Sunday, January 5, 2025

Nkombo, Nakacinda, and HH’s Corruption of The Human Rights Commission


By Kapya Kaoma

To call Gary Nkombo a Cabinet Minister is to murder decency and ubuntu. A normal person wouldn’t force another human being to drink Kachasu, let alone innocent children. The issue isn’t about the legality of Kachasu, but the abuse of power. Nkombo violated the woman and her children’s rights; thereby abusing his Office. The President should have fired Nkombo immediately, and ensured he was arrested and sent to jail. Alas, the incorruptible President did and said nothing. Yet if Raphael Nakachinda calls the President’s attitude “foolish,” this Tonga tribalist commits another hate crime against Tongas!

The Human Rights Commission only advised Nkombo “to leave law enforcement to designated offices and officers as prescribed by the law.” This is despicable. The HRC acknowledged that Nkombo violated Article 15 of the Constitution, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia,” and “Article 18 of the Constitution.” So why didn’t it recommend his prosecution? Wasn’t the Commission established to safeguard citizens’ rights?

Today, to worship Zambia’s Baal is the condition of citizenship. Anyone who refuses, judges him as corrupt, calls out his rampant lies, and his evil actions commits a capital crime. With countless arrests, the New Dark Regime hopes to force us into worshiping the father of falsehoods; like in Russia and Rwanda, killing the freedom of expression is this insecure and shameless dictator’s goal so that his lies, corruption and rule by decree the masses don’t oppose. Is freedom of expression not the engine of democracy?

Sadly HH is developing the Paul Kagame syndrome–the violent pacification of dissent. Sustained injustice and repression breed violent revolt. As Robert M Brown writes in Religion and Violence, the quest for freedom amidst human rights violations forces people to violently cut “the shackles of their oppression and the injustices they have suffered.” Sadly deaths, physical destruction, and even civil wars result. We are not far from it.

Yet the HRC is silently endorsing HH’s human rights abuses amidst the appropriation of human rights. The Commission is increasingly becoming irrelevant; insulting the very concept of “Human Rights,” and becoming a partner in the violation of citizens’ rights. Shebby Chilekwa, popularly known as Lungu’s barber was visibly tortured. We await the truth from the Commission to date. KBN journalist Chanda was arrested for getting hold of an audio that undressed HH’s corruption, the HRC spoke not. Chilufya Tayali was arrested for voicing economic concerns, like Baal, Mr. HRC was fast asleep. Aaron Mwale Jr of Kafue and Morris Lungu of Livingstone were arrested for “defarming” HH, Mr. HRC was on vacation at Community House. Thus arrests based solely on freedom of expression are increasing at an alarming rate, while the Commission retreats into hibernation. It is now a crime to say exactly the same things Hichilema and his cadres said loudest to Lungu, Sata, Banda, and name them. Why? The baby President cannot handle criticism.

The failure to recommend the prosecution of Nkombo and compensation of his victims through the courts, and its silence on politically motivated arrests, and the persecution of Nakachinda are the windows into what the HRC has become–the boom detergent washing powder to the most egocentric President’s human rights abuses. Raphael Nakachinda’s “hate crimes” shatters “the tribalists and hegemonists” narrative of the New Dark Regime. A tribalist this Tonga has become among his fellow Tongas for defining his own tribesman as an egomaniac whose self-consciousness is imprisoned in grand deceit. This definition Bally worshipers cannot ignore–for the tribal card which they have employed to deflect HH’s self-evident flaws, corruption and sacks of lies, in Nakachinda, are now buried. We’ve a Tonga tribalist against the Tonga President! So getting rid of him is a priority.

