Wednesday, March 19, 2025

UPND’s Great Achievement is Directionless Leadership


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

We do not underestimate the UPND or its achievements. In the years before the election, they tenaciously laid bare the areas of life and policy where the public felt dissatisfied and angry with the PF and its government. They did not win merely by default, but because they managed to capture the public mood. We will learn from that.

Today the UPND government looks very strong and confident. But problems lie ahead. They don’t seem to know where they are headed, and that is dangerous. UPND’s great achievement is directionless leadership: they appear to be in control, but no one knows where they are leading.

They have failed to define the purpose of their government. We perceive no ideological roots. We can detect no sense of direction. They are high on boasting, bragging, rhetoric, posturing and promises. But they will in the end be judged not on what they say but on what they do.

This government is too self-satisfied and too little criticised for its own good or for ours. They have tried to silence all the critical voices by appointing critics or potential critics to some boards, commissions and so on and so forth.

This is not a recipe for governing well. The wheel of fortune turns and that which once appeared fresh, with the passing of time goes to seed.

We are not wishing them ill. We were the first to wish our new government well, and we will do so again. Socialists are patriots and wish to see our country succeed. You will not see us gloat over national reverses, nor talk down their successes, as they did when they were in opposition.

We wish to see the economy improve and give our people a better life. We do not look to defeat UPND on the back of national failure. There will be sufficient grounds without that to argue for their removal.


  1. The small problem membe and others face is hoping for HH to turn out to be a loser like lungu…………….

    Not going to happen…………

    The tething problems we see in GRZ are mostly throwback from lungus reckless rule and 10 years of PF………….

    We can guarantee people will be clamouring for HH beyond 2031………….

  2. It is so had to support Meembe. He must answer to Kabimba’s accusations about some immoral stuf and he has to make straight with some section of society he has been maligning with derogatory names like Bantustan, that is so deep.

  3. He maligned some section of society only for selfish motives, money and blatant hate of such people. People have long memory

  4. Uncle Fred, why don’t you get The Post back up and running, then you don’t have to annoy us with your nonsense here

  5. Well said Mmembe, the mismanagement, misgovernment and misleading stance from the yupeendi is alarming.
    Zambians will reap.
    The sown grapes are looking sourish.
    What a Government of corrupt brags.

  6. Let’s recount the sins 5 months in Government thus far: 1.  bitting IMF conditions, 2.incessantly travelling president (vasco dagaming), 3. corruption in Government, 4. a biased fight again corruption, 5. hooliganism on the streets, 6.public threats from the upnd youths, 7. delayed employment of 30 thousand civil servants 8. cipante pante empty pronouncements and operation, 9.Ministers wifes in key public institutions, 10.flip flop fuel pricing, 11. abuse (misapplication and misappropriation) of public funds by a president going to launch a friend’s book. 12.Media threats and harassment of journalists. 13.Cadre policing. 14.Coercing judges. 15. Torture. Talk nyudoni about lies!

  7. That coming fr a failed politician, failed businessman who evaded paying taxes when run the post newspaper.

    Zambians don’t take advise fr a failed ,tribe-hating tribalist who once called the UPND a “Bantustan” party headed by Tongas

  8. Benson is it not upnd which said only a tonga could rule it? Calling upnd what it is, is not a crime but just the truth. Very tribal and you are proving us right chi mooonooo

  9. We have long memory M’membe.You emphatically supported Sata’s PF who’s direction on the economy was down down for 10yrs.

  10. I’m surprised that people are saying there’s a limit to freedom of expression. When was this limit introduced?
    #9 Mono . So now you accept that Mmembe evaded paying taxes? What I remember is that everyone from Upnd was behind Mmembe when the PF were harassing him. This is the meaning of hypocrisy.

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