Thursday, March 20, 2025

Milingo Lungu’s Deal Exposes President HH’s Corruption and his Billions


By Kapya Kaoma

The revelation that KCM liquidator Milingo Lungu cut a deal with President Hichilema exposed by Court Papers confirms my long standing claim that President HH is corrupt. Why should the President be cutting deals with “criminals”? Is HH now the police, courts and the ACC? Aside from exposing the stinking corruption of the New Dark Regime, this case shows how President HH is undermining democracy. We cannot have democracy without an independent judiciary. Frankly, if the President becomes the court to cut deals with “criminals,” we have a rotten, stinking government that defines what constitutes right and wrong. If this happens, we no-longer have a democracy but tyranny or the rule of the jungle. President HH is sadly pushing us into that direction as his worshipers shout, “Bally will fix it”!

We have reason to worry. President HH’s takeover of the Anti-Corruption Commission and other investigative arms of the government is finally exposed. We were promised that these agencies would operate without presidential interference, but the papers suggest otherwise. The entire administration is directly involved in the investigations–something that explains the ongoing politically motivated arrests. But why should the President and his Vice be negotiating deals with “criminals”? If Milingo committed any crimes, is it not in public interests that Zambians know the truth? One wonders the motive behind the deal–what is it that the President is hiding from Zambians? Why not allow the law to do the right thing? If Milingo’s appointment by the court couldn’t be overturned by the President aside from the same courts, is the cutting of the deal not undermining the Judiciary? In the normal world, the President has committed an impeachable crime against Zambia. But in the Bally Nation, it doesn’t matter unless you are President Lungu.

The issue of KCM should serve as an eye opener to how HH views courts and the law–his own tuntemba. It is one thing for the courts and the ACC to cut deals, but another for the President to be involved in such activities–it stinks! What was the motive for his involvement and why? This is an important question that deserves independent investigation. Why did the President desperately need this deal to an extent of giving Milingo Lungu immunity from any investigations? What did he offer to HH in exchange for his immunity? What material interests did he provide to the State? Did this include dirty on his political opponents or hiding dirty on President HH’s own or his friends interests? These are important questions that deserve answers. Unfortunately, corruption is only corruption if committed by PF officials. As long as HH remains president, Milingo may cry aloud but the poor man is headed to jail. His claims are nothing, but lies until another regime takes over. I pray for a miracle, but knowing how rotten our courts are, the poor man will be roasted for the UPND barbecue as HH and his cronies drink wine and dance to the sound of solemn cries of help as if a baby robbed of its Mama’s breast milk.

But wait. As Milingo burns, the young Zambians finally have a case to understand how Bally became a billionaire. Between 21st May 2019 and 17th March 2022, Milingo Lungu legitimately made $1.2 billion as commission from KCM as a receiver. What? Yes. 1.2 billion United States dollars in commission! That is exactly how HH became the richest man in Zambia. Hard work, I guess, during the 1990s under the corrupt Chiluba regime. Workers died while like Milingo Lungu, HH proudly made billions of dollars as a receiver. Well we didn’t have a new president within 3 years of his tenure, so there was no need to cut deals. It is now water under the bridge. But next time when someone boasts of being a smart businessman, think of Milingo Lungu.

You don’t need to be smart to be a billionaire; you only need to be appointed a receiver of a big and profitable Zambian company. Within a year, you will be one.


  1. Whilst I agree that HH is wrong here, you are incorrect in your statement that Milingo made 1.2 billion as commission. The company made 1.2 billion during his time as liquidator and his commission is 4.4 million dollars from the 1.2 billion dollars.
    Alas, I would pay to be in the UPND secretariat right now, to hear what all those people who were calling for DPP’s resignation have to say now. The woman gave instructions to protect the President and they were in attack mode over her.

  2. I am waiting for the so-called prince to give us his stand on this matter. I SS will in a matter of hours so I won’t put him under pressure.

  3. If indeed the president just tricked Milingo into signing that paper, the the president cannot be tricked with our national affairs. Remember he promised press conferences unlike ECL…. but alas he is like ECL to the letter.

  4. Deja Vu, he can’t show up for a press conference now, way too many blunders! Way too many that he couldn’t possibly stand up to journalists.

  5. Please please this is not time for lengthy articles explaining how corrupt HH is…this is Time for calling for his resignation…period HH MUST STEP DOWN NOW…..

  6. Look at this bitter cader………..

    Trying to insinuate the president was alone in negotiation with milingo. It was a whole GRZ collective decision. The AG, and all top ministers agreed to this.

    A reason why this was done will be released soon.

  7. Jaw-dropping behavior by this New Doom government. I look back to BMW’s maiden speech after being declared winner and I was like wow! Now it’s a complete about-turn and straight down the drain.

  8. Its time Bally should explain to Zambians
    What is going on as this will make them lose
    Confidence in his rule .let him hold a press

  9. @9 Anthony Bwalya UPND
    Talk is cheap….he has been exposed…such a liar….the way they demonized PF Bandits as if they were saints… turns out they’re worse than PF

  10. We want to the Lusaka Youths marching on the streets of Lusaka for the resignation of the DG of DEC. She has embarrassed the president by re arresting Milingo.

  11. Vice President Mutale Nalumango note that the deal you cut with Milingo is a sin. I think you did not know. Your boss BMW is fully aware, he did it during 1990 Privatasation. A straightforward person, like you, would say I’m sorry.

  12. We Zambians are just watching and bottling up our anger which will be unleashed come August 2026 depending on what will happen by that time. A lot will certainly happen between now and then. But still more I don’t regret voting out that criminal regime of PF


  14. Where on earth can a criminal be allowed to cut a deal to be completely free. A criminal can only cut a deal for a reduced prison sentence.
    So the DPP and the government representatives are saying that buying property using funds stolen from KCM is just okay so long as Milingo resigns as the liquidator.
    The story does not add up.

  15. Computer scientist I don’t need immunity when I am innocent and even if i had immunity I would not tell you as its confidential information. Pobo

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