only think the state to do is negotiate with milingo to step down on his own and milingo gave them what he need in return..DPP had to enter a null le..then over zealous ACC spoiled everything

  23. And is this what Zambians voted…come on guys let’s be serious… non Partisan but I can tell you HH is doomed….and now we need young serious Zambians to start campaigning and save Zambia otherwise this is the end….no wonder predator IMF is acting like a loan shark….

  24. So much of expectations for many ordinary people who are always ending up ‘screwed!’ Politicians have ways of watching each other’s backs and the common citizens are the admission means to the exclusive elite club of plunderers! How does HH go behind doors to negotiate immunity with a ‘suspected’ criminal after promising the electors he’d clean house? A negotiated immunity for one stepping down and walks away with all proceeds from suspected crime because it gives opportunity for new dawn leadership to make a new appointment! Politics in Zambia is a game of envy filled contests jostling for the better seats on a buffet table as to sample the fresh warm food as it is served!

  25. so if you get rid of the Corrupt government and the new government start making deals with the previous government the who is more corrupt…Special paper 1 10 marks

  26. So in short Hakainde is the one who issued ” Nolle”…..kikikikik so can we respectifully ask him to resign

  27. @25 redo
    there is nothing to understand here my dear friend…..dont shift goal post…today dont say its Mary Chirwa’s fault… the court affidavit and you will know that HH is a demagogue President

  28. #22 Sure half of the 2.8m came from one area. That’s where the problem lies. They won’t see the happenings as a problem as long as their relative is president.

  29. What is this ? You trick someone into something and later renegade? Courts of law will respect the agreement. What s shame on whoever signed this immunity agreement.

  30. Running a country is not as easy as HH thought. HH and group had no choice to break the contract without a lengthy trial. The had to go for a plea deal to get things moving. Weather we like it or not this was the best play given the situation. Is this right? far from it. HH needs to put his house in order their communication has always been a problem

  31. I feel LT can do better to change such imperative reports. news is becoming more less like Secondary English literature, full of un-verified and un- collaborative information etc….Its not serving and growing the intelligence of the once LT bloggers in my opinion.

  32. If it was in the USA HH was going to resign immediately or else face outright impeachment….this is pure abuse of office and if HH will still be President of Zambia for the next 7 days then we’re not a democracy…we’re a monkey democracy

  33. @34 Ana
    You just sit down…..plea deal and immunity are two different things…..stop sugar coating this issue….this is abuse of office…HH is not the head of the Zambian Judiciary to instruct the courts who should be prosecuted and who shouldn’t ……what plea deal are you talking about????…..immunity from prosecution my friend…..way way bigger than plea deal….

  34. I always wonder why we don’t develop almost 60 years after independence … I know why…..we have useless Pompweees masquerading as leaders…..HH is the biggest Pompweeee to have ruled Zambia

  35. Mmmmmm…….interesting revelations! Tuletambafye nokumfwa. A government will make history as the shortest serving government in the country. We Zambians don’t like being messed with. Corruption and theft is what made us kick out the PF from power. Well, 2026 is not too far. UPND please tread carefully, do what is in the best interest of Zambia

  36. Ba 1800 tekeni ka tarino panshi. We in bemba that wishinda taulanya. This is another propaganda from ba 1800. You will nya

  37. To be honest i am not seeing anything better in this government. This may be worse than the previous regime.

  38. This is what you get when you have the investigating institutions tightly clipped under the president’s armpits. They are spewing his smelly sweat right now.

  39. #47 Timbwi it’s already worse if you factor in time they have been in the office and the number of known scandals (there may be others that haven’t been exposed)… fertilizer, Zesco poles, Chinese/Kakubogate….add unknowns compared to ten years of PF plunder and you get a worrisome outcome.

  40. The meeting was meant to discuss how Mr Lungu can vacate his office in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecution and the return of his seized assets as they were legitimately earned.
    Its interesting how and when Milingo Lungu got that lucrative deal as KCM liquidator and who was at the centre of crafting such a corruptive deal involving huge sums of money without due care of loss of national resources when hospitals were without medicines. PF web of corruption is astounding to imagine. No wonder the president objected to it. Its good this case has exposed how corrupt PF and its operatives have been. Let it not be hidden in legal agreements done with the last regime. A corrupt act remains corrupt no matter how you coat it with legal technicarities.

  41. Lo! and behold – the supposedly immunity was only secured on 21 March 2022 crafted and signed by DPP alone. Remember, Liliyan Shawa Siyuni the DPP and Milingo Lungu are close relatives and DPP should have rescued herself from this sensitive case. This the more reason DPP Siyuni’s position is untenable, she will have to resign whether this case goes through or not Zambians demand credibility in the judiciary. This is regardless which government is in power the judicial system in a nation is critical for democracy.

  42. @50 Deja Vu
    Faith Musonda,48 houses,fire tenders,Lower Zambezi Mining, Phone call to the ECZ, book launch in south Africa, unexplained Foreign trips, 50 million fertlizer deal, Stanely Kakubo and now shield thieves…….HH MUST BE KICKED OUT OF OFFICE

  43. The press briefing by Minister indicates that the negotiations where between DPP and Milingo and no time did the president issue instructions or met Milingo. So who is lying?

  44. Dirty chaps and here we are wallowing in poverty. It hurts to hear such irrespective of political affiliation.

  45. When this man called Hakainde brings the ACC into state house the cult worshippers sing even louder as though their god was infallible. Kanshi it is scandals after another. Ladies and gentlemen it is official we have a serious curtail tuning our great nation. They are actually worse than conmen.

  46. If KCM can give Milingo so much profit then
    Why should we go to IMF?
    No where in the world can you make such

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