Tuesday, March 18, 2025

President Hichilema eulogises Chikwanda


President Hakainde Hichilema has described the late former Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda as a resilient and focused man who served the nation with perseverance.

Mr. Hichilema said the late Mr Chikwanda, with his many other colleagues, were among the young people at that time who fought for the independence of Zambia and later on worked to improve various sectors such as health, infrastructure and education.

He said this when he visited the late Mr. Chikwanda’s funeral house in State Lodge in Lusaka yesterday.

President Hichilema noted that the late Mr. Chikwanda and others implemented various policies such as the free education policy up to university level, which benefited many Zambians.

He observed that young people must emulate the life of the late Mr. Chikwanda and ensure that they serve the public with all their very best ability at all times.

“He obviously started early as a youth in the struggle for independence and then went on to do many things for the country which many of us benefited from. He occupied key positions during the infancy in the building of our nation. Because of that, we thank him and his other colleagues, some of whom are gone by now,’’ said President Hichilema.

The Head of State added that the late Mr. Chikwanda was known not just inside Zambia but also abroad.

President Hichilema further said he shared a personal relationship with the late Mr. Chikwanda for a long time and served together in the Barclay Bank board.

“I found him there with his friends. He had that commercial economic side which was extremely good but he also had the social side which I knew for a long time,’’ he said.

He has since urged the general citizenry to mourn the late Mr. Chikwanda in a peaceful and respectful way.

‘’We wish the family our sincere condolences on the sad loss of Mr. Chikwanda and obviously he did a lot for this country and because of that we thank him for his work,’’ said Mr. Hichilema.

Mr. Chikwanda, 84, died on Tuesday May 3, 2022 in Lusaka after an illness. He served in various ministerial positions including that of Minister of Finance from 2011 to 2016. He will be put to rest tomorrow at Leopards Hill Memorial Park in Lusaka.



  2. Let us be serious you two commenting above. I am mourning my mbuya.

    The only reason hh was allowed there is because he holds office of president otherwise he would have been forced yo not attend. Hh caused the death of this great man and in true hypocritical style he acts as if he cares about our dearly departed.

    It is our tradition to donate to family during funeral regardless of their financial status. I gave 10,000 usd. Hh is a stingy thief. Not even a single ngwee

  3. The stubborn goat is no more Fossil Chikwanda…we are in so much debt partly because of this man…had he excercised prudency back then when he had influence on his nephew Sata we wouldn’t be so much indebted to China. Now he is gone and he will not pay back a penny …his children will enjoy the loot.

  4. It seems Computer Science has woke up today wanting to communicate with the UK based impostor/ troll/ Fraud…leaving little bites for it pick up on every comment. if you are bored and in need of companionship simply ask it for its proxy email linked to its various aliases…I am sure he will accept you as a UK based Pen Friend.

  5. It seems Computer Science has woke up today wanting to communicate with the UK based Impostor …leaving little bites for it pick up on every comment. if you are bored and in need of companionship simply ask it for its email linked to its various aliases…I am sure he will accept you as a UK based Pen Friend.

  6. It seems Computer Science has woke up today wanting to communicate with the UK based Impostor …leaving little bites for it pick up on every comment. if you are bored and in need of companionship simply ask it for its email linked to its various aliases

  7. Why do we pretend and tell lies. Mr Chikwanda was being investigated and some interrogation was done so since when did he become resilient and focussed? Personally I would just keep quiet.

  8. Computer scientist I have the right to put any picture I wish to in my own building. Why should I be forced to place a picture of ugly hh in my own building. Is he my husband. Tell mutinta to put up a picture of him not me

  9. The grand Mafia boss is no more. Mr Chikwanda played key roles in the economic destruction of Zambia and was mute when his kin’s men and women raped Zambia’s financial resources through corruption and thefts. Zambia would not have inheritated huge debts and loans the children of our children will live to be repaying. The legacy Mr Chikwanda leaves behind is thefts of unproportioned scale in Zambia. Evidenced in the current arrests of some corrupt PF operatives. Michael Chilufya Sata then, now Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda next, recover assets in names of all beneficiaries of this corrupt clique.

  10. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of the day.

  11. Here comes Deja Vu the self appointed sympathiser for PF crooks… if ACC were serious this Fossil would have died handcuffed to a hospital bed. All they have to do is crosscheck VAT repayments from Ministry of Finance to the time the mines paid suppliers given that his company was one of the main suppliers.

  12. HH was speaking sense. Chikwanda even if you hate him contributed greatly to Zambia’s independence

  13. Deja Vu – I have no affliation to UPND or ruling party unlike you I tell as it is when something is wrong…my party is Zambia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Ba Zambia Army nabo. You cant bring those rifles with paint on them for a ceremony. You tidy up!

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