Monday, March 17, 2025

Fighting a Woman with Her Hands Tied Behind Her Back


By Sakwiba Sikota

They say that boxing is a savage sport but I know things which are not sporty as they are more savage than boxing.

Boxing began in the Bronze Age in Sumerian Iraq, Babylonia and Assyria. Later in Ancient Greece, competitions in boxing were held for the enjoyment of the people and in 688 B.C it was introduced as an official Olympic sport. There were no knockout rounds and two men would box and fight until the other could no longer go on.


The early boxing contests didn’t have weight limits or much in the way of gentlemanly rules for the safety of the combatants. There were no weight limits meant that larger fighters could compete against smaller combatants. David versus Goliath type of contests was common and no one showed any mercy.

Quite often, matches only ended with the death of the boxer that lost. With the fall of the Roman Empire, Christianity became prevalent and this pressed pause on boxing for some time.


In the 18th century boxing returned in London as bare-knuckle boxing was born in 1681. The first case of bare-knuckle boxing is when the 2nd Duke of Albemarle Christopher Monck put together a fight between his butler and his butcher for the entertainment of his guests.


Boxing has seen some rather savage bouts. The match that comes to mind is the Holyfield-Tyson fight when “Iron Mike” took a bite of Holyfield’s ear.

There was also the infamous low blow by Andrew Golata against Riddick Bowe. This is the Night Riddick Bowe and Andrew Golota Caused a Riot in New York arising from the controversy of Golata’s repeated and continuous low blows.

Imagine if George Foreman had behaved unsportingly like Tyson and Golata in the “Rumble in the Jungle” fight with Mohammed Ali. If Foreman had first tied Ali’s hands behind his back and then proceeded to go back in time when boxers fought bare knuckled throwing wild haymakers including even even blows below the belt. The result of that fight would have been very different. Foreman would have won a very unfair fight.


The past few weeks we have seen a fight that makes the savage sport of boxing seem like a “Kumbaya” campsite fireside singalong. The Director of Public Prosecutions has been hammered by law enforcement agencies, the Minister of Justice and even the President.

The three have challenged the DPP to a contest and have already declared themselves winners of the contest. The match officials were all recently appointed by the people challenging the DPP.


We may have to revise the verses in the Bible that relate to the battle between David and Goliath.

There has been a savage bare-knuckled, no holds barred onslaught on the Director of Public Prosecutions. It is like a David versus Goliath battle. Imagine if Goliath had brought “tag-team” partners to fight little David. Imagine if the giant had brought Mary (not the Blessed Mother of Jesus but one who clearly had it in for David) together with a minister to fight David. We probably would not have the verses relating to the David v Goliath battle in the Bible.

The whole controversy was sparked by a leaked confidential letter written by the DPP. After that there was a steady stream of leaking of complaints which were supposed to be confidential to the JCC. Even the DEC complaint was leaked to the press.

The leaking of the letter and the complaints was like Golata’s steady stream of low blows.

After publicly berating the DPP on all public media, she has not been able to answer back as there is the Oath of Secrecy gagging her. This Oath of Secrecy can only be waived by her challengers.

The refusal to waive the Oath of Secrecy makes Mike Tyson’s bite to Holyfield’s ear look like a cuddly smooch to the ear. The refusal to waive the oath of secrecy the DPP has to operate under ties her hands up and make it near impossible for her to defend herself. Those attacking the DPP are therefore FIGHTING A WOMAN WITH HER HANDS TIED BEHIND HER BACK.


  1. To avoid knodding off whilst reading this article by this lawyer of PF thieves just skip last 4 paragraphs!

  2. The DPP should not hide behind the oath of secrecy. When the president publicly attacked the her , he waived the oath of secrecy. She must answer back publicly . Zambia must not slide back to KK times of intimidation


  4. kalos – DPP is a civil servant she is not going to be exchanging words with the Politicians in the media that will just play into their hands…she is not mandated to anyway. That is another amendment you need to include in the constitution ..the problem with us Africans is we need learn and carry out reforms we are like Zebras and Widerbeasts crossing a croc infested river crossing once we cross and three of our friends are eaten we forget about after we cross but do the same thing again next season. We never learnt anything from the Nchito debacle.