Unfortunately, Nakachinda’s crime will soon become the crime of the masses as Bally’s grand lies explode and the economy bites. Jesus called Herod a fox and lived, but not with HH. Call him dumb, foolish, a thief, corrupt, liar and worse, “ignorant,” these words are now copyright protected. Only Hakainde Hichilema had the human rights to employ them to Lungu, Sata and Banda. Unless you use them on Lungu and PF officials, applying them to HH will land you in Jail. Who doesn’t know that dictators are saved by intimidation, bullets, jails and torture? If HH wants respect, he must graduate from being a baby president. Behaving like a kid won’t earn him respect; it will only reduce his moral standing (if he has any).

The Commission’s voice on the Kachasu saga was not surprising–the victims were not political opponents to HH. By doing so, however, it proved its rottenness as responsible and independent voices termed Nkombo’s actions a crime, and demanded his resignation. This is something the HRC failed to do. Will he be arrested? No. UPND thugs can torture, arrest, persecute the DPP for upholding the law, and even beat and fire civil servants knowing too well that the Commission only sees what HH tells it! The Human Rights Corruption it has become.

It is foolishness; how the dishonorable Nkombo can force young people to drink Kachasu and walk free, while those who dare call the President’s actions foolish rot in jail.


  1. The Human Rights Commission cannot call for the prosecution of Gary Nkombo because the Deputy Director of HRC, Katendi Kapin’a Nkombo, is the minister’s wife.

  2. Yooooowwwwnnñn……..

    Didn’t even bother………….

    More garbage from this bitter cader……….

    Badala, we have 10 more years ka….?…………

    Your bitterness will surely consume you by then………….

  3. HRC stopped functioning when pure cadres were appointed to the commission and they are in the forefront creating the monster that we have never seen before.
    UNIP regime was a walk in the park if you compare it with what is about to happen to this country.
    I have been commenting on national issues from 2007 and I have never felt this scared to air my views.

  4. If a gread seven did what the minister did we would be rushing to amend the constitution.

    Institutionalized double standard:”a set of principles that applies differently and usually more rigorously to one group of people or circumstances than to another”

    GRZ What’s going on!

  5. Any action without the backing of the law will always attract reaction from the public. So please, read, read and read the constitution which behinds all of us.

  6. PF almost brought the country close to war. You had top party officials spreading hate speech on national television, Lou, Mwila, Kambwili, Lubinda. HH is no where near PF’ extremes. So Raphael a Tonga can not be tribal to his own people??? He knows what he is doing. People will keep tabs of everything, government needs to ignore Raphael. I don’t think he is capable of causing damage to New Dawn, but only to himself.

  7. Badala, we have 10 more years ka….?…………

    Oh, you have 10 more years, really!
    I thought you had 40, or that you will rule until Jesus Christ comes. Don’t underestimate your potential. Unless you have noticed your impotence against your importance.

  8. Umulilo uchingilile abakulu taocha. The reason the Zambia Police cannot arrest Garry NkOmbo. Nakachinda at 43 has demonstrated beyond doubt that he is a wise man. In him, I see a man to unite Zambia. Bambi bakulu mu Mweka.

  9. People like Nakacinda, Sean Tembo, Chilufya are paid by PF to attack govt. For them is bread and butter but to PF supporters think are fighting for democracy and rule of law. Only benefits of what they are doing are PF elites who are sponsoring and they hope eventually the massess will believe their lies. What Nakacinda is doing is not sustainable unless you are being paid for it. For him is bread and butter and these guys use these payments to survive. Nakacinda has no consistuency even in PF itself. It is only among the PF elite who are using him. This is PF politics that they used while in Govt and now has been intensifield as apposition after long now most of them is life and death as source of money has been cut off which was govt connections.

  10. For those of us who know garry, we know that he has always been like that. Why do you think I got him beat up at that fuel station few years ago. He is an arrogant childish f00I. His behaviour permeates his family. A whole grown man dancing around on his daughter’s youtube channel. Who can respect such a person. Learn to lead by example. Garry should he fired but we all know thar won’t happen because we have a very slow and dwanzy president.

