Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Fired from Barclays for fraud: Kakubo’s soiled past resurfaces


Embattled Foreign Affairs Minister Stanley Kakubo was fired from Barclays Bank in 2014 on fraud related charges, it has emerged.

According to an investigation, Mr. Kakubo was is also Kapiri Member of Parliament worked as a Relationship Manager at Barclays Head Office from 2011-2014 when he was unceremoniously fired.

Senior Bank Executives revealed that Mr. Kakubo who worked in the Corporate Banking Unit responsible for SME’s failed to make reconciliations on a number of accounts.

The Kapiri law marker also had a bad reputation of accumulating debts from Shylocks and a variety of money lenders who kept following him to the Bank.

He disappeared for a number of days, abandoning his post leading up the Bank to terminate his contract.

“It would appear that he knew that he was going to be let go, he went missing for a few weeks and that made it easier for HR to sack him because there were already a number of issues like fraud and bouncing of cheques,” source from the Bank said.

Mr. Kakubo is a nephew to Former First Lady Maureen Kakubo Mwanawasa was later adopted to contest the Kapiri seat on the UPND ticket in the 2016 general elections.

“He lost his job towards the end of 2014 and his wife Nomsi had already left him because of GBV and the only option was to campaign for UPND in 2016 together with the Aunty (Maureen Mwanawasa) and he was rewarded with an adoption mostly due to the Aunty’s influence,” the source added.

Mr. Kakubo has been in the news since images of his visit to Sinoma Cement Offices were shared on social media suggesting that he may have received a bribe from the Chinese owners at Sinoma.

“Those issues coming up that he may have gotten something from Sinoma cannot be ruled out, Stanley is a very shady character who left the Bank with a lot of debt some of which he is still hasn’t settled,” the source said.

In justifying delays to appoint his cabinet, President Hakainde Hichilema repeatedly stated how he would give Zambians the best cabinet since his search for cabinet members would be thorough, meticulous and based on meritocracy.



  2. @2: Tikki, if your minister was smart enough, he should have displayed what was in that envelope. People wouldnt have speculated or suspected Kakubo if he had honestly displayed what was contained in that envelope.

    With what had resurfaced, this ministers’ integrity is already compromised. Wish him good luck in his role as minister.

  3. The man is yet to display the calendar and the pen from Sinoma. Maybe one is being manufactured in Matero now, that said the UPND government is still a formidable one which we should all support. HH should consider suspending the man till we see the calendar, even if it is being delivered now

  4. President Lungu was roasted by Praise singers for saying the truth when approached at Late president Rupiah Banda,now let’s watch the drama as it unfolds.i would love to see President HH address the nation and explain all these issues to the nation as he promised that the new Dawn government will not condone corruption when what we are seeing is happening in day light on the President watch

  5. I have already said it is not a party thing; it is a behavioral thing. It is also exasperating that this habit of bringing up people’s pasts AFTER they have done something questionable is a wrong approach. This is why we always have scoundrels and rogues in political office all the time. We should start vetting people actively BEFORE they even attempt to run for office.

  6. He has been compromised.

    He is damaged goods.

    He is tarnishing the new GRZ.

    He needs to go.

    no two ways about it.

  7. With this kind of image, surely this is NOT a man to continue as our chief diplomat. Why do we have to waste time with questionable characters when the country is full of qualified people? People are in a hurry to see positive change by UPND govt. It wont be achieved if this fight is not treated as a revolution. In a revolution, radical decisions have to be taken swiftly. It is not business as usual.

  8. @Henry
    This chap is not smart
    We are all including me calling for him to be replaced
    This sort of nonsense should not being going on !!
    NOW LT must keep posting on this issue and not let it fade away

  9. The more HH7 delays in relieving this man the more he will be embarassed… there is absolutely no shame sacking someone because they couldnt control themselves.

  10. Why should the ACC wait for someone to report this scandalous elf? They should simply move in and do a Lusambo on him. Oh no I forgot that they get instructions from Plot One.

  11. Lungu has a soiled past, HH has a questionable past, Mwanawasa’s dealings with Rajan were questionable, RB got wealthy in office, Sata had weird dealings in the personalization of state assets, Chiluba, not even worth mentioning. That said, Kakubo had a chance to manage optics and simply execute his role to the best of his abilities, the New Dawn is quickly becoming a fallacy.

  12. All of you above let me come in and Educate: 1) You same people not long ago you wud watch a PF minister flashing cash in public(Inonge Wina as example) and u fox was voiceless,no call for action against her-nothing! Waste case-Bowman Lusambo, Munir Zulu used to flash Guns in public,all of you scared, Corruption by Jean Kapata, Lungu himself, Kampyongo, all PF ministers to Town Clerks ate in Broad day light while you guys watched. Land was sold,Zesco privatised to the Chinese and PF cadres. And non of the Lungu ministers was fired for such.

  13. His explanation about the trip does not hold water. It now looks like the Chinese new he was there doing corruption. They made sure they took pictures and video clips as evidence and insurance cover. Just in case he turned against them and denied that he never visited the place.