  5. Crime can be commited by a man or woman so why is this evil man Sikota bringing gender issues on a matter of criminality. This shows how desperate Sikota is on this case and this for a good reason.
    The real reason is because it is Sikota that advised Siyuni wrongly to give immunity to Milingo forgetting she doesn’t have constitutional authority to do that. In fact it was Sikota that drafted that document is is fact a nullity. The Attorney General is on firm grounds on this issue.
    Now that Sikota is exposed and has no real defence, he has reported to gender as defence. Siyuni didn’t abuse her power because she is a woman but because she is a criminal herself. It’s obvious that she was going to benefit from that crime and in fact Sikota has already started to benefit from that…

  6. DPP’s testimony in the JCC allows her to provide evidence and grants her protection from any subsequent prosecution. In that vain, she doesn’t need to ask the President to ‘lift’ her oath of office.
    With that that, it must be noted that DPP’s failure to act independently is in direct contradiction with the constitutional provision which provides for her actions to be independent from any influence, President or otherwise.
    Lastly, it’s wrong for the head of state to throw her under the bus.

  7. Guys: Lets also not forget here that 1. Sakwiba Sikota is still under a PF salary,thats what sustained him all this time but now No stoogies salaries from UPND,hence all of the stoogies(Sakwiba,Nawakwi, Tayali,Sean Tembo, Fred, Wynter are all out waggin against the mighty UPND but all ll be in vain). 2. Lets also not forget that Sakwiba is the Chief mastermind behind all of this. He was hired by PF to engineer the entire law actually that was used by the PF all this time. He does not just represent but goes further than that into the PF system-Being a bogus lawyer himself,Lungu always sought for other bogus lawyers, So to be precise,Sakwiba is the one thats behide advising this little girl what to do. The moves this girl is pulling are very enormous moves that are only undertaken by…

  8. I understand that JCC hearings provide for sitting in camera and the DPP and her lawyers ought to know that. Why then does the DPP want her oath of secrecy to be lifted? All members of the JCC are presidential appointees. The William Nyirenda-chaired JCC received a number of complaints against some judges and perhaps the current DPP but it chose not to convene any sittings. Nothing to surprise the infomed: Nyirenda was one of the applicants for adoption to stand for parliament in one of the constituencies in Kitwe.

  9. … well seasoned Lawyers but this very inexperienced dull girl is pulling the moves with ease,Where do you think she was drawing the wisdom from? Sakwiba Sikota. The request by her for Oath to speak is a Sakwiba counter attack immediately after the President spoke equating themselves to the president himself. The implication of statehouse in the Grant of immunity was another seasoned laywer move to delay the legal proceedings but again here – it required Sakwiba to have been the DPP himself in order to effect these moves effectively but as one can see this Girl is making alot of mistakes from what she is being told to do,u dont need to be a lawyer to see this. For now,every bullet they are shooting turns back against them in the long run,yes they can win public opinion effectively…

  10. By the way, if HH does not lift the oath of secrecy, DPP Lillian Siyunyi will have the right to plead that she cannot respond to the complaints against her because doing so would mean divulging state secrets. We will then see if that is an acceptable defence to the JCC. If the JCC rejects it and recommends for her removal, she can go to the Constitutional Court.

  11. ……But it wont win them any single court case,whatsoever. There is just way too much evidence against them and they continuing to create this evidence against themselves. Where as, on the other side, The HH lawyers have been the best for the past 10years and now that they ve political advantage they will just be the strongest for the next 40 years. So the PF attacks will jst become a drop in the ocean for them if they cud embarass PF lawyers legally while in opposition-what more of now & in future. PF forget! just pack your grass bags & run bane! So to damage Sikota(the engine of PF) you need to destroy this DPP first or Destroy Sikota first which the GRZ cant get at him directly, So this woman remains the point of entry & wil be damaged as legal collateral.

  12. The PF layer Sakwiba Sikota is just wasting his time making noise on social media
    Lilian Siyuni will have the opportunity to explain her actions. She is even free to break the “Oath of Secrecy” nonsense.
    Mr Nchito , late Mr Mukelebai ,Mr Kalima all went through the same process. After that the country moves on.

  13. You hard to go far into the history of boxing just to defend a person who can answer some questions and indicate that others are privileged. What’s so difficult to explain regarding granting immunity that’s not supported by the state?

  14. @12, the request to the President to lift her immunity is an exercise in futility, it is similar to the award of immunity from prosecution: there are no such laws in Zambia.
    DPP simply has to go there and speak her mind (perhaps for once she can take responsibility and quit trying to play victim and blaming everyone but herself), she is granted immunity from any prosecution arising from the JCC.
    My advice to her, go there, explain why nolle was entered, why immunity was granted, if you were influenced or if you did it independently, it’s that simple.
    I wish these proceedings would be streamed live so well all understand and judge by ourselves.

