Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nakachinda faces another case in Namwala


Embattled Patriotic Front ( P.F ) Information and Publicity Chairperson Raphael Nakachinda is, barely 24 hours after his arrest and eventual transfer to Northwestern province on tribal charges, yet again facing similar charges in Namwala, Southern province.

This is after Namwala UPND youths reported Mr Nakachinda to Namwala Police allegedly for his derogatory statements against Republican President Hakainde Hichilema and the Tonga speaking people of Southern Province,recently at a named radio station in Lusaka .

The youths led by Joseph Chipindi and Namwala Central ward Council Young Shandavu reported the matter to Namwala Police at about 13 hours yesterday.

The Youths have since challenged Mr Nakachinda to travel to Namwala Police station were the matter has been reported.

Deputy Southern Province Police Commissioner Alfred Nawa has confirmed receiving the report from Namwala police over the matter

Embattled Mr Nakacinda was arrested in Lusaka and later transferred to Northwestern province a complaint against his tribal statements has been lodged.


  1. I always advised you PF morons whatever you do,Never,Never! push HH too far,the man(for some of us that know him) can be dangerous when provoked. And no one can stand in his when that time comes. Be carefull, From now on do you know what will happen, His cadres will start beating people and he wont condemn or reprive as he has already shown you with the issue of Kakubo where he has refused to reprimand or investigative him. Cos he is now convinced that only the people in his circles are the loyal form the way falsehood about him meeting Milingo Lungu & Granting him immunity was made a truth in all leading newspapers last week. Now the man is even after all these newspapers-watch what happens next. Jounalists may start being jailed too for peddling & spreading falsehoods and nothing will…

  2. This is worse than PF. So political cadres simply report you and the police swing in action. Upnd youth chairman was reported for threatening violence but the police are yet to handcuff him.

  3. @ Deja Vu, be sincere, during PF cadres simply commanded the police to arrest you and torture you. Or you would be beaten by the cadres in the presence of police. You call this better than being reported? What is wrong with your bongo mwana?

  4. #4Muna, what is the difference? Of course your man is in charge so everything is rosy. Inciting cadres to beat up citizens who have a different opinion is okay with you? Why shouldn’t the reported Upnd members be arrested just like Nakachinda. You know we should reach a stage where this nonsense is put to an end. You full of revenge… PF erred Upnd should not make the same mistake. There those who simply voted for change and not because they were members of the Upnd. These people are expecting something different not what is going on. Of course you won’t anything tangible in what I have said.

  5. Well, sooner than later something was going to give. Nakacinda went way too far this time. I hope his Bembastan handlers, Kambwili, GMB, Nkandu Luo and the others are going to get him off the hook, which I doubt.

  6. Someone to educate me purizi, can a suspect be arrested at different stations for the same offence?
    I knowses that a persons can on lee be char jigged in the counts of low four one offence on lee bat I doesn’t nose if a peoples can all so be alested several time for the one and sem offenses.
    Are we in order hear or are we being vindictiveness?

  7. People that want to divide our lovely nation due to their toxic tribal remarks don’t deserve anything good. Even now, I personally hate Kambwili because of just one remark that injured me and caused me mental anguish.

  8. Mr President………

    We know you read these blogs…….

    It is time to tame these tribal lunatics or the very existence of zambia as a one nation will be threatened……….

    The good guy politics you have exhibited so far is not working and their tribal attacks are the same as during the lungu rigne……

    Pleas , Mr president, stop them now before it is too late……….

  9. This is preposterous.
    When fixing the economy fails, the fixer has resorted to fixing people.
    So the bally police is actually effectively fixing people on cadre trumped up concerns. The hungry, angry and disgruntled cadres want to silence every critic of baal. It is not right for h² to fall in the trap of his cadres to fix citizens (Rapha and Tayali) who have a right to express themselves like h² used to. The chap is using police to victimize innocent people. If the previous Government was behaving anything closer to h², he would have had it hard. It’s a long haul to 2026. H² teka AMATAKO panshi.

  10. As a non Zambian looking in, it seems the people defending Nakachinda are playing a dangerous game and seem to be welcoming the idea of inter tribal warfare and tribe fighting tribes and will be happy to see genocide in Zambia,
    Remember Rwanda.

  11. Nakachinda will not get out of Namwala alive. And you know, Zambians forgets two hours after incidence. For example,
    What happened to superstar Mumbi Phiri, did she in prison. You know what, nobody cares about Mumbi. And no one will care about that Nakachinda.

  12. This is one and the same complaint. It can be consolidated into one case. No need to keep going from station to station.

  13. Feels like overreach and Abuse of authority, what goes round definitely comes round. Better to instill a new leaf of tolerance so the same does not happen to you in future when you are no longer in power.

  14. Nakachinda was advocating for splitting of Monze district into two toget at HH. He was working with Kebby Mbewe, kennedy Highive Hamududu, and Hibeene Mwiinga.

  15. Petrol is expensive banene. That shunting of a nonetity from place to place can be used to put fuwell into a few ambuulances to take sick people ku vipatala vimene vilibe munkwala. Let him stay in Woodlands Police Station and receive charge upon charge there. Nicani kansi wene UPND? Mwapeza mwai ka? Don’t do unto others what was done unto you. These things… nimuuzani neo.

  16. My brother has been charged with defamation of a f00lish president. The same law that hh used to ridicule, isn’t that so ridiculous?

  17. There is serious money behind Nakacinda rattlings. He is surviving becuase of these press conferences. His masters are paying him for his upkeed. He has nothing to live on without this. This is new politics in Zambia started by PF while in govt and have continued in the opposition but with intensity. People are paid to hold press brieflings. People think Nakacinda is fighting for Zambian democracy. It is politics of the belly. More like him are soon coming up becuase there is money. Is people who stole with money behind all these press statements by people like Nakacinda. Nakacinda has no constituency. He is nothing politically but is used as a front and paid for it.

  18. Nachikanda is a comedian. Why can you not put the point across without using insults. Like Brian Mundubile does?

  19. There is no smoke without fire. Hh cried like a baby about people saying on social media that he doesn’t wear mask around whlte people. For many months I have been talking about how hh acts so differently around his imperial masters. If other people can see it, that in itself is saying something. Hh sold our parastatals for peanuts so that his whlte friends could rape this country. Hh is an evil demon. Sue me hh

  20. There is no sm0ke without fire. Hh cried like a baby about people saying on s0cial media that he doesn’t wear mask around whlte people. For many months I have been talking about how hh acts so differently around his lmperial masters. If other people can see it, that in itself is saying s0mething. Hh sold our parastataIs for peanuts so that his whlte friends could steal our resources from this country. Hh is an eviI dem0n. Sue me hh

  21. Mbuzi MEEEEEEEEEeeee, never talked to Zambians. In delusion, thought was a better cut above all Zambians equal to ECL. Today is barking all over like a dog with rabies.

  22. Existing laws demand he be taken to Namwala where the complaint was logged.
    In PF times that radio station would have been closed by now.
    Me now i urge upnd to stop being nice PF dont desrve it, we want revenge lije yesterday mwe. Why grant them ma bail. Let them wait for their days in court whilst in jail. I dont mind my tax money being spent on fuel to toss him from one corner of Zambia to another for us to obtain justice.
    I do mind that it can be wasted on an ambulances that benefitted looters in the last govt, to take patients to hospitals which have no capacity to deal with treating their ailments.

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