Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nakacinda’s Arrest and President HH Blatant Hypocrisy


By Kapya Kaoma

Nakacinda’s arrest following his statement that “ubututu” (ignorance) is behind President Hakainde’s chaotic governance and politically motivated arrests is another example of despotic, appalling and the blatant hypocrisy of the New Dark administration. Aside from violating the freedom of expression that Zambians have enjoyed since 1991, the arrest is beyond human decency and only aimed at intimidating the opposition from standing up to HH. As a democratic nation, we must not watch as our freedoms are being taken away by the most insecure and narcissistic President. Our democracy is dying before our own eyes; it is time to say enough with this insanity!

Since when did saying ubututu (ignorant) become a crime? How many times did HH insult, and call Presidents Mwanawasa, Sata, Banda, and Lungu negative names? Who called Sata “Chimbwi has no Plan?” Who called Lungu “a clueless hyena?”

The heartless hypocrisy of HH is below the pale. If anything it says much about his immaturity. It was not long ago Chilufya Tayali was arrested. Didn’t HH claim to receive daily Intelligence briefings “before” President Lungu did in 2015? So why is it a crime when Chilufya Tayali says, “even soldiers are complaining”? If the Human Rights Commission has any iota of integrity, shouldn’t it be opposing such hypocritical arrests? Moreover, what does it mean when the President says, “Nakacinda must pay for his Crime?” unless he is directing such arrests? Despite what his worshipers believe, HH does not have a human heart. If he did, he wouldn’t be arresting people for the very things he said, and did when in opposition. He cannot continue praising his actions in opposition while arresting his opponents for saying the same things he said to other heads of government.

Nakachinda’s “tribal” generalization of President Hichilema’s “ubututu” is embarrassingly wrong. But there is something to say about HH narcissism. He only thinks about himself and himself alone. So how he became a billionaire by exploiting Zambians is only ethical to him and him alone. Once it is transferred to another person, it becomes a crime. This is his modus operandi or simply the HH doctrine. An insult becomes one when used by another person on him, but not by HH on others–remember “chik..la.” So it is for this reason that HH is going after everyone but himself. HH wants his name on everything for himself–thus he will do everything in his power to destroy his competitors. So if you want to be like him, too bad. You will never ever find a generous hyena.

Nakacinda’s argument is simple; if HH made billions at the time when the Zambian economy was at its worst, what makes him believe the PF politicians stole from Zambians? What Nakacinda does not understand is that it takes a thief to catch a thief. HH is the most experienced white collar thief in Zambian history; he knows how to steal from poor Zambians and has done so for over three decades. What Nakacinda fails to understand is that HH’s opportunities came when white collar thieves were not at the helm of power. So HH got away with it. PF officials can’t get away with it because HH knows all the tricks. Opportunism exists, but only under the HH doctrine. Otherwise his dogs will bite at will.

But the nightmare of political madness awaits. In darkness the Chibwi is too insane to tell the coming dawn. In Zambia, today’s President is tomorrow’s criminal. HH may boast at his Praise Conference, but there is no statute limitation on corruption and human rights abuses. One day, he will watch the very people he is now busy arresting chase his wild dogs around as Zambians insult him. If he thinks Nakacinda’s insults are bad, more are coming; ask Lungu. Zambians are like sex workers, one day the switch of power will be turned off. Ultimately, Unless he is fortunate enough to die in power, his name will be associated with shame. Just as he was locked up by his predecessors, his opponents will boast and sell their jackets they wore in prison with pride. We had KK, Chiluba, Banda, and now Lungu–they came in as saints but left as devils. The only saints are those who died in power. Even then, HH insulted them too.

I await the day.


  1. Hakainde is a bitter man. He is exercising his powers on PF. This is why this government can even force people to drink kachasu and Hakainde is quiet about it.


  3. My prayer is that God doesn’t bless this nation with another bitter person as President in 2026 and on that basis Kapya doesn’t qualify to be President too

  4. For once let us trade part of our time on earth for love and kindness because we will only regret not having given it out if we die and wallow painfully in hell.

  5. You will not succeed and try to divert the govt from prosecuting you for your corruption. PF is not mad due to bad governance. Its anger for their inability to flaunt and enjoy their illgotten wealth

  6. After PF govt, the writer finds this era the most intolerable? Please! During PF era, Nakachinda would have (severely) been beaten by PF cadres then thrown in prison.

  7. These cowards who remained mute during PF excesses, only to come out of the woodwork to use the current freedom we are enjoying to berate the same freedoms should not be entertained and must be ignored. Ubututu is an insult. Its meaning is beyond ignorant. Its chipuba, ignorant, danderhead etc all rolled in one.

  8. Nakacinda is the one who’s abusing the freedom of expression and must face the consequences when he crosses the line. He’s a rude attention seeker who the president must also sue in a civil court for libel for every ngwee Nakacinda stole under Lungu

  9. if my memory serves me right, HH used to call Sata “Chimbwi no plan” meaning a hyena without plans and Guy Scott as “the most stupid white man in Zambia.” Was HH ever arrested for these insults? Perhaps the environment has changed, hasn’t it?

  10. If the gentleman’s only crime was saying ignorance is at the centre of government failures, arresting him will not improve the failures he was referring to. You don’t solve problems by arresting those that talk about the problem. Espousing democracy as per “western world”, means putting up with what comes with it – the people’s freedom to criticise you & your governing stance. It’s not like being a Chief whose governing is set in our traditions; and we may not rebuke!

    #plant atree please!

  11. Well, well, well, so far the world rates HH as the 5th best president in Africa. Talk to the world Kapya Kaoma

  12. Unless he is fortunate enough to die in power, his name will be associated with shame….

    KapyaKaoma is as bitter as the president is; all of us bitter people, via Karma, almost always taste our own pungent medicine unless we are fortunate to be dead then.

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