    I questioned his appointment, got called names on LT. Foreign Minister is a very senior post in any country. This post should have gone to smart and articulate guys such as Cornelius Mweetwa who is dumped as a junior minister for southern province.

    HH humble yourself and give this job to Cornelius Mweetwa. Let go of the beef you have on Mweetwa.

  14. You think HH will for one second fire any of his ministers because you vuvuzelas are making all the noise? in your mothers dreams. HH hasnt also forgotten that you idioots only voted for him cause you were stuck with the PF,you let PF still everything and only when you were stuck with Debt and high cost of living, and then thats the only time you cud think of HH as a liberator. You still going to suffer alittle bit more under HH cause thats what you did to him in 2016 when he won and non of you ever came to petition.So even his ministers can steal like the PF did and gues what? No one is going anywhere, we are in power now and will run this country the way we feel best. If you cadres are unhappy then vote UPND out in 2026,but for now, nothing you bluff will change even a hair on us…

  15. Well pointed out but this is not what we want to see continuing. We the people of Zambia kicked out the PF for the same reasons given above and we want sanity and clarity. Kaponya behavior is what to detested under the former regime. Kakubo must be reprimanded by the appointing authority, his actions are embarrassing and not befitting a cabinet minister or simply a leader.

  16. In meantime,we enjoying Chinese Tea,And we are not corrupt,a minister can do whatever he wishes when offduty,non of your all your daamn facking duty. Malaanji bought helicopters hard cash and not jst carrying a briefcase and HOW MANY OF YOU SPOKE OR REPORTED THE MATTER? This Harry Congole Kalaba who is busy complaining used to fly using a presidential jet alone to for his & Lungu private businesses-How many of you questioned it? Emmanuel Mwamba was only an Ambassador and yet he was in Zambia every month commisioning agricultural projects with his chiefs in Northern Province,how many of you spoke. So shut the fack up! I dont care if Kakubo was fired at the Bank – who hasnt been fired for wrong doing at work anyway?Thats crap you talking!

  17. 20@ Jonathan Mutaware-Formerly Step-Aside

    You d**ckhead. You are the kind that says – My father was a thief therefore I should also copy the same behaviour and become a thief. UPND should not be here to justify the past corruption & blunder and follow in the same direction. You are such a shallow person………………….

  18. So if i was you fox,the fact that you have a president who detests corruption tooth & nail,a president that have given up his salary for the whole 12months by June this year-Who of you can go even for six months without pay? A president that has given you free education, A president that has increased CDF and practically disbursed, A president that keeps on spending 90% less money whenever he travels. So me hearing you complain abt one of the ministers of such a president and only for carrying a briefcase? You are being hypocrites and HH should now jst let all his ministers steal from you stupid foooools. You are Very poor Inferior black people, who will always be poor and live on less than a dollar per day who GRZ budget ll alwys bew funded by the West & depend on world vision or NGOs…

  19. @Zambia Today: How many ministers in the UPND have you seen flash cash around?(which by way,even your own mother,Inonge Wina used to do),how many UPND ministers have you seen Building mansions the way Lusambo did? and you ***** know Lusambo from MMD as a poor of the poorest-did you voice out? How many times has HH travelled & saved you Billions you idioot? let alone his salary donated to you. Now you want to make noise about a minister carrying a briefcase and besides no one knows what was in their and for what purpose yet you all have convicted guilty already. Thats why i say “fack you all” and may the children of your children continue to live on less than a dollar per day. And HH should now let his ministers steal cos clearly what he is trying to do doesnt mean a thing. Let the theft…

  20. Stanley has 2 options, either resign for first time or wait to be fired in similar way get fired in his previous jobs, or;
    Self exile like what we did, leave Zambia and join us ran the country on internet. We serve Zambia patriotically.

  21. Icibemba as language is full of apply in every sphere of life. In case of this young man Stanly Kakubo we can say “Kucibolya takubula mukaya” what he thought was a buried and forgotten issue boom it’s on the surface. Üwakalema takaleka” these are bad habits glaring their ugly head. BMW told us his choice of ministers would be done meticulously and methodically and said would give us the cream in comparison to the previous regime. Awe yama mulibabufi!!

  22. ssssmr Step aside you want the country to continue on that same wrong path those are wrongs that made people to change and asher in the present govt inkumba ninkumba if he is a thief he’s a thief period twilasapotafye nangunachilubana awe lets build zambia for our better tomorrow

  23. Let him enjoy…if everyone else did it, why can’t he did it also? The next one after him will do the same.

  24. Kakubo has just shown that he is tactless and therefore not fit to be a minister. He is an embarrassment to the President. The first thing on his mind, soon after appointment, is to build a mansion; instead of serving the people of Zambia!
    Dear HH we don’t deserve such ministers please

  25. HH how could you choose Stanley Kakubo over an eminent qualified Zambia like Dr Chaloka Beyani. I have only met him twice and seen him on CNN as the lawyer of the great lakes region. He has a very rich CV.

  26. Mr President please make use of the services of Dr Chaloka Beyani, his CV is very very impressive. I once saw him on CNN

  27. Sorry guys for the many posts, it was initially rejecting my posts, so I double posted the same message. It would be interesting to see Stanley’s CV

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