Sunday, March 16, 2025

Fight against corruption cannot be an everyday topic, HH told


The opposition Patriotic Front (PF) has told President Hakainde Hichilema that the fight against corruption cannot be an everyday topic.

Speaking when he featured on Muvi Tv’s ‘The Assignment’ program last night, leader of the opposition in Parliament Hon Brian Mundubile said instructions have already been done with regards to the matter in question adding that law enforcement agencies are in motion.

He stressed that people get fatigued if one talks about the same topic repeatedly.

Hon Mundubile also stressed that if someone claims to have done something yet they have to spend hours explaining the same it means they have done nothing.

“But if at every juncture that is what the President is talking about, the audience sometimes gets fatigued if you talk about the same things over and over again,” he said.

“So sometimes talk about something then people will wait to see actions. Like one eminent comment said, I saw a video last week that was saying ‘for instance, if you have done something and it takes you an hour to explain it means you have done nothing or if you are doing something then you are getting hours to explain, most likely you are not doing anything.”

Meanwhile, Mundubile said the President squandered a big opportunity to explain to the Zambians how he intends to revive the economy and reduce the cost of living.

“Firstly, I want to say that the President squandered yet another big opportunity to explain to the Zambian people, especially the worker today what plans he has to revive the economy and the exact roadmap his government intends to implement,” he said.

“The work of government especially the President is there to give hope. When the President speaks, the troubled cases should be settled. He must give hope to the citizens. In this case we are talking about the Zambian worker who is faced with a number of challenges. The rise in food prices, fuel prices, among others.”

He said he thought the President would redeem himself in his speech yesterday when he graced Labour Day Commemoration but maintained that President Hichilema squandered yet another opportunity.

“When the President addressed the nation last week, he didn’t pay attention to that particular item which is very important to most citizens, that is the high cost of living. We actually thought that after the many discussions where we pointed out that what people wanted to hear, the President did not pay attention to…. we thought he would come round and redeem himself. But it looks like he squandered yet another opportunity,” he said.

And Mundubile said the only way to fight poverty is by creating sustainable employment.


  1. This is ironic PF telling HH7 not to talk about corruption on TV….in fact people want to see convictions. PF really need to get fresh faces to represent them not these clowns.

  2. Muvi Tv please employ proper TV set interior designers …that background is dated and obsolete!!

  3. Why is the talk about corruption agitating the “clique”? If you have not involved yourself in corruption, the comments can even pass as irrelevant. Is the president rubbing on a sore?

  4. When someone has no plan for the country and lied his way into presidency ,they will continue fighting something that they cannot prove or evidence. It is called madness..mad president. Chofunta

  5. @Mundubile, corruption is also one of the factors causing the high cost of living and it has to be an everyday topic so that this scourge that become an everyday thing can be gotten rid of.

  6. That’s because lungu and his gang we legalising corruption in a subtle way……….

    HH, sing the anti corruption song every day…………

  7. Corruption and all its attendant ills happens every day so it makes sense to be an everyday topic.PF is very myopic no wonder they failed the nation..

  8. Brian Mundubile, you don’t get, you should be ashamed. This government was voted into power to fight PF corruption and recover the stolen lot.
    And you don’t need to be reminded that corruption has resulted in more deaths than war. It has eroded the trust we have in the public sector to act in our best interests. It also wastes our taxes or rates that have been earmarked for important community projects – meaning we have to put up with poor quality services or infrastructure,

  9. PF’s moral bankruptcy does not recognize corruption as a vice. Economic plunder is what they call a good opportunity

  10. ECL did not give us hope. The economy was on a downward trajectory. You turn a blind eye to price of oil on the international market. You do not need to be an economist to understand its effects of food, fuel prices, etc. Did you as PF fight poverty by creating sustainable employment? Shame on you! The unemployed youths turned out in huge numbers to show you the door.

  11. Friends, this is exactly these looters cannot be given chance to rule. Corruption is an everyday topic, so that no one thinks of looting when people are not talking. This is a careless pf leader

  12. If these are the clowns the criminal and Gangster Pf is projecting then it’s more dead than I thought. One of the major reasons Zambians booted out Pf was rampant corruption and this weak and completely empty man says we must not talk about it
    everyday, if there is anything that should be spoken about everyday, that must be our ‘daily bread’ is corruption and corruption. That is why we say a criminal organisation like Pf cannot and will never rebrand, with people like this clueless man.

  13. Zambians who voted in the August 2021 Elections know exactly who is responsible for their misery or hardships and it’s not UPND. Mundubile and his choir of theives are, the inherited an Economy that was growing at 7% per annum and drugged it into the mud to negative four (-4 ). We are not children, ask any Economist, they will tell you that it takes a minimum of two or three years or more for Economic policies to produce results. Soon Zambians will see the fruits of removing the criminal and Gangster Pf from Power, God does not give his people bad change. Praise God, Pf was thrown out. We are where we are not by mistake or chance, Mundubile, Lungu and the criminal Pf are directly responsible.

  14. If you are talking about something you are doing and you find it difficult to say and explain then you are probably not doing anything.

    While it is a noble cause to fight corruption pin perpetrators and recover the loot, let’s give hope to citizens for today, tomorrow. Dont bore them with what they already know.. They want food on the table and reduced cost of living. How many years did it take to fight FTJ corruption and what was the benefit henceforth? Let’s have a genuine corruption fight and not the superficially sugar coated one.

  15. I see one mad blogger referring to HH as being mad. Meanwhile, before the general elections in August, the same fool had told all who cared to listen that he was sure PF would win the elections. He is now telling us we are being ruled by a mad President. How lucky he is that UPND, led by the same HH, didn’t want to beat the daylights out of this fool like they did to MMD members in 2011. Now, who is mad here?


  17. All those sober PF cadres, you ve heard for yourself right? A former minister and more so, a presidential aspiring candidate admonishing the citizenry not to talk on corruption. This is the worst joke of this year, even Dictators(real people that dont fight corruption) do bluff in media about fighting corruption & punishing the thieves that they will catch. Here you are, and you a short legged Bemba Tribalism(ganged with Mwamba & Kambwili against G Lubinda) displaying his real character-corrupt tirbe!

  18. Iwe retard Mundubile you’re a sure sign that with aging doesn’t always come wisdom.You and KZ are brothers in high level ubupuba.

  19. In the previous regime, people were talking about corruption and one Minister stated that the talk of corruption was “becoming boring…”
    This comment @Mundubile is not new,

  20. LT – what’s your game?? You tolerate a lot of hateful language by some on this site, yet seek to moderate when some of us attempt to confront the nonsense. Where is your impartiality?

    #plant a tree please.

  21. This is like going to church every Sunday and to tell the preacher not to talk about sin because we have been talking about sin since the resurrection of Jesus. Sin is sin and preachers will not stop talking about it. So is corruption among politicians, it is a vice. Politicians have certain privileges and can misuse those privileges corruptly. So Mundubile, your friend Lusambo is very ‘kolaputi’ !!!!!!

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