Sunday, March 16, 2025

Former Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda has died


Former Finance Minister and veteran politician Hon Alexander Chikwanda has died. Chikwanda died after being ill, a family source has confirmed.

In February President Hakainde Hichilema visited the former Minister of Finance at a private hospital in Lusaka after reports suggested that the 83 years old business veteran has suffered a stroke.

Mr Chikwanda was born on 24 December 1938 and has served as a member of the National Assembly during the 1960s under the liberation United Party for National Independence (UNIP), where he rose to the post of Finance Minister and again in the 2010s, as Minister of Finance from October 2011 to September 2016, under the former ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Mr Chikwanda studied economics at Lund University in Sweden and in the 1964 general elections he was elected to the Legislative Council in the Kitwe North constituency, but later gave up his seat so that it could be contested by Andrew Mutemba. He returned to the National Assembly as MP for Kalulushi in the 1973 elections.

In 2011 became a member of the National Assembly again after being nominated by President Michael Sata, who was traditionally regarded as his nephew.


  1. There is time for everything, to be born and to die. The death road will be walked by all humans, though it is always shocking when one dies. We can never get used to it. Indeed it time for ba Mudala to go and meet his creator whom we are all answerable to. MHSRIP

  2. We were told that he was being questioned by ACC but how do you question an old man worse off a veteran and freedom fighter. My condolences KZ for losing a mbuya. RIP ABC

  3. Chikwanda died a sad man, the man never had any sleep ever since PF lost power in fear of corrupt ACC.
    Let me say it in a more straight and honest way; yes it is ACC who have killed Chikwanda at that young age.
    More PF will die from the …..

  4. Highly regrettably, MHSRIP. But he will be remembered as the architect of Zambian corruption and a trabalist.
    In 2014 Sata warned Chikwanda that he can not resign because he would be prosecuted for corruption during the rebasing of the Kwacha as he is suspected to have received huge gratifications from companies that printed and minted the new Zambian currency.
    Ng’andu Magande asked him to come clean and explain to the Zambian public his role as a supplier to the mines.
    And the Southern Africa Resource Watch says Chikwanda must step aside and pave way for investigations into allegations that he is a supplier to the mines.

  5. All of us will ultimately face death but more importantly how we answer for our living today before our creator – God. Earthly materials are nothings, makes life meaningless ……MHSRIP.

  6. The man who put us in a mess with two eurobonds and who managed to take the kwacha from K5 which MMD had maintained throughout their reign to K14 within a week.

  7. Fossil Chikwanda he came back in 2021 to help his nephew Sata even though he knew his economics principles were completely obsolete…called us lunatics when we questioned his chikwandanomics ancient calculations at the same time became a key supplier for the mines talk about conflict of interests. …27 billion dollars in debt again Mother Zambia. Guys we are only passing through on this earth …leave something to show for to the future generation now like these thieves.
    Greedy old man ACC must have visited him in the hospital.

  8. Some comments from upnd bloggers are shocking. Hatred even in death, bane!
    Awe sure, that’s why our Lord Jesus Christ said the words” He who has no sin, let him cast the first stone”
    The man has died and the least one can do is just keep quiet and let his people mourn him in peace.
    All of us will one day pack our bags and answer for our lives before our maker.

  9. Rip comrade. You have been killed by the political persecutions and victimisation at the hand of horrid evil hh. Your ghost won’t rest until hh is sorted out

  10. Indeed his legacy is a disgraceful one. Tribalism, nepotism, Debt and theft of public resources is what he and Sata plunged Zambia into. Leave UPND ALONE AND LEARN TO CALL A SPADE A SPADE.

  11. Browse b.l.t.c.h, the only tribalists are the ones that said only a tonga can rule upnd. They are all dogs including your tonga parents who gave birth to a female dog like you

  12. Kainyokolile Zulu malete tuna ahao, kanti ona mutanganyo onyafuta mwa sikopo sahao wena uzwa kai? Munungwahao.

  13. Please do not respond to the UK based impostor…its wants you to reduce to its level and beat you at its own game trading insults and detouring from the main message. Please just ignore it..its not worth your time!!

  14. Unfortunately Alex Chikwanda will be remembered as the architect of Zambia’s current heavy debts and the resulting defaults.

  15. Those prophets who claim to have powers come to Zambia now, we need to resurrect this thief so that he can answer a few questions on EURO-BOND and Tribalism.

  16. Realistically, Zambia wouldnt be where it is now if it wasnt for this fosil, he borrowed with his eyes closed and he was all the media boasting abt it. No bane! Chikwanda cant die now, he is still needed by many law inforcement agencies and even them they are mourning the hardest right now, cos all their one stop-evidence is gone! This was a very key witness with regards to EURO-BONDS. As he personally collected 2 EUROBONDS one after the other. But he diverted the money. So ACC/DEC/FIC wanted to learn how & where he put the money cos he only circulated 30% of it all in the economy.

  17. Chikwanda messed up the economy. He was corrupt to the core. Starting with PF advertising job to his illegitimate son David Kombe to stopping ZRA to collect from Africa Grey millions of Kwacha of PAYE, VAT and Witholding Tax on commission to brokers. Shady deals with milling companies, placing billions of funds with private banks while borrowing from aEurobonds and Treasury bills. He was a disgrace to Zbia, an enemy of Zambia. He shall rot in Hell.Amen.

  18. @7 Issacher and @15 Kaizer: Even during Funerals you want to still divide Zambians? Who are UPND Blogger here?? You PF thugs are so bitter. Zambians rejected you and you will never come back. Get it and accept that a Tonga MAN whom you called Names, is now the ZAMBIAN President. RIP Ba Chikwanda and if the dead kill. Please kill all arrogant PF members who made you to lose.

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