Sunday, March 16, 2025

Prof. Annie Sikwibele to act as UNZA Vice Chancellor


Education Minister Douglas Siakalima has recommended the appointment of Professor Annie Sikwibele as Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia.

Mr Siakalima has also recomended Professor Boniface Namangala to as act as deputy vice chancellor.

The recommendations are contained in a letter to UNZA Caretaker Committee Chairman Prof. Stephen Simukanga.

Prof. Sikwibele’s and Prof. Namangala’s appointments follows the sacking of Prof. Luke Mumba and his Deputy Tamala Kambikambi.

In a letter, Mr Syakalima said Professors Sikwebele had Namangala will act for administrative convenience until substantive office bearers are appointed through the appropriate search committee.

“Following the separation from the University by the vice chancellor and the deputy vice chancellor, I wish to recommend that you appoint the following to act for administrative convenience only until substantive office bearers are appointed through the appropriate search committee as provided for in section 16 of the third schedule of the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013,” he said.

The Minister has since urged the institution to immediately put together, a search committee to begin the process of recruiting the substantive vice chancellor and deputy vice chancellors.

Who is Prof. Annie Lungowe Sikwibele?

Prof. Sikwibele is an outstanding academic with over 40 years experience in higher education sector including over 10 years in education management and leadership in Zambia and Botswana.

She has served on several university and academic committees and global forums relating to education, education policy, education technology and gender in Zambia, Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, India, and Swaziland.

She is one of Zambia’s first female professors.

She is currently serving as Deputy Vice Chancellor at Zambia Open University where she has worked in various capacities and also served as Board member since 2019.

A former lecturer at both UNZA and University of Botswana where she served as Director of distance education for 6 years, Professor Sikwibele is so well respected in education circles and has pioneered a number of curriculum developments across Africa.

Prof. Sikwibele also served as Dean School of Education, Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Distance Education at Mulungushi University in Kabwe from 2009 to 2019.

She has also had working roles at Ministry of Education, Oxfam and USAID between 1998 and 2005.

She is a member of the Committee of Learning Programme Experts at Higher Education Authority where she leads reviews of learning programmes in Education Management and Leadership. Besides, she is also a member of the Zambian Journal of Educational Management, Administration and Leadership (ZJEMAL).

She has multiple publications to her name in lots of peer reviewed journals. She has authored and edited numerous books, textbooks and booklets, chapters on education, conference books and monographs for the World Bank and UNESCO, refereed and non-refereed journal articles, and research reports.

Prof. Sikwibele was born in Kaoma, Western Province in 1953 and is the fifth born in a family of nine.

She attended primary school at Mankoya Local Education Authority (LEA) School which later changed its name to Kaoma Primary School.

She pursued secondary education at Holy Cross Secondary School in Mongu.

She attained her first degree at UNZA and went on to do her masters degree at Stanford University in California, U.S from 1977 to 1979.

Later she went back to University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she got a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Education.

She then transferred to the University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign in the USA for her PhD studies and graduated in 1989.

Summary of her Education and Professional Credentials:
– University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Doctor of Philosophy Education Policy Analysis ( 1985-89)
– Stanford University
Master of Arts (MA) in Curriculum Instruction and Teacher Education ( 1977- 78)
– University of Zambia
Bachelor of Arts (BA) – Secondary Education and Teaching (1972-76)
– Dublin City University
Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and ICT (2015)
– University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Certificate in Advanced Education Studies (1983-85)
– Jilin University
Modern Distance Education and Network Communication (2009)
– Cyber Leadership Institute
Executive Cyber Resilience Programme (2021)
– Mulungushi University
Corporate Governance (2012)
– Mulungushi University
ICT Strategy (2012)


  1. Lazy journalists: She is one of Zambia’s first female professors. There’s no such thing. Just find out how many female professors there are before and after her. Do some Research before presenting the report to us readers!!

  2. You didn’t have to write all details about her, look at her, she such a dignified woman. Just look, these are women who should be Republican Presidents, not fi Saboi Mboela (but still romantically love Saboi)
    She should be confirmed.
    Sad part is that her vice is going to be a MAN. Zambian men are such dirty corrupt creature.
    I love you women, I love you….