  11. Zambian expected Lungu to discipline his juniors. Alas, the president was mute and took no actions on most accusations making citizens lose confidence in the elite!
    The same trend seems to have continued with corresponding anger from Zambians.
    If we didn’t change leadership last year, Zambia would have been in flames.
    We voted for change. We want to see that change. Hichilema must not concentrate on consolidating power, but doing the right thing and advance Zambia forward.
    Why was Nakacinda reported to police ce in NWP and not in Lusaka? Why was he arrested before the charge was arrived at? What did the whole process achieve because Nakacinda went about with his usual tantrams after he was released from custody? Was the charge slapped on him befitting? Is there any genocide traits…

  12. …. Is there any genocide traits in his statements?
    Failure to provide justice may even make it look like Nakacinda is politically persecuted.
    Give us the change we wanted.

  13. Ba John Kapya Kaoma, you are letting us down, all of us including you, who went to David Kaunda Technical school in 1971. As a priest you should see things in the light of God. You wrote without critical analysing the two issues. You cannot compare mangoes to lemons. We know that what Minister Nkombo did was wrong and we know what Nakachinda has been doing and has continued doing the same. It seems you do not understand the difference between the two what they have done.

  14. I’m scratching my brow, as to why the minister has not resigned – an honourable action that would save his superior the pain of firing him. Equally, I’m wondering why the President is keeping silent!

    When ministers commit transgressions that draw public condemnation, the people, naturally, look to the head of state to say, or do something; and that something, is never a deafening silence. Silence is a no, no, because it creates a vacuum for speculation which isn’t usually favourable to the leader. It’s like parents whose children are always centre of troubles with neighbours. To onlookers, the children’s bad conduct is quickly attributed to the parents’ inability to control their children. Act, or your children will cost you dearly!

    #plant a tree please.

  15. We all acknowledge that what Garry Nkombo did is NOT right, it was abuse of power.
    I am open to sound arguments from well versed personalities, but definitely NOT from this f.,,,,,,l. Sorry to say that, even if this guy had a point, his language and exaggeration makes me want to puke, therefore, I tend to ignore and refrain from commenting to his points.

  16. #5  Mulongoti Machayi 
    May 1, 2022 At 11:27 am

    “Badala, we have 10 more years ka….?…………

    Oh, you have 10 more years, really!
    I thought you had 40, or that you will rule until Jesus Christ comes. Don’t underestimate your potential…”

    Yes 10 more years of HH according to the 2 term constitution……….

    But I see Zambians voting to change the constitution to have HH lead beyond 10 years………….

    Underestimate who ?? PF ??

    Zambians now know PF have nothing but devisive politics and tribal divisions to offer zambia……….

    I dont see any worthy challenger to HH on the horizon for the foreseeable future…….

  17. When Garry had an altercation with a policeman at Chilanga in a video shot by one of his many wives, he misrepresented the matter and even accused the PF of plotting to assassinate him. But those of us that know him didn’t take him seriously because he’s childish and sometimes out of his mind. So this incident hasn’t come as a surprise, there’ll be more. We don’t expect Garry to turnaround that Ministry because he doesn’t have brains for such kind of work

  18. #14  Ayatollah

    I agree……….

    Garry nkombo has to get out of his chongololo mode if he is to performed……..

  19. A sober argument Kaoma. This does need publishing on a wider scale.
    I do know for a fact that a concerned citizen from Kitwe reported Gary to police. Wondering how the police will act on this matter.
    Gary, I opine, looks down on poor people. I remember his comments on street vendors, “… madam, they can do back whenever they were before they came to the street, who told them to come here?”
    It remains to be seen what will happen now, although experience shows that the police will not take any action.

  20. ‘Today, to worship Zambia’s Baal is the condition of citizenship. Anyone who refuses, judges him as corrupt, calls out his rampant lies, and his evil actions commits a capital crime.’
    This is not true Rev Kaoma. Exaggeration is also lying. You are still alive are you not? Let us criticise indeed, but do not get a persecutory complex.

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