  15. Mr Sikota now you are going to far. Iyi yena, eyo mutampile, where you are saying, in your write-up ” David verses Goliat ” where you are saying or proposing in whatever form you are bringing it to say you revise the verses in the Bible kwapa ifintu fwamikabila. It’s like you are fighting the Almighty God to suit your position. ( even the devil whom you know tried it as recorded in Mathew 4 when the Lord Jesus Christ after fasting for 40 days and 40 nights was was lead in wildness by THE HOLY SPIRIT to be tested by the enemy ) Read in the given verses from HIS Word in the Bible to listen to how God respects His word.


    No spoken word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. If God speaks something it WILL come to…

  16. UPND promised to strengthen the institutions while there were in opposition, now they are openly and with impunity butchering the institutions. Let us look beyond The DPP woman, Sekwiba is inviting us to resist this wanton destruction of our institutions.

  17. @Garlic: Yes we promised strengthning institutions & thats what we are doing- Getting rid of this PF cadre DPP will eventually stringthen the office of the DPP.

  18. No wonder ,a DPP,in the history of Zambia just woke up and gave a private citizen an Immunity against prosecution-is there there anything like this on earth? you yourself you ever heard of such? No wonder people were blaming HH that no arrests are being made in the fight against cos this DPP all along has been giving immunity to all PF cadres-infact she needs to be investigate how many other Immunities she has given cos i doubt this is her first time. In case you dont, if prosecutors dont show up for a case that case wont take off. So this DPP wud ve simply been preventing prosecutors from attending all cases involving her PF stoogies no wonder their cases seem to be dragging to long to litigate.

  19. Garlic @ 20, let DPP Lillian Siyunyi go and plead that if she has to respond to the complaints, it will involve disclosing privileged information. The JCC should be able to know what to do. If fhe defence has merit, surely it will be accepted.

  20. Chiza Chirwa @ 17, of course u’re right. There’s no law that grants power to the President of the Republic of Zambia to grant suspects immunity from criminal prosecution. There’s only a law that grants the President power to pardon criminal convicts, that is, after a trial has taken place and the court of law has passed its judgement. Lillian Siyunyi is in trouble here. She is fearing being asked to cite the law that gave her power to grant immunity to Milingo Lungu and she knows it doesn’t exist.

  21. Mr Sikota, Dont ever try to say that you revisit the verse in the Bible, ” your reference, ” David verses Golliat” wuleiletelela, because LESA respects His word and He is still on the thrown to see it perform what it was sent to do. Otherwise. The verses hereunder will tell you.


    No spoken word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. If God speaks something it WILL come to pass.

    For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. Luke 1:37 AMP

    God, Himself, stands over and watches over His own Word, making sure it is fulfilled.

    Jeremiah 1:12 AMP says, “Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to…

  22. The headline is silly. This has nothing to do with a woman. This has everything to do with a professional charged with doing a JOB. Just do your jobs and — so while it suits you it is equality of the sexes; when it doesn’t you start tying women’s hands beind their backs!? — just do your effing jobs and stop holding everyone hostage when all that is required is a resignation letter. Ngati mwakangiwa, tili na mazmai who can step up and equal the task. Alase! Ati David and Go-effing-liath!

  23. Tackling the economy is the real issue NOW. I still remember the social damage left behind by the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP).

  24. The promoter of the the purpotef fight fight between David(Dpp) and Goliath should know that this David shouldnt have gone all the way to fight for her uncle’s issues exposing her self to the big blows which she deserves for wanting to fight for her uncle without following the rules of boxing…its the makers of the rules of boxing that will punch her and not Goliath here!!!

  25. She is an impediment to the corruption fight by the new government as she is hell bent on misusing her position to shield criminals in her defeated party of thieves, the PF.

    She should be charged with prosecutorial misconduct

  26. we should not relent on the fight against corruption and anyone intertaining corruption shou[d be condemned and fired immediately. enough is enough. zambia ya cula pafula. NO PROGRESS BECAUSE OF BA POMPWE

  27. NO use article from Saki. Sexism always takes forefront in his mind and at his house. He used to go for campaigns with his own drink, when he was full with it and half way, he would bring it back home. No cadre ever benefited anything from Saki. In short, ungenerous. In fact stingy! This is why he could and cannot make it in politics.

  28. The real culprits of the PF machinery are slowly appearing their heads out. Lets be patient alittle further and soon we will hear who really was the main legal adviser to the DPP and other PF cadres. Sakwiba has alot to explain but he kept his hands clean cos the PF were fulls-they paid him and then he played them-Kept himself clean-he cant be linked to the PF constitution & yet he drafted it.

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