Sunday, March 16, 2025

Zambians should resist the attempt by the US to set up the AFRICOM office-Fred M’membe


Socialist Party President Dr Fred M’membe has said that setting up a United States Africa Command Office in Zambia has serious implications for the Southern Africa Development Community defence initiatives and raises anxieties in the region.

Dr M’membe said that the US has provided direct and indirect military support to Zambia for a long time now using the existing embassy facilities and defence attaché hence there has been no need for a new office within the embassy.

He has wondered what security the US wants to provide in Zambia having been against the country’s sovereignty and engineered so many military coups on the African continent.

Dr M’membe said the biggest threat to the Security and sovereignty of Zambia are the US themselves whose interests are minerals in Zambia and DR Congo, particularly Cobalt.

He said like Cecil Rhodes, the US is coming back to re-colonise some African countries for purposes of getting minerals.

And Dr M’membe has urged Zambians to wake up and resist the attempt by the US to set up the AFRICOM office in the country in the interest of getting minerals from the region which belong to the indigenous people.


  1. 100% in agreement.The current president is a puppet who can sell his soul just to worship whites.Ubututu fulufulu in this man.Doesn’t know that Zambia will be a target from torrorists and those against USA.Zambia is an independent state.That was my fear that our president always worships america.he thinks america would manage his economy.It’s the same president who has given mines tax holiday when Zambia has minerals of 21st century to develop the world and the county but he is busy giving them freely.Zambians wake up and dont allow these foreigners being supported by their puppet.Nothing good for the country but to save his interests because his assets are in UK and USA n he is scared even to say know to anything.It was big mistake to vote for the sellout.

  2. 100% in agreement.We have a puppet who can sell his soul just to worship whites.Ubututu fulufulu in this man.Doesn’t know that Zambia will be a target from enemies and those against USA.Zambia is an independent state.That was my fear that our president always worships america.he thinks america would manage his economy.It’s the same president who has given mines tax holiday when Zambia has minerals of 21st century to develop the world and the county but he is busy giving them freely.Zambians wake up and dont allow these foreigners being supported by their puppet.Nothing good for the country but to save his interests because his assets are in UK and USA n he is scared even to say know to anything.It was big mistake to vote for the sellout.

  3. 100% in agreement..It’s the same president who has given mines tax holiday when Zambia has minerals of 21st century to develop the world and the county but he is busy giving them freely.Zambians wake up and dont allow these foreigners being supported by their puppet.Nothing good for the country but to save his interests because his assets are in UK and USA n he is scared even to say know to anything.It was big mistake to vote for the sellout.

  4. “He said like Cecil Rhodes, the US is coming back to re-colonise some African countries for purposes of getting minerals.”LT

    Above article is misleading in the days of the Internet.

  5. 100% in agreement.It’s the same president who has given mines tax holiday when Zambia has minerals of 21st century to develop the world and the county but he is busy giving them freely .Zambians wake up and dont allow these foreigners being supported by their puppet.Nothing good for the country but to save his interests because his assets are in UK and USA n he is scared even to say no to anything.It was big mistake to vote for the sellout.We in trouble pantu ubututu fulufulu.He can kiss even the feets of USA chaps.

  6. @Moscow: You filthy PF street cadre,You talk Tax holidays as you ve an idea,what system did your own PF use against-closure after closure! And then what happened Congo took the no.1 spot as Top Africa copper producer when we were always no.1 until you thieves came into power. So you and Mmembe go yourselves into the streets and boycot against the decision-what are you doing here on social media? busy enticing others yet you and Mmembe cant even walk to statehouse or US embassy to protest, so who do you want to use?:

  7. And by the way ,ba dinasour,AFRICOM is a done deal bafikala. And at no time did the President put into public space for discussions. Its to protect our assets,we ve rebels in DRC & now Mozambique also ZANU-PF in Zim next door is becoming a threat everyday. So this is to protect our investment and more and more companies will feel protected to invest in Zambia & they ll flood-sky is only the limit. Yes we have peace but peace cant protect you from any foreign attacks-but AFRICOM will. What is see here is that this move has shaken all Dictators esp our neighbouring ones. It is now becoming clear that their days in office are truly numbered with the set-up of this.In KK days, Zambia was a command center against White Dictators, now it is going to become a command center against Black…

  8. Against Black Dictators fullsstop! we want peace in Africa. Peace is not only deserved by Zambia other countries need it too. We had White opression back in the days and all Black new about it and did something abt it-boycotts, movements,gorilla warfare etc. But now we Black Dictators opression against there own people & no one is doing anything or talking abt it.This is why HH is here-real change starts here-we want a peaceful SOuthern Africa and Africa at large. Time to be opressed by our own leaders is long gone! New way of doing politics in Africa is here.

  9. The presence of US facility for defense cooperation strengthens existing peace prospects and opens the door to unprecedented investments. That is exactly what experience teaches. Examples of peace and prosperity under umbrella of US defense umbrella includes Turkey, Italy, Greece, UK, Japan, South Korea and West Germany. The neighboring countries can do well to focus on their own domestic political issues. These include runaway inflation, unemployment and infrastructure crisis.

  10. The opposition parties in Zambia need to update themselves on current issues. Which REGION is this that is concerned? Angola, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa already have security cooperation agreements with the USA. Each country signed these agreements for it’s own interests. The four countries have nothing to say about the Zambian security cooperation agreement with the USA. They don’t give a damn. The only political party and country that is concerned is the Authoritarian ZANU-PF and Zimbabwe. The Zimbabweans have taken to social media to call our President, and Zambians names. They think Zambia is a pushover that they can recruit to join them in their anti-west crusade. Zimbabweans government officials and citizens are calling Zambians dirty poverty stricken illiterate puppets…

  11. Dr Fred Mmembe statement assumes as if security arrangements of some king does not exist with the Americans. Re-colonisation by the Americans is not a possibility as he recollects Cecil Rhodes wanton plunder of central African minerals. Chines influence is visible in Zambia today, is Mmembe suggesting Zambia is colonised by Chinese – far from it. Weak and poor leadership of PF almost made Zambia to be Chinised – with Chinese nationals in Zambia police uniforms, Zambian workers employed in Chinese companies on slave labour wages, and mandarin language on bill boards. That has disappeared and many Chinese traits will remain within the confines of Zambian law.

  12. I would rather the US buy our minerals and provide security than the Chinese as is the case now……….

    Full in the knowledge that a black man can atleast be allowed to rule the USA………..

    Try that in China and watch your monkey ass lynched………….

  13. It’s already too late. That f00I hh already sold this country. He started during privatisation and is now back to finish what he started

  14. We should also say no to socialist policies which this socialist party is trying to introduce to us.

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