Sunday, March 16, 2025

Alexander Chikwanda laid to rest


Former Minister of Finance , Alexander Chikwanda has been put to rest today at Leopards Hills Memorial Park in Lusaka.

The burial ceremony was attended by the Vice President Mutale Nalumango, sixth Republican president, Edgar Lungu who was accompanied by his wife Esther Lungu and Lusaka Mayor Chilando Chitangala, various government officials and some former Cabinet ministers.

Mr. Chikwanda’s family described the former late minister as a generous man who played a huge role in bonding the family and keeping it united.

Mrs Margret Chikwanda, wife to the late Chikwanda, in a tribute read on her behalf by her niece, Christine Mayondi, said the late husband was a generous family man who upheld family values and ensured that the entire family stayed bonded.

Mrs. Chikwanda said her late husband spent quality time with her family despite his busy work schedules.

She indicated that he travelled abroad together with family and created so many beautiful memories which she will treasure forever.

“Bashi Chifwembe’’ father to Chifwembe, you embraced all family members in our home and cherished having everyone around and appreciated their visit.

You enjoyed sharing meals and wines with all our relatives indeed our home was a home for all. You were a good man,” lamented Mrs. Chikwanda.

And Mr.Chikwnada’s son Thilasoni Chikwanda described his father as a friend to all his family members who went an extra mile to please everyone.

He pointed out that his father was very supportive of his family and ensured that everyone got a good education and excelled in all their endeavors.

“I enjoyed the last moments few moments that we spent together with you dad and all my siblings, you were selfless and kind to everyone,’’ said Mr.Chikwanda.

Meanwhile former vice president of Zambia, Enoch Kavindele said Mr.Chikwanda inspired so many young people to join the fight for independence during the colonial rule.

He said Mr.Chikwanda had a very good influence on the youths during the struggle for independence and inspired them to join the United National Independence Party (UNIP) and fought for the Independence of Zambia from the colonial rule.

“All the little knowledge that I have about politics was impacted by Mr. Chikwanda who was my mentor and friend,’’ said Mr.Kavindele.

He added that Mr.Chikwanda was a nationalist and some of the decisions that he made still evaporate even now and have benefited so many Zambians.

Mr.Chikwanda was born on 24th December in 1938 in Kasama District of Northern Province.

Mr.Chikwanda served in various Ministerial Positions including that of Finance from 2011 to 2016 during the Patriotic Front regime.

He died on May 3rd, 2022 after illness.


  1. A very solemn burial. We will miss you sir. I was very touched by all the speeches that showed how great you were my grandfather. Oh god guide and protect us under this evil regime. Hhs persecutions led to his death


  3. How i wish he died 12 years ago. Zambia was not goig to be with so much debt which this man got in just 5yrs he was finance minister…he was a useless man to the country and a taxpayer parasite.he saved in all govts jst to eat gvt money from 1964 to 2016 no retiring.lousy men.

  4. He was a good man, he should just have avoided relationship with the PF which grounded our country in all areas of human endeavor

  5. Chikomba we also wish that hh dies today so that we can save our country from his incompetent leadership. I pray every day for his death and I know it will happen soon. Amen

  6. Chik0mba we also wish that hh dies today so that we can save our c0untry from his inc0mpetent Ieadership. I pray every day for his death and I know it will happen soon. Amen

  7. This man shd have been prosecuted for the debts he got after being bribed..he has left us in problems but his family wil be enjoying the bribes he recvd……

  8. Chikwanda and Kavindele two crooks, one left for hell, while the second one continuing conning the public. Kavindele a place next to ka Chikwanda is reserved for you in hell.

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