Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Kabushi PF asks Lamba Chiefs to defend Lusambo


Opposition PF Kabushi Constituency Vice Chairman Febian Mwanza has appealed to traditional leaders on the Copperbelt to come out and defend Bowman Lusambo from what he called persecution.

Mr. Mwanza said now that it’s clear that the ongoing corruption investigations against Mr. Lusambo have been instigated by President Hakainde Hichilema, it is important that the Chiefs from Lamba Lamb come out and defend their subject.

He said it is regrettable that Lamba Chiefs have chosen to ignore the harassment that the UPND administration is inflicting on Mr. Lusambo, their subject.

He said the silence by the Lamba Chiefs is sending wrong signals that they have neglected their Son who is facing numerous corruption cases.

Mr. Mwanza said the traditional leaders have an obligation to protect the interest of their subjects against pure harassment purely based on political rivalry.

“We saw Luapula Chiefs speaking out loudly when late Dr Chiluba was being persecuted, they spoke out against the harassment of Dr Katebe Kalumba, Ronald Chitotela and very recently, Dr Chitalu Chilufya,” Mr Mwanza stated.

“We also how Chiefs from Eastern Province rose when Rupiah Banda was facing corruption cases and even South Chiefs spoke out each time Hakainde Hichilema in opposition was harassed,” he said.

“Why have the Lamba Chiefs opted to remain silent when one of their most prominent subjects is being mistreated by the UPND regime? They have to start speaking out because as we speak, the Chiefs don’t even know where his son and their grand children are staying now after they were kicked out of their family home.”

Mr. Mwanza stated that Mr. Lusambo enjoyed warm relations with all the Lamba Chiefs especially when he served as Copperbelt Minister.

“When he worked here in Ndola, he was always on hand to assist them. He sacrificed even his own time and financial resources to meet sown of their personal needs and if is unfair that they can now play a blind eye what he is going through.”

He added, “all those Chiefs have benefited from Mr. Lusambo’s generosity and it it’s only fair that they speak out and condemned the harassment he is being subjected to because what is going on now is not a fight against corruption but harassment of political rivals.”

“President Hichilema told the whole world that he doesn’t believe that Hon. Lusambo can build a house valued at US$150,000, so as far as the Head of State is concerned, Hon. Lusambo is guilty even before he faces trial, now this is political harassment and the Chiefs have to speak out and call it for what it is,” he said.


  1. This is what PF are good for divisive politics …they have no respect for the rule of law this is why even cadres were incharge under Lazy Lungu and murder convicts were paradoned by him even though they were not remorseful. Look at Keith he is still fighting with his wife.

  2. Bowman has said that he will fight his case now that evidence is overwhelming lets call on the Chiefs and make it tribal.

  3. “…….all those Chiefs have benefited from Mr. Lusambo’s generosity and it it’s only fair that……”

    Herein lies the problem………….

    Before he was minister he had no money to be generous………..

    4 years later he was so wealthy, he was dishing out truck loads of goods to voters and chiefs, while boasting about a multimillion dollar property portfolio…………

    It’s only natural for the people to take an interest into the kind of business that lusambo engaged in with such amazing returns……….

    While ZRA what to see his tax records for that fantastically successful venture………..

    Tiyee lusambo ………..Tiyee……….

  4. You see this guy Mwanza has two homes. He is instigating one of his homes to foment lawlessness knowing full well he can go to the other home if stuff hits the fan. Osam’velela uyo mafumu. Lusambo committed suspected criminal offenses. It has nothing to do with tribe mwandini. Mwanza, nkoya uko nawe.

  5. Edgar Lungu said hypocrisy… very true hichilema to this day he has failed to explain how he became rich overnight…And today he wants others to account for! During the general elections did he declare his assets and money!


  7. The problem we have in zambia too much ignorance on the side of the law,we dont know the law that is why alot are talking and contributing on something they have no knowledge of,think about cases of DEC and ACC whic they have handled of late how many have been taken to court and prosecuted? please please have some knowledge on the law of zambia inorder for 1 to understand the merits of these cases we hear.It is very shameful to find ourselves in such a situation of DPP, ACC, DEC ,ATTONEY GENERAL saga.

  8. We will support our brother till the end. We know this is a personal fight by hh. Its not bowman’s fault that hh wlfe dreams about real men like bowman.

  9. It’s shameful to be so blind that you ask chiefs to sink so low.Am sure chiefs can’t listen to this.
    Why can’t we wait for courts to declare him innocent? Almost ALL judges currently on the bench were appointed by HE(RTD) Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the late Michael Chilufya Sata,.

  10. BMW made it very clear during last week’s presser that not too long ago Bowman was a die hard cadre and the inference is that he has directed ACC to pursue him. ACC will draw a blank to the disappointment of Bally.
    Lamba Chiefs must privately engage HH so that if he has credible evidence against Bowman let him share with chief’s reps. Let him not fish in a dry pond just to persecute the honorable MP

  11. What about other Lamba suspects whose affairs do not get in the news? Who’s defending them? It’s a dumb request because Bowman Lusambo is not the only Lamba.

  12. #12  Nemwine 
    April 29, 2022 At 10:17 am

    “What about other Lamba suspects whose affairs do not get in the news? Who’s defending them? It’s a dumb request because Bowman Lusambo is not the only Lamba…”

    There you are…………

    The buring question to those asking for an intervention………..

  13. Bowman Lusambo was the most corrupt minister under lungu . How i wish he could take a leaf from other honest ministers like Olipa Phiri, Malozo Sichone, Edify Hamukale, Sydney Mushanga, Richard Kapita, Charles Banda etc

  14. Eeish, aikona man, Lamba chiefs are honourable men and women. Do not insult their intelligence by advising them to defend the indefensible – thieves.

  15. Why is PF tribalising Lusambo’s issue? Lamba chiefs have nothing to do with Bowman’s corruption. So every citizen should have his tribe in his corner whenever he is in trouble? Guys all of you who grew up in the urban areas where we didnt know tribalism should stand up and defend our nation from these rural villagers who tribalise issues. Some of them take their primitiveness to LT and post stuff that led to Rwanda right here like the Mutaware step aside bum

  16. Iwe chi anti tribalist it is because if they don’t support their own son we know tongas like you won’t

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