  3. We heard months ago through red brick that Professor Namangala was going to be the next UNZA VC. It is just a matter of time before the position is given to him. Sikwibele is just warming the seat for him.

  4. Some distinguished people dont need to be introduced as such, cos just by you briefing us about them,we ourselves begin to see the substance in them as you explain further. And by the time you finish introducing the person , there would clearly be no objection. This is what we now need in all key institutions going forward-Pls ministers and Ministries,Appoint highly qualified or experienced people to manager our economy at this trying moment of Debt disease. We need smart people to get us out of this,no cadres again like Mumba pls.

  5. Kambwili! Honorable? That can only happen in Zambia. He is a tribalist. The rogues that want to kill Zambia.
    Just like Mutaware Step Aside here. The two need to emigrate and find a tribal region to settle in. May be in outer Mongolia. They stink


  7. @2 Zenia
    Am busy planting trees on my property in Livingstone…this coming week am planting 4 umbrella trees….

  8. All institutions it’s about appointing Tongas.
    Even in private universities in southern province they have chased other professors.Lusangu universiry is one of them.They want only tongas to head institutions.I have never seen such thinking.Anyway we knew it only youths

  9. They are busy accusing kambwali tribalsit meanwhile busy doing it.These are real tribalsit.have never seen in the world.It’s about tongas heading everything.

  10. Moscow I Warned the people. They didn’t listen to me. By next year all government positions will be filled by abene hachombwali hatonga

  11. Tr00ll you warned a lot of people about a lot of meaningless things carry on cause most on here dont care
    all your tribal talk will have no affect on the country most will see the benifits in years to come
    if you lost for something to do
    arrange a funeral for the pf party as there is no hope for its recovery !!
    people of zambia are more assute now to thier lies and deciet
    even you lazy lungu is almost been forgotten

  12. Oh no I’m a Chamboli product so I didn’t see the tribal angle. I didnt know she is a Tonga. And she has my childhood friend’s name Sikwibele

  13. Hach hech hich Si Sia sia ha ha oo aa ii uu ee!
    Yes hon Kambwili was extremely right, right? They will go viral in all Govt institutions. Our fears were always real. But be strong Zambians. It ain’t gonna be easy. From a mild Frying into a wild fire.
    Affirmative Action.

  14. What is the role of a Vice Chancellor of a university? I stand to be corrected but apart from Lameck Goma to Jacob MWanza, they have all lamentably failed to run the UNZA. Many courses are taught by Masters grade lecturers. It looks like UNZA is failing to attract high calibre academic staff in the region.

  15. For heaven’s sake, since when did Sikwibele become Tonga? And why is it that virtually all positions are currently held by the Chimbwili Katangese people, it was an agenda to Katangise Zambia into a Bembastan.

  16. How can you be living in the USA and you are making hateful tribal comments against your country! You must be living a miserable life.

  17. 118 citations and high index factor of 5, on google scholar, too little for prof. there is prof michelo ….

  18. She is Lozi, not Tonga. So where is all this ranting about Tongas coming from? Tribe shouldn’t be an issue here. But worrying that she is a woman in this ‘tough’ climate.

  19. Termination of L. Mumba as Unza’s VC is welcome. This chap belonged to a consortium that betrayed many good innocent academics at Unza as he served in FTJ Chiluba’s “system”. As President Mwanawasa resolved to unearth Chiluba’s corrupt activities, Mumba connived with an American female Prof. to promote the importation of GMO-infested maize from USA. It took a patriotic Director of NISIR who advised Mwanawasa against the importation of the lethal GMO-maize – an advice that prompted Mwanawasa to stop this rotten trade. Mwanawasa later galvanised Zambians to grow more maize even under irrigation – and Zambia has been a net exporter of maize to this date. The Govt must also delete Mumba’s past misinformation data to Chiluba’s “system”.

  20. Firing Vice-Chancellors and their deputies is not what will sort out the numerous problems UNZA has. We know there is a grand scheme to replace Easterners and Northerners in public institutions. This is what this is all about and not performance of individual officers. This can be seen even from those being appointed to be in temporary positions in the institution in question. Nepotism, tribe and cronyism will not take this country far.

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