Sunday, March 16, 2025

Vice President directs Gary Nkombo to speed up implementation of CDF projects


Vice President, Mutale Nalumango has directed Local government and Rural Development Minister Gary Nkombo to quickly approve signatories on approved Constituency Development Funds (CDF) projects to allow work to start.

Mrs Nalumango has called for the speedy implementation of CDF projects to enable people to start benefiting from the funds.

She however notes that the Ministry of Local Government is doing everything possible to approve the signatories but says the challenges affecting the implementation of the exercise should be shared as a means to find solutions.

Mrs Nalumango told ZANIS that the Minister should quickly respond to the approved projects so that the funds released in the first quarter can be utilized.

She expressed concern that funds released in the first quarter have not yet been utilized further stressing that government wants to see projects running so 5that more money can be released.

The Vice President also implored Members of Parliament, Ward Development Committees and other stakeholders to prioritise water reticulation as they identify the various CDF projects.

Mrs Nalumango said proper water reticulation remains key to human survival and that it should be one of the first things Zambians should do using CDF.

She also cautioned that government will not entertain the importation of labour on CDF related projects but rather the locals should be allowed to fully participate in projects.

Concern has been raised by some ward development committees that the Ministry of Local Government is taking long to approve the signatories to the various constituency accounts to allow successful applicants to start accessing the funds.


  1. That is not the directing this man needs. He needs to be
    told to respect people whether they are Kachasu brewers or millionaire presidents.

  2. Some people acted as though they were above the law but patriotic Zambians booted them out hence, the bitterness.

  3. We seem to have wise vice presidents. If maddam vice president was to takeover from HH, i would not worry much. Gary should do some real work not that failed publicity stunt. Any way prove yourself now.

  4. Garry is Rural Development minister. Chikkala Garry has the best ministry to take advantage as next vice-president to Nalumango. I have question and wonder to Garry: Whatda fvck are you doing in that chaotic Lusaka? Man get out of that Kachasu City, go to RURAL AREAS and develop the things.
    Tip: open up farms with that CDF, man I tell you you gonna be popular minister. man.

  5. Reading between the lines, she fears him or he is actually the boss to her because she is not directing but recommending him for his failures.

    Read, ” She however notes that the Ministry is doing everything possible to approve the signatories…….

    Nalumango advise HH to fire Garry NkOmbo.

  6. HH and Americans are correct, because both parties are not planning to attack any country, Therefore, PF should stop twisting issues for which it lacks knowledge and correct understanding. On this particular matter, PF is simply informing us about its misunderstood fears and impossible expectations. Most Zambians are not stupid and, they understand the country’s most important interests and worries. Hence, in my thesis, I reveal that PF should stop lecturing HH and UPND on irrelevant issues which are dead on arrival. Add substance to any thesis and weigh your contributions before uttering anything. PF must realise that each time its officials say something, the image of the party is dented by uncoordinated thoughts and lack of critical reasoning.

  7. Bemba tribalists always seeing things in tribe. Zambians pls Dont make a mistake of entrusting a bemba again on the presidency becos, as you can see now from their desperation-they will never leave. Iam UPND & ba Mutale Nalumango is our respectable Vice President but she can not be recommended for the presidency,for a simple reason-She is a northerner. She herself is neither corrupt nor tribalist but the problem is, Caderism will return-i dont think she ll be able to control that. Bembalisation of institutions will also return-she wont see that or be able to control it. Look at Micheal Sata,i & my family voted for Sata even if we are not Bemba, but looke at what he attracted? Bembalisation of institutions(even when he himself was NOT a tribalist).

  8. I wonder what happed cos Chiluba was Bemba also but we didnt know or here of any tribalism.His cabinet was well balanced too. But with Micheal Sata – Everything changed, its like the man was a case on Zambia. He just attracted all sorts of tribalists and he tolerated it(even when he himself was no tribalism but he did tolerate tribalists in his GRZ-Emmanuel Mwamba, Kambwili, Emerine Kabanshi, Mumbi Phiri, Alex Chikwanda, etc. This was the birth of Bembalisation of public institutions and Lungu was installed to further this agenda & it worked. So, ba ma yo ba Nalumango sorry mama, in as much as we love you-u wont take over from HH for the reasons fiven above. You are a woman & those Bemba tribalists are way stronger than you & they will simply tell you what to do & you l agree cos you are…

  9. Bembalisation of Zambian institutes is what every Zambian should look out for and protect against from now on. Cos look, its not tribe that we are agaisnt-but if one tribe is so selfish that it only thinks of itself, then that tribe cant be here or be ever allowed to rule against-Look at how they ve suddenly turned against Given Lubinda?Believe me, if Lubinda was Bwalya, those confusions wudnt be there. They only want a Bemba to be on top ,look at all their aspiring candidates in PF-All northerners. This is not a joke guys , you need to start seeing Bembas for who they are-Genetic Tribalists. And they should never ever be allowed to rule again. They told you that a Tonga is a tribalist & will divide Zambia but look at that Tonga now-His vice is Northerner, his ministers are ll from all…

  10. @12 – You’re the only individual on this site, who is constantly on tribe. No one else is obsessed with tribe as you are – &, It’s always a tirade about Bembas being Congolese, Katangese, thieves or whatever you want to paint them. It’s despicable, and abundantly clear, who the real tribalist is – you sir! You seem to think your tribe is much more worthy than other tribes. This is absolute nonsense! Avoid running to tribe stereotypes – rather, discuss relevant issues raised in articles.

    #plant a tree please!

  11. @Zennia. I think this man is ai primitive rural product as he cant see any Zambian without seeing tribe. In his mind there is only two tribes. He spends all his time looking for Bembas to criticise. He only speaks about Bembas and Tongas. If he sees a Bemba he Tongalises issues and anyone with a Bemba sounding name is a Bemba. He doesnt even know that Chiluba was not a Bemba. Chiluba wasnt a subject of Chitimukulu the bemba king. even I from Mpongwe knows this.. One friend of mine in South Africa says he knows this tribalist as he hangs out with him in Bramley. I will try and send someone to civilise him about One Zambia One Nation. Fortunately there are very few such tribalists on LT.

  12. So Bembas are stupid to have elected your president? I thought Tongas and lozis tried to vote for him alone but they failed until Bembas came on board that’s when your HH got plot 1. Stop fooling yourself and work to unity the country. If Bembas decided to leave HH, trust me HH will fail to run this country

  13. I for one I don’t trust Mr Kombo. His leadership raises a lot of questions than answers from the time he has been an mp mazabuka has not received any meaningful development. when you move into that the roads for instance in Hillside the roads have been turned into drainages and these roads are usually worked on by people using their hard earned money. The road that moves from nakambala bridge into the market it was pathetic and it was done by marketers. I rest my case

  14. The leadership of Mr Nkombo raises alot of questions than answers.From the time he has been an Mp mazabuka has not received any meanful development. For instance the roads in Hillside have been turned into drainages. Only selected roads have been done by individuals using their hard earned money. Another road which became pathetic, was the road from nakambala ridge into the market which was done by marketers. These things raises serious questions than answers on his leardership